I almost did a No No today...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I dunno what it is about rabbits, I really don't, but there's something about them that makes you feel like you always need just oooooooooooooone more bunny to take home with you... Lol. I hate that feeling :shock:Hehe.

I am in a 3 1/2 and I have 3 buns already and I really really should not get another but while I was in the pet shop today I spotted one that looked exactly like the holland lop on this site: http://www.theshirerabbitry.com/bunnies.html.

It was sooooooooo cute and so so soft! I have always loved lops and I am surprised thatdo not have one already but it just didn't happen. So when I spotted this fluffy, I sooooooo fell in love. The problem is the only logical place I could put it would be with Dahlia so I was really hoping (and not hoping Lol) that it was a male. It turned out to be a female however so I convinced myself it wasn't a good idea.

To make matters worse, as if he always knows what I'm up to, Mario called me from Greece to check up on me, right when I was checking out the bun. LOL. *Sighs* It is a good thing really, because it really isn't the logical thing to do. But at the same time, you just can't help wanting to take more home :shock:

How many of you have this problem? And does your significant other always butt in at the worst times? LOL
Yeah I could definitely become "crazy bunny lady" if I didnt restrain myself. We live in a pretty good sized condo with no other animals so its easy to fill it up with bunny condos. Right now I have 4 of my own, 2 that Im fostering and 2 that Im bunnysitting.

Im finding its a lot of work though. Plus the extra hay/litter/hair is taking its toll on my allergies.

Its also frustrating when you have so many because you have to keep them all apart from eachother! I have baby gateseverywhere you look:biggrin2:

Yeah I could definitely become "crazy bunny lady" if I didnt restrain myself.
Me Too!!

I don't think I've ever met a bunny that I didn't want to take home with me!:bunnydance:
Yeh Im like that with everyone I see! It doesn't matter to me if it was the scruffiest, ugliest bunny on the earth, Id still wana take it home with me:D. I wonder if you can get some sort of medication for this sort of thing?:ponder::running bunny
The pet store I went to yesterday had one rex from the shelter (they're over crowded) and one super-sweet, super-fat dutch girl that just wanted nose rubs. And she had the cutest ear. She was perfectly marked except the white went up one side of her ear and it was so cute. Her parents moved to a military base in Florida and couldn't take her.

And today I'm going to the shelter to drop of supplies and photograph the 20+ (!) bunnies for a few people that might be interested. I'll put them on the forum too. James was there yesterday and wanted to bring home a dwarf girl, a siamese cat, and a cute, elderly mutt dog!

Must... be... strong!
Yepp I'd be a crazy bunny lady too if it weren't for Al. He keeps me in check. I only have a one bedroom teeny tiny little apartment... 2 people and 2 buns is the max here.

But when I get my house it will be a different story...
I don't seem to have this problem. If I want it I get it. Even if it means driving down to North Carolina from Pittsburgh to get it. If I haven't been out of the house for a while and haven't seen a bunny I wantedt o get....its ok because I can always make more.

I think i'm almost upt o 60 rabbits now. Lets see....


Thats how many bunnies I have. That adds up to.... wow 62? Is that right? I kind of just did it quickly in my head. Hmm. And Cymry and Integra and two of my lops are pregnant and due on the 30th. yay.

And I forget who, someone asked if maybe there was some kind of medication for the problem.....
I can think of many but theres this crazy side effect called ''death''.

Though a pair of handcuffs and a padded room works great. Handcuffs can be hard to find and if you don't want to spend that much, you can always use zip ties.

naturestee wrote:
The pet store I went to yesterday had one rex from the shelter (they're over crowded) and one super-sweet, super-fat dutch girl that just wanted nose rubs. And she had the cutest ear. She was perfectly marked except the white went up one side of her ear and it was so cute. Her parents moved to a military base in Florida and couldn't take her.

And today I'm going to the shelter to drop of supplies and photograph the 20+ (!) bunnies for a few people that might be interested. I'll put them on the forum too. James was there yesterday and wanted to bring home a dwarf girl, a siamese cat, and a cute, elderly mutt dog!

Must... be... strong!

naturestee, your photos from the shelter about turned me into the crazy bunny lady! OMG, how I fell in love with Capt. Jack.

If you haven't seen her thread with their pics...you should check it out!

What keeps me from becoming the crazy bunny lady? I'm already the crazy cat lady...

Hey, we can transport Captain Jack to you! He really needs a home. He's been there for so long and he's gotten fat from doing nothing. Poor boy was shocked by having a new toy in his cage, he really doesn't get a change in scenery much and that's with me bringing huge bags of toys in every month or two.

Edit: If that dog didn't already have an application in when I went in yesterday, we might have adopted it. It's so slow and laid back (and small) that it would have been ok in our small, crowded house. James almost filled out the application on Friday, I kind of wish he had, LOL!
naturestee wrote:
Hey, we can transport Captain Jack to you! He really needs a home. He's been there for so long and he's gotten fat from doing nothing. Poor boy was shocked by having a new toy in his cage, he really doesn't get a change in scenery much and that's with me bringing huge bags of toys in every month or two.

Don't think that the idea hasn't crossed my mind... I can think of a thousand reasons that this would be a bad time... Then I keep seeing that precious little face... I'll keep pondering the idea...
I am a "crazy bunny lady" and I only have 1! :pI can't even imagine how crazy I would get if I had more than that! Bunnies would be all I talked about. :craziness


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