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  1. Tammy B


    Hi Welcome to the forum :bunny17: I am new to bunny owning and new here on the forum as well,Look forward to hearing more from you and seeing pics of your new bun.:bunnyheart
  2. Tammy B

    Any pics of buns

    This is what a very unimpressed lop looks like LOL. Stewie has decided that he is going to pee on me everytime i let him out of his area.So today he was out for 10 mins before he ran up to me looked me right in the eyes then quickly turned around and peed on me then while i was distracted with...
  3. Tammy B

    Foster Faliures

    Einstein lol
  4. Tammy B

    The Life Of Bumble Bee: her blog

    What a beautiful lil bun Bumble is :) Very sweet of you to find the old guy a loving home where he will be spoiled. Look forward to seeing more pics of her and getting to know you and her on the forum.
  5. Tammy B

    introducing snow (flemish giant)

    have you looked into maybe getting one of those play yards? They can be made to any shape you want and it's tall enough that she can't jump over it..You can get them at walmart and those places in the baby section. Just an idea for now till you can find the cubes and order them.I attached a pic...
  6. Tammy B

    Clumps of fur

    Sounds like a pregnacy to me too..I had a female bunny that did the same thing not long ago she just started leaving hair like that randomly...I would do what someone else suggested and put a nest box in there for her and see what happens.I did that for my girl and within 4 days she had her...
  7. Tammy B

    Is anyone actively in need of Critical Care? (FREE bag; expires next month)

    glad to hear Gazzles is feeling better :)
  8. Tammy B

    Homemade bunny toys!

    Well i tried the willow ball and it doesn't seem to be working out yet URG...I think i'm going to have to soak the branches longer than a couple of days to get them thawed all the way through in order for them to bend and twist properly ...I will get on it though lol....Willowball building...
  9. Tammy B

    Can I use ivomec ear drops for a bun?

    Stewie i have discovered has been shaking and scratching at his ears.I've looked inside and it seems obvious to me that he has ear mites nothing in the cat yet.I have some ivomec earmite treatment that you put in your cats ears to get rid of them(Gizmo my cat had them last fall..Miserable lil...
  10. Tammy B

    introducing snow (flemish giant)

    Hi And Welcome to the forum..Snow is an swesome name and she is very big for 4 months ...makes my lil mini lop look very small and i think he has gooten big in the last month and a half since i've had him lol.Look forward to hearing more from you and seeing and hearing more about Snow :)
  11. Tammy B


    Welcome to RO :bunny24. I have a lil rescue bun named Stewie who is also a mini lop.Can't wait to see some pics of Sage!
  12. Tammy B

    Very sick rabbit - need advice - RIP

    I just saw your post I am so sorry to hear about Raina :( has there been any improvement in her condition?What did the vet say?
  13. Tammy B

    Clipping nails ?

    Yes i agree with everyone start now....I adopted stewie in january(he's the awesome cute guy to the left there :) ) And i started pretty much right away as he was 4 months old and his nails were really long and haven't ever been clipped i don't think but he was really good about it.I just talked...
  14. Tammy B

    Welcoming Home Baby Bunny!!!

    Congrats on your new addition...And yes pics as soon as you bring him/her home :bunnyheart
  15. Tammy B

    Any pics of buns

    This is Stewie :heartbeat:
  16. Tammy B

    New member- and looking for some advice!

    Hi and Welcome to RO... I don't have advice for you being a new bunny mom myself just wanted to welcome you to the forum :) there are many experienced people on this site to help you with any questions that you may have regarding your new bun. Make sure to post some pics of your lil one when...
  17. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    OMG!!!! They are adorable :happybunny:. they get cutier and cutier....hopefully someday i will be able to get a buddy for Stewie but at this point i have my hands full with him hahaha
  18. Tammy B

    New Rabbit Question

    Can you post pics of him? I agree with OakRidgeRabbits 5 weeks is way to young
  19. Tammy B

    New and looking

    Hi There... I agree with missyscove and whiskylollipop a bunny is a big commitment and is not to be taken lightly.It is not like owning a cat or a dog as i am a new bunny owner myself and have had alot of eye openers since my new ownership of my bun.They definately need to be neutered if you...
  20. Tammy B

    My precious Miguel is dying

    I am sorry to hear about your bun Miguel ..I have recently lost a bun who was in obvious pain but being a new bun owner i had no idea what was going on till it was too late.Is he grinding his teeth and/or grunting or anything?I agree with jbun and Lovelops if he is not eating then he needs to be...