Heart Bunnies

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Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
ellissian wrote:
Do youthinkit's possible to find another heart bunny after you've lost yours?

Yes, I think so.:)Heart animals are those very special animals that touch us in such a way that they change our lives, and although they may have to leave us, I think they will always find a way back to our hearts. Although maybe in another shape or form.;)

Read Tina's 'dajeti2's post from this page about how she lost her beloved, incrediblyspecial, heart bunApollo, yet found another heart bun - Otis.:)

Thanks Jess :) I will read throughtthe thread, at the minute I'm not too convinced, I will ever find another heart bunny. :?
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Truth is, they are two halves of a whole. Icouldn't live without one,when one is distant, the other is close, when one is mad, the other wants attention, but they both know my heart.Together they are my heart bun.
Yeppp, I was reading all these and the old thread and couldn't ever decide if I had a heart bun or not. I am so attatched to them both for different reasons.They are both my little loves and I'd be so miserable without either of them.
My heart bunny was Alfie who i rescued from a life of dirt, grime, poo and being attacked by cats and dogs :(

I had him only a week, when i took him to the vets for a check up i found out he had obviously been kicked or hit at his previous home and had so much damage to his insides, as well as overgrown teeth, blocked tear ducts, a sludgy tummy and bites on his ears that he just gave up the fight and we had to have put to sleep.

I still miss him to this day and wish i could have saved him sooner........:(:(

Starina wrote:
I Understand what you are saying Michalea. My TinkleBunny will always have a special place in my heart. She is my first bunny and is the reason I am now a "bunny person." That place can never been filled again. I know I am going to be a wreck when she does leave me, and I can't even think about it or I will get choked up. That is why I don't want to really get a second bunny, I will feel like I am cheating on my Special Lady. It sounds silly, but she fufills my need to love someone and nurture them, I don't need anyone else.

Awww :hug2:Doesn't sound silly at all.:) Everyone feels a bit differently about this type of thing, of course we do, we're all had different experiences with our rabbits. I'm glad I already had Ebony and Pebble before I lost Berri, I think I would have been reluctant to get another bun,I think if I didn't have them to focus on, I would just have thought about the pain of losing her, and forgottenhow rewarding having a rabbit was.:(
iluvmybuns wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Truth is, they are two halves of a whole. Icouldn't live without one,when one is distant, the other is close, when one is mad, the other wants attention, but they both know my heart.Together they are my heart bun.
Yeppp, I was reading all these and the old thread and couldn't ever decide if I had a heart bun or not. I am so attatched to them both for different reasons.They are both my little loves and I'd be so miserable without either of them.
I know how you feel, I think there is such a thing as having2 heart buns.:heart::)
From the old thread:

HoneyPot wrote:
my only bun has been Cookie, and he's his own little man. I know he loves me and I love him tons, but I think he would love anyone who gave him treats...

I also think my heart bunny is still out there and will find me.
You were right!


So far I've had two heart bunnies. My very first bun, Peter and Wildfire.

Peter was a little black dwarf pet store specialty. He gave kisses and snuggled. I would tell him all my troubles growing up. We had him put down after he lost mobility at 13 years.

Wildfire was very special to me. She started off being aggressive and hand shy, but she turned into the biggest mush:

I miss Wildfire everyday. My heart still aches every time I think of her.

But the experience of coming across a second heart bun several years after loosing my first gives me hope that another will come along in the future.


I'm been thinking and I've realised I only have one heart pet at a time. I have lots of animals and it's not like I have a heart piggieand a heart catand a heart bunnie, and so on.

Before Milly was my heart pet it was my baby piggie Amber who died almost 2 years before I even knew Milly. Before Amber it was my cat Cassie who died 6 years before I owned Amber and before Cassie it was my dog Kam......I'm not sure if I'm making sense here, but I know what I mean. :)

Although I love all my pets dearly, every so often one comes into my life and totally steals my heart. I love them quickly and deeply and feel like I've known them a lifetime.........it's strange. :?

Dr. Melody Frankenbunny aka Mel aka Miss Melly aka the Evil One. This is Mel visiting Stay-A-While Cat Shelter http://www.stayawhilecatshelter.org

And here is a picture to show why she is called the Evil One. I love this picture of Slavetoabunny//Patti after an encounter with Dr. Melody Frankenbunny.



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