Hello from upstate New York

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Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
Melrose, New York, USA
Hi everybody,
Looks like a great site and am looking forward to chatting with you. I have been breeding Silver Fox for about a year now and am enjoying them very much. Hope to learn from you all.
Welcome to the forum! Glad your enjoying your bunnies! Yes, pics please! ;)

And this may seem like an odd question.

But, your name is spelled Gerry (obviously). Do you say it like 'Jerry' or 'Gary'?

Because I have a friend named Gerhart who uses Gerry (pronounced 'Gary')
Hudson River Rabbitry wrote:
Blue Giants
Do you show your Fox?
I've only showed them once (took a Best of Breed with my JR. buck!). But I'm looking to breed the 2 girls this spring, so they won't be shown any time in the near future... but if their kids look good, maybeI will have Juniorson the tables by the fall!
I think you'll love the forum.
I had to look up Melrose, NY (I'm from Los Angeles, but going to Cornell and I'll never get this state's geography down) looks like you're not far from where a friend of mine lives in Clifton Park.
I'm looking forward to hearing more about your rabbits.
I recently attended my first show in Rochester, NY. I entered 4 jr. does and 1 jr. buck, all from the same litter. One of the doe won 1st place jr doe in a field of 10 and went on to also win BOS. So that was fun. Another of the doe entered got DQ'd for being a buck.:headsmack Too bad, she/he was really nice. Had a good time and look forward to the next show in Lebanon, PA.
My parents lived in Scotia for many years! It is so beautiful up there! (We used to go to the gideon Putnam Hotel for their Sunday morning brunch! I've never seen such a spread of delicacies!)

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