Well-Known Member
I dunno what it is about rabbits, I really don't, but there's something about them that makes you feel like you always need just oooooooooooooone more bunny to take home with you... Lol. I hate that feeling :shock:Hehe.
I am in a 3 1/2 and I have 3 buns already and I really really should not get another but while I was in the pet shop today I spotted one that looked exactly like the holland lop on this site:
It was sooooooooo cute and so so soft! I have always loved lops and I am surprised thatdo not have one already but it just didn't happen. So when I spotted this fluffy, I sooooooo fell in love. The problem is the only logical place I could put it would be with Dahlia so I was really hoping (and not hoping Lol) that it was a male. It turned out to be a female however so I convinced myself it wasn't a good idea.
To make matters worse, as if he always knows what I'm up to, Mario called me from Greece to check up on me, right when I was checking out the bun. LOL. *Sighs* It is a good thing really, because it really isn't the logical thing to do. But at the same time, you just can't help wanting to take more home :shock:
How many of you have this problem? And does your significant other always butt in at the worst times? LOL
I am in a 3 1/2 and I have 3 buns already and I really really should not get another but while I was in the pet shop today I spotted one that looked exactly like the holland lop on this site:
It was sooooooooo cute and so so soft! I have always loved lops and I am surprised thatdo not have one already but it just didn't happen. So when I spotted this fluffy, I sooooooo fell in love. The problem is the only logical place I could put it would be with Dahlia so I was really hoping (and not hoping Lol) that it was a male. It turned out to be a female however so I convinced myself it wasn't a good idea.
To make matters worse, as if he always knows what I'm up to, Mario called me from Greece to check up on me, right when I was checking out the bun. LOL. *Sighs* It is a good thing really, because it really isn't the logical thing to do. But at the same time, you just can't help wanting to take more home :shock:
How many of you have this problem? And does your significant other always butt in at the worst times? LOL