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  1. iluvmybuns

    how bad is it?

    Ok boyfriend's mom said no bunnies for 8 months. :(I hope they let me switch apartments......I don't know what else to do:sad:
  2. iluvmybuns

    how bad is it?

    Okay I'm really worried about this whole thing. I don't know what to do because they would have to be in the basement and it isn't finished so it's kinda cold and cement floor. I am trying to see if they will move me into an apartment that isn't near the woods. That might help me out, so...
  3. iluvmybuns

    how bad is it?

    I have 2 bonded free roam bunnies. I have an apartment and I'm buying a house in March but the apt. I'm in has HUGE massive spiders and I can't live here anymore. I want to leave and stay with my boyfriends parents, but how bad is it to move them to his house now and then move again into a...
  4. iluvmybuns

    Blinky- rest in peace sweetheart

    I am so sorry to hear this Rest in Peace Blinky
  5. iluvmybuns

    I almost did a No No today...

    Yepp I'd be a crazy bunny lady too if it weren't for Al. He keeps me in check. I only have a one bedroom teeny tiny little apartment... 2 people and 2 buns is the max here. But when I get my house it will be a different story...
  6. iluvmybuns

    Heart Bunnies

    Bunnys_rule63 wrote: Yeppp, I was reading all these and the old thread and couldn't ever decide if I had a heart bun or not. I am so attatched to them both for different reasons.They are both my little loves and I'd be so miserable without either of them.
  7. iluvmybuns

    Bangbang teaches puppy a lesson

    Oh my god that is so cute!!!Aww I wanted a puppy that can be friends with my buns!
  8. iluvmybuns


    Okayy that's fine!:biggrin2:You poor thing I know how it feels. When I got mine done I was a complete mess. Looked like I tucked a baseball into my cheek on each side. Ew. Anyway feel better soon sorry if I sounded like I was rushing you!
  9. iluvmybuns

    stupid question

    Neither of those are stupid questions. Haha cause I don't know either. I guess one is considered an adult for rabbits. It's like when people get preggers older they are considered "high risk" and stuff like that. Some one will come along who knows what theyre talking about tho.....
  10. iluvmybuns

    Bat in the rabbit room

    Wow Haha that would be me screaming!!!
  11. iluvmybuns


    omg that IS cute. I've gotten a Pepsi chin to the knee once or twice. Never Ozzy but Ozzy chinned Haley so I guess she is his...
  12. iluvmybuns

    please talk me OUT of it-part 2

    Aww he is so lucky you found him!! He sounds wonderful, and he seems to, uhm, love you already!!! Bless his little heart. btw...Who feeds a bunny PIZZA??? haha poor baby
  13. iluvmybuns


    Did you ship Pepsi and Ozzy? The post office is terrible since I moved, just wondering if I need to call them or if they just haven't shipped yet. I'm so anxious!!
  14. iluvmybuns

    Three, free roaming rabbits?

    Yepp!! There are people on here with trios! It's harder (I've heard) than bonding a pair but completely do-able
  15. iluvmybuns

    You're HOW old?!?

    I'm 22 :biggrin2:Even though I look 12.
  16. iluvmybuns

    Peapoo&Petey are gone

    Oh my god I am so sorry for your loss, I cannot even imagine. Rest in peace sweet babies.
  17. iluvmybuns

    health hazard

    Oh you poor thing I'm so sorry this happened. I couldn't imagine. At least they didn't make you get rid of all of them. I live in an apartment where we can have animals but I bet if I had 10 they would find some reason to flip out too. Managers of these places don't care :(Again I'm sorry the...
  18. iluvmybuns

    Hay question

    Youre so smart ;)Poor guy was scared I was going to send him for the hay and he was going to have to be admitted to the hospital...
  19. iluvmybuns

    Hay question

    Okay well I'll look at it before I buy it. We have a plan B. My uncle is a hydrosodder(in other words a hermit)and he has bunnies and emus and peacocks and fox and deer and all sorts of animals. He said that he has farmer friends and can get me a bale off second cut timothy hay for free...
  20. iluvmybuns

    please talk me OUT of it-part 2

    Yay we succeeded!!!!! I mean, uhm, sorry;)Hehe. Aww yay! I'm happy for you both. And listen to Haley on the bonding thing. She was my bondingteacher and all she had to do was come over and POOF!.....they were bonded........ In reality though I had a super easy bond it was ridiculous. Hope...