Willow Ring

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2008
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Bunn Town, Indiana, USA
Is this toy safe for my bunn?can she eat it?


Mini Willow RingThe Busy Bunny [suP]®[/suP]

Another mini Big Hit! This unpeeled tightly woven willow ring makes for a tasty chew toy that can be tossed around and chewed on. I like to take a piece of sisal and tie the ring to their pen or hang it from the "Ton of Fun Bun Run"


3" dia. x 0.5" thick


1.5 oz


if it don't have varnish on it than yes it's ok , nothing should not be on the willow ring .

no laquar or varnish or polish it
Yes, it is safe! All of my bunnies have either willow rings or willow balls from The Busy Bunny. It's such a great website--everything on there is safe for your rabbit :)

I'd be very careful with those willow rings.

I gave one to Winston a while back and he ended up getting it stuck around his tummy. Somehow he put his head and front feet through the willow ring and it got stuck around him. Believe meit was very tight. It's a good thing I just got up (he livesin our bedroom) and noticed it. I had to get Chris (hubby) to hold him while I cut it off with scissors.

Winston is a smaller bunny but I'd still be very careful if you are going to give your Bunny one of those.

:yeahthat: I have had a rabbit get stuck in those things. He freaked.For some reason I changed plans that particular night and stayed home....and had apair of cutting pliers within reach when it happened. He was spinning and twisting....could have very easily injured himself had Inot been right there. I think there are much safer toys.

Actually the same thing happened to Summer, although she got it stuck around her neck, go figure, so be careful.
My rabbit loves wicker toys. His favorites are the balls as he tosses them around and chases after them. I've never tried the rings but after everyone's comments here I don't think I will. Its not worth the risk of him hurting himself.

The rings should be fine if they are too small to fit over their heads.
Lola loves her willow balls!

she's got some loose and then there are some that we put on her "treat kabob" ( it's intended for birds or rats...but works well for a bun that pushes her food around!)

we took some hay and stuffed it in the ball and added a fruit loop in the middle (she doesn't get those very often and usually she has to work hard to get it!) she still hasn't worked her way to the loop but it's sure not for the lack of trying! :biggrin2:

I would think the rings would be ok if they were the right size
Than it's settled than only use williow balls for bunnies.

according from past exsperances from other bunny lovers they had problems with the willow rings.

willow balls are safer for buns.
We have a couple of bunny sites that we trust to have non-toxic things like this.

I also go to the dollar stores (thank you undergunfire) and fine little wicker balls, rings and stuff that don't have any chemicals on them.

Mine have a big ring and they haven't eaten it yet...... but the little ones from a bird store we go to - they last about a day LOL!
My solution for not getting the fabulous willow rings stuck on my bunny: I get the mini size. I usually get 5 or 10 when I order from Busy Bunny, they're only a dollar each. They are too small to get stuck on anybunny's head or around their middle, unless your bunny is quite tiny. (They probably wouldn't be good for young small bunnies.) My bunnies absolutely LOVE them. Sometimes Amelia will take one over in a corner where Nick can't see her and eat it all by herself.

Oh, they love the willow balls, too.

I think the photo/description you posted is for the mini size, according to the price. It is only 3 inches across, measuring to the outside edges. I would avoid the full size ones, based on the reviews here.
I get willow baskets for my buns. I don't see a problem with the willow rings as long as you watch your bun while she's playing with it. Take it away when you are not able to supervise her. Also, be careful of them eating it too quickly. Berry-Boo (our old foster) chowed through a whole basket in one night. She was fine, but I was really worried about blockages!
I've never heard of willow rings getting stuck around rabbits before.. scary. I usually get the willow balls, they are great toys!:) They don't seem to last very long though, Ebony and Ruby got a big willow ball recently and it was gone within a few hours. :rollseyes
Here's a picture of Winston, I drew exactly where the willow ring got stuck.


and a picture of the willow ring I cut off him.


Believe me it was very tight and very scary.

Wow, that is scary, Susan! I'm so glad he's ok now.

Slavetoabunny, I've been trying to finduntreatedwillow ringsat Michaels for a while now without luck. Where exactly do you find them in the store?

Evey wrote:
Wow, that is scary, Susan! I'm so glad he's ok now.

Slavetoabunny, I've been trying to finduntreatedwillow ringsat Michaels for a while now without luck. Where exactly do you find them in the store?

I think they are in the floral section. They aren't shiny, so I'm positive they are untreated.

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