The Life Of Bumble Bee: her blog

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2014
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Hi guys! Ok, I got two rabbits a day ago. I got one boy and one girl. I named the doe Bumble Bee and the other Pioneer. Sadly, Pioneer turned out to be really old. My friend wanted a rabbit but couldn't find one. Being me, I gave sweet Pioneer to her with no charge. I get to see him, and I don't have to feed him! I will miss him. So, right now, as I'm starting this, Bumble Bee is sitting in the bathroom lying on the heat vent. It's so funny! Here's the first photo of her I took when I brought her home.ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391984951.425475.jpg well, now, I came into the bathroom to check on Bumble on here's what I saw.ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1391985089.292685.jpg she weighs 4.5 lbs!haha
More To Come
Oh, Pioneer looks so cute! I'm sad to see Pioneer go! It was very nice of you to share your rabbit but I hope it went to an individual who knows how to take care of rabbits and knows what to feed them. So how are you and Bumble bee getting along? Have you got her cage set up?

Good luck and please keep us posted!

Her cage is just perfect. I gave her a lot of toys. Pioneer went to someone who has had rabbits all her life. He has settled in with her and she said he ate when he got home. I hope he loves her!
What a beautiful lil bun Bumble is :)
Very sweet of you to find the old guy a loving home where he will be spoiled.
Look forward to seeing more pics of her and getting to know you and her on the forum.

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