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  1. Michaela

    A Miracle Named Vinny - a GRR production

    Ugh, how can people let rabbits get into that condition? How can they care so little? :( But thank God Vinny got rescued, he's been lucky, and he's gorgeous! Hopefully he'll get a nice home soon, he deserves that! Thanks for sharing. :)
  2. Michaela

    protection of electrical cables

    Do you have B&Q in the south? That's where I got my NIC grids, they are available online too though. They can be tricky to get hold of, took me ages.
  3. Michaela

    In memory of GingerSpice and Tiny....a request (pictures)

    Gosh two years..:hug: It's coming up to two years since I lost Berri. :( This is a great thread, Peg. I haven't taken pictures of my rabbits in a while, and now I'm going to, you are right. I regret not taking enough pictures of Berri, though at least I have plenty of Pebble. Thank you. :)
  4. Michaela

    Agouti Bunnies - Showing my Maxer Man some love.

    Max is beautiful!! :hearts I LOVE agouti rabbits! All of the rabbits I've ever had have been the "ugly" colours. :( Ebony and Berri are all black, Ruby and Pebble are REWs and Maddie is chinchilla. REW is my favourite rabbit colour, and I will always opt for the less popular colours when...
  5. Michaela

    My two baby girlies are gone. =(

    Ahh I know that feeling, it's horrible.:( At least you know they will be well cared for. Maybe you will get to look after them when the new owners go on holiday? Hopefully she will join up here. :)
  6. Michaela

    protection of electrical cables

    Here is the Library thread on this, some useful ideas here. :) The only room I've really had to bunny proof in my house is my own room, as that and the kitchen are the only rooms any of them are left unsupervised in. But I have used NIC grids to block off the wires, it works pretty well, but...
  7. Michaela

    New to the forum

    Welcome to RO! :wave: Awwww Nora and Milly are adorable! I want to see your rex bunny too! :D Enjoy posting!
  8. Michaela

    Hi from "icebox of the nation" aka Northern Michigan

    Welcome to RO!:wave: I'm sure you will enjoy posting here! :D
  9. Michaela


    I am so sorry you lost Noel. :tears2: She was really beautiful. Don't apologise for rambling, feel more than free to talk about her as much as you want here, let it all out. :hug: Binky free Noel. :rainbow:
  10. Michaela


    kherrmann3 wrote: I understand what you mean. :) Its like how the various Canadian and American accents sound very similar to me, but I can still tell the difference in them, to an extent.
  11. Michaela


    What is your first language? English Where were you born and raised? Approximate areas, I am not trying to stalk you! Northern Ireland What other languages do you speak? A little French, not enough for a proper conversation though. Where and why did you learn the other languages? Was it...
  12. Michaela

    Our bunny, Snickers

    Awwww Snickers is so cute!! :hearts Welcome to RO! Hope you have fun here! :wave:
  13. Michaela

    Too...Much.... STRESS

    Don't worry about coursework, they will really guide you through it and to be honest it's a lot better than doing exams. :) I did Triple Award Science, if you don't like Science then I wouldn't advise it.. I think a third of my timetable last year was spent in Science, even more this year as I...
  14. Michaela

    Hello from upstate New York

    Welcome to RO! :wave:
  15. Michaela

    Comfy housing question?

    Do you mean for this to be in the hutch or the run? The hutch should have a sleeping compartment, so something like this wouldn't really be needed, but if you mean for a separate run you will need a shelter for that. :)
  16. Michaela

    Birthdays, Gotcha's and Other Special Occasions

    My 18th Birthday: 16th August Maddie's Birthday: 31st January Ebony's Birthday: 17th March Ruby's Birthday: 27th June :)
  17. Michaela

    Willow Ring

    I've never heard of willow rings getting stuck around rabbits before.. scary. I usually get the willow balls, they are great toys!:) They don't seem to last very long though, Ebony and Ruby got a big willow ball recently and it was gone within a few hours. :rollseyes
  18. Michaela

    Well, Bella-Boo can't keep her name....

    Ahhhh gender fairy!! :panic: Haha sorry about this! Takumi is a really cute name! :D
  19. Michaela

    weather warning for ireland and uk.

    We've only had a little snow so far, it didn't stay, not enough for a day off school.. but hopefully tomorrow or Thursday. :P Electricity was off somewhere wasn't it though? Hopefully it will just be snow, and there are no bad accidents with the wind.
  20. Michaela

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    Becca wrote: I read the books, saw the film twice, and am now reading the books again. Actually, I'm listening to the aAudio books, but it's the same. I still picture them all like I did first time I read it, except the people from La Push, I had them all wrong! :P