Well, Bella-Boo can't keep her name....

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2008
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The Queen City!, North Carolina, USA
Because SHE is really a HE! We were cutting bunny nails last night and I saw her "boy berries". Since I had no clue (both my guys are neutered) Chris and I hopped online to get pics of boy and girl parts so we could compare...and in our expert (being VERYsarcastic)opinion, we were still sure she was a girl :D. So I was worried that something was wrong LOL. Here's the link to that post, many thanks to angieluv for showing me the light!


Maybe that's why I could not find a name that "fit", none of the girl names I was thinking of felt right. Now we want to name him Takumi, like all of the others, as soon as I said it, it clicked!
Takumi is a Japanese name. Chris and I watch Initial D and the main character's name is Takumi. It's an anime show (originally a comic book) about drifting, it's really good! There is a movie out there based on the series, but I've not seen it.

Thanks for the link! I like the name Aiko too, maybe as a middle name.
Sure thing I name my young white loinhead bunny Buneary it a japanese pokemon name, and his other is shinzui is japanese for spirit.
Ha! Gender fairy visit!

I find this funny because in the beginning, Berry-Boo was "Bear". Gender fairy visited him... err... her, too! :p
NZminilops wrote:
Na na, na na, dude looks like a ladyyy!

Darn gender fairy ;).
LOL, I was singing that to him last night!! To be honest, I'm actually relieved that he's a boy. I was really starting to worry about having "her" spayed by the shelter. They did a good job with Gixxer, but neuters are easier than spays. The vets are mostly dog and cat vets so I was seriously thinking to having my vet do it.

Bo, I remember that! It's weird to look at them as boys when you've been looking at them as a girl! I was thinking of decorating his cage super girly with pretty fleeces, I'm glad that I found out before this weekend!

Boo Radley....I like that! I'm still going to try to incorporate "Boo" into his name somewhere. Especially since Berry-Boo (Felice) was originally thought to be a boy. She and my bun have so much in common :D
That other thread is hilarious! I too am glad they are "berries" and not something bad. I wonder what you were looking at that looked like girl parts? Phoebe Mae was missexed as a boy at 8 weeks old, I thought she was a girl and the vet confirmed that. Time has continued to confirm it because she's almost 6 months old and so far berryless :biggrin2:

You could call him Belly Boo! I like Barney Boo and Boo Radley, or Barry Boo :dude: Takumi Boo?
Snowy, we did not have a clue! We went online to get pics of boy and girl parts then flipped him over to compare. Then we grabbed Alaska and checked her...then Max (my poor buns felt so violated last night, first pedis then this!) After all of that research, we still felt that he was a girl :D! It was pretty funny, I'm still chuckling about it.

Jade, you and me both. My poor paperback copy that I've had for almost 10 years now is falling apart from being read so much. It also has water stains because it's my favorite "bath" book.
I remember when Clover was a boy, then a girl, then a boy, and again a girl. I'm not sure WHY we thought that but we did. Maybe all her fluffiness looked boyish under there!

Bo has a girly pink blankie! ;)He's secure in his masculinity or lost it completely with his neuter....... HE picked his blankie!

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