Bat in the rabbit room

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TK Bunnies

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
We just (meaning a less then a minuit ago) had a bat flying around the house. It wouldn't go outside!! My dad chased around. Eventualy it went up into the rabbit room. The buns weren't sure what to do, peopel were up by them, but they weren't paying any attention to them. This really bothered Teacup. Eventual we caught it in a curtain (no one got bitten, or anything like that) ant put it outside. The rabbit room is also my room. So before it got cought it hid in my clothes!!

The bat was fine and now it's outside. Although it'll probably be back inside by tomoro night.


Oh sorry about the spelling, I can not spell to save my life. :p
I'm not surprised your bunnies were a little freaked out by the bat. My two don't like the ceiling fans in our house. I think they perceive them as winged creatures out to get them! :(
Aww...poor bunnies...poor you...poor bat. :p

Bats freak a lot of people out, but they are awesome creatures. They consume TONS of mosquitos and other bugs and really are pretty harmless.The only true negative for us is that they tend to be carriers of having them indoors can be scary.

I am so glad to hear your family got the little guy back outside without any harm coming to him or any of you. I hope he finds a good, safe spot to "hang out" so that he won't revisit your room.
Lets just say I'd be freaking out. I would most likily cry. I HATE bats. Like, I hate them to the point of putting a bucket on my head when one comes inot the barn cause I am scared its gonna get caught up in my ponytail! :(

I'm glad you got the bat out, and that everyone is okay...

But do you mind me asking... HOW DID YOU GET A BAT INTO YOUR HOUSE?! *Shudders*
I really don't know how the bat got in. But he was very big brown bat. He was so agile and graceful. I like bats. He was really lovely.

I think he was the one we found in hybernating in our basement this last winter.

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