Is anyone actively in need of Critical Care? (FREE bag; expires next month)

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Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
I just found the bag of Critical Care that I was looking for last month to see if I could spare someone having to order one online *facepalm*. It expires next month and the odds of me needing it in the next few weeks are slim to none (and I already got a new bag anyway).

I hate to throw away an unopened $9 bag of Critical Care (apple-banana flavor, 141g size); I'd rather pay a couple bucks to mail it to someone else than let it go to waste!

Is anyone (in the US) currently feeding Critical Care to a rabbit or other herbivore? If you'd use the bag before it expires, just say something here (so people know it's been "dibsed")/PM me your mailing address and I'll send it your way!
Keep in mind this product keeps well past its date if stored open or closed in the freezer
Oh, really? It's not like pellets (refrigerator good/freezer bad)? I figured it would still be good for a while past the date as long as it had never been opened, aside from potentially tasting a little stale (since that's true of most similar foods, like crackers, cereal, etc.)... but at the same time, I haven't used Critical Care since my girls were spayed 15 months ago and there's only so far that it's reasonable to "push it" on expiration dates :p. It hasn't been refrigerated or frozen since I bought it nearly a year ago, either, which seems like a good reason to use it sooner rather than later... sounds like a good idea for the new bag, though!

Regardless, I don't need two bags, so I'm still happy to send it along to someone else :).
FFS! I had a feeling I might regret being so confident that I wouldn't need Critical Care this month. I could care less about giving the old bag away when it turns out I could've used it myself, since it helped a fellow RO member and I'm all for that... but I feel obliged to be a little butthurt about the irony of nursing a bunny through GI stasis today, lol. Kind of a "screw you for thinking you could predict the future" >.>

I'm also a little miffed that - of course - it was freaking Gazzles who got sick on me. She's my "OMG, WTF, THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IF YOU TOUCH THE SIDE OF MY MOUTH, OMG, OMG, OMG, STOP IT, I HATE YOU, STOP IT, I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU TRY TO SQUIRT THAT IN MY MOUTH!!!!" bunny. (The vet had equally bad luck with getting her mouth open and keeping her still at the same time - she was about to fetch a vet tech to pin Gazzle down so she could check her teeth, but I told her I was comfortable doing it.)

When I first noticed something was up, I was able to get a dose of metacam into her without too much trouble... but simethicone was another story entirely. She normally laps it up willingly, but wasn't having any of that this morning. I got maybe .5 cc into her *tops* before finally giving up. Naturally, the vet determined that gas was the cause of the stasis symptoms; meaning if she'd just let me give her that darned simethicone to begin with, we might not have even had to go to the vet. Critical Care was also an ordeal at first... thankfully, gas or no gas, I wasn't about to try to fight her into that simethicone post-vet visit so I mixed it into the CC to kill two birds with one stone; about halfway through syringe feeding her, she decided she actually wanted to eat it willingly :p.

She's doing a lot better already, so all is pretty much good at this point... but I could've done without the darn universe punishing me for being nice! Darn universe, lol.
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Geesh, isn't that always the way? What is that called...Murphys Law? Anyway, so glad she is feeling better.
Sorry, Jennifer. Yes, that seems to be the way it goes. "No good deed goes unpunished!" as they say. That's my life! lol Glad Gazzles is feeling better. Hope she continues to improve! Gazzles couldn't be in better hands.
Still kinda battling the stasis... appetite is on again/off again. Most recently, she refused the Critical Care she was happily eating earlier, refused another dose of simethicone and then ran around the room periscoping, frolicking and causing general, hyper naughtiness :p. She left some poops in the process, which I was delighted about, lol.

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