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Starting a new thread for this topic as the Part 1 has become too big, it will be closed, but can still be viewed
. So, new pics of bunny flops can be posted in Part 2-Here
Hehehe, I wish Billy would nap like that, it would be really cute! But he's not the kind of bunny that will trance or feel relaxed outside of his cage :?. The picture I posted is a still taken from a video in which Billy overshot a flop and completely rolled over. It's the first and only time I've seen him do that! For his second flop he was very careful to roll over gently into the pillow to avoid another flopping error. Here's the video (sound has been muted):While Billy's nappin', I think I'll nab 'im. :biggrin2:
Digital cameras are definitely the easiest thing to use in terms of getting video footage onto a computer (unless they've updated the way camcorders work without my knowledge). With a memory card of 2 GB my digital camera is capable of filming 25 minutes of footage on its high quality setting, which is pretty decent video quality for a camera meant for photos. Then all it takes is for me to plug in the cord and drag the video icons over to my desktop and voila!I have to get Eric (BF) to show me how to work his camera as I only have a Video Camera (does not take photos - cheap but effective for video's). Baxter! will flop all day - but he does it so quick its you really have to be waiting for it to get it on "film"..
Of my two Mini Rex girls, only Emma truly flops outside of her cage. (She hasnearly rolled over completely many times. She just over rolls.Jenk wrote:Hehehe, I wish Billy would nap like that, it would be really cute! But he's not the kind of bunny that will trance or feel relaxed outside of his cage :?.While Billy's nappin', I think I'll nab 'im. :biggrin2:
Same here when I first saw my bunny, Zoe, zonked out. She didn't even respond to me calling her name and gently clapping my hands; so I really panicked. And just as I reached her cage (with my heart in my mouth), her head popped up; and I jumped backward, I was so shocked (in a good way^ the first timewe brought him home from the shelter and he did that....I panicked!
The legs sticking straight out