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Sage's mom

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score

I met Sage, a mini lop who was put outside by his former person, two years ago.

He was sitting in a field on a cool spring evening, watching me walk. I must have walked by him one or two times before a neighbor asked me for assistance in catching him. She thought he had been abandoned and was in danger of being eaten by a fox or coyote. So, I caught him. She subsequently asked me to keep him. Although I knew nothing about rabbits, I had participated in rescuing other breeds of animals. After a trip to the vet, treatment for a bacterial infection, Sage settled into his new home in my guest room and has become a part of our family. I can't begin to express my joy at watching him blossom and come out of his shell. He is truly a brave, spectacular little guy!
Hi & :welcome1 to you & Sage!
What a wonderful rescue story! So glad you were able to catch & take in your little Sage! Nice to have you join us! Please post pix & more about Sage! We love pix & always enjoy hearing about other bunnies!
Welcome to RO :bunny24.
I have a lil rescue bun named Stewie who is also a mini lop.Can't wait to see some pics of Sage!

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