Welcome! I'm so glad you found RO - it's a wonderful resource

When you said "getting into Netherland dwarves", did you mean you intend to show and/or breed them? I ask because there are some significant husbandry differences between pets and breeding/show rabbits - in particular, diet, housing needs and exercise needs differ *significantly* between altered, indoor pet rabbits and intact show and/or breeding rabbits. Everything in this section is applicable to house rabbits but some of it should be disregarded if you're showing or breeding.
[As a note, it's a good idea to be aware when reading or creating forum threads that by default, most people seem to give advice/information regarding diet and/or housing based on what's ideal for *their* type of rabbits (ie pet owners will often give advice that's right for house rabbits but inappropriate for breeding/show rabbits and vice versa).
The vast majority of our members are pet owners; if you're breeding/showing, you'll want to note this in any questions you ask and learn to recognize the names of folks who reliably give you breeder/shower-specific responses
Anyway, here are some great sites to browse while researching:
http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=75235&forum_id=48 - first aid kit info
http://www.rabbitsonline.net/f21/ - rabbit savvy vet listings
http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=53690&forum_id=93 - great litter box system; I highly recommend the grid even if you don't want to build the whole thing (check 1/3 of the way down the first page)
http://rabbitsindoors.weebly.com/ (
Blueeyes' website)
Also, I've got some tips and information on the
bunny page of my website - you'll need to scroll about halfway down the page to get to it (it starts just past a block of four little embedded YouTube videos)
NIC/C&C cage info:
These two sites lay out the basics very clearly:
http://www.guineapigcages.com/cubes.htm (shows how to do coroplast floors if you'd rather use that than plywood)
And this site that JBun found gets into the nitty-gritty details - lots of different designs, some in-depth videos, all that good stuff:
The best deal on grids for the cages (in the US) is - surprisingly - at Sears (if your local store doesn't stock them, you can do site-to-store to avoid shipping fees):
How many boxes you need obviously depends on the design, but you'll need at *least* two boxes to build an appropriately roomy condo unless the bunny is 100% free range and only uses their cage/condo as a home base for their food and litter box.
Each box contains 23 grids.
Here are the two condos I've built:
If my assumption that it sounds like you intend to work with the breed (ie breeding/showing) is correct, then I also highly recommend these sites:
http://oakridgerabbitry.weebly.com/articles.html (
OakRidgeRabbits, this site's author, is actually a veteran (and very active) member of RO)