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  1. gmas rabbit

    oops, guilty as charged

    hahaha and they are organic, non toxic, used to feed "worm farms". ( one of the nicer names I callled him )
  2. gmas rabbit

    Good soft/hard carrier for a Flemish Giant

    Derby is a french lop and weighs almost 11 pounds. He rides in a medium sized dog carrier when being transported. Flemish giants are another half size bigger than he is when grown. Benjamin was over 14 pounds and had a different carrier to pack him around in. One time at the vets we couldn't get...
  3. gmas rabbit

    oops, guilty as charged

    So my birthday was on 9 -11, a pretty easy day to remember. My children made me a cake and supper, but my husband did nothing. That really hurt as he just took it for granted that everything was being done, so he had to do nothing, not even a card. I have been telling him for the last month that...
  4. gmas rabbit

    The Food Dish Saga

    So we have been fighting with Derby for months about his food dish. He pulls them all over, dumps them, flips them etc, etc. Doesn't seem to matter what size, weight or whatever. My husband came up with a super idea. We have stuck the coarse side of velcros tape to the bottom of his dishes. 2...
  5. gmas rabbit

    My bunny is aggressive

    Just had my daughter's rabbit Elmira spayed. She is three years old and had 2 litters of bunnies. She went from being super docile to aggressive about 2 months ago. The vet felt that it was definitely horomonal so we opted since she lost her mate to have her spayed. She went through periods of...
  6. gmas rabbit

    Taught my rabbit how to do a trick!

    that is so sweet. Will have to try it on Derby. Need a much bigger area with him though.
  7. gmas rabbit

    Bunny support group....For those who have been "invaded"

    Well I has to deal with a gweat big ugggly tat. He is mean and sooo fat. He jumps over the gate to my bedroom all da time and scares me. I knows I is a big guy, but dis uggly guy is 16 pounds of sheeer terror. Mom tells him to get out right now and puts him back in Brendans room. He is allowed...
  8. gmas rabbit

    Post-spaying care questions

    Just had my daughter's rabbit Elmira spayed on Wed. She is a mature rabbit so they gave her intervenous and kept her overnight. Their recommendation was no major jumping or hopping for 14 days. Sounds extreme, but will see how she heals. I am sure your little bunny will come through with flying...
  9. gmas rabbit

    rabbit blamed for fire

    I am so glad that everyone is alright. It certainly could have turn out differently. My daughter had a house fire a few years ago, the results of the house having once been a growop and the people tampered with the wiring. They were not as lucky as they lost all their small animals that had been...
  10. gmas rabbit

    Winter in October?!

    I certainly would be bringing them in if possible.
  11. gmas rabbit


    my hubby is the same way. Little things tick him off and he has to slam,yell and carry on. It is a man thing, they like to be in control. Personally I just laugh and leave the room. They seem to think that this kind of behaviour helps with their frustration.
  12. gmas rabbit

    heavy duty chewing

    you can get alfalfa or timothy in small compressed blocks. Derby loves his and occupies his chewing needs for awhile. He has the tendency to chew on his stuffies or rugs if there is not something more appropriate available
  13. gmas rabbit

    Augh, so frustrating...

    It is up to your insurance adjuster to make access who is at fault - the school district or God. The school board has nothing to say about it. Talk to your insurance company and let them handle it.
  14. gmas rabbit

    Love my bun<3

    pets and bunnies are to spoil and love. Hey your friends will get used to it. We are all a little bunny crazy on here.
  15. gmas rabbit

    Hutch cover, enough ventilation?

    If the bottom of the cage is wire, they should be getting enough ventilation. I would open it up during the day if it is warm, at least a bit and close it up completely at night.
  16. gmas rabbit

    Can a 5-week-old rabbit eat grass?

    If they have access to running in the yard , it is pretty hard to prevent them from eating a little. I am sure in the wild they munch a bit here and there.
  17. gmas rabbit

    Opinions on what Bruiser may be?

    He is a cutie, wonder if he will ever grow into his name?? lol I was expecting to see a great big french lop like Derby.
  18. gmas rabbit

    RIP Angel

    it is hard to lose them at any age, harder still when their lives have hardly begun. Binky free
  19. gmas rabbit

    Help please. Is my rabbit okay?

    He is lonely and missing his mom. He views you as a surragate mom. Enjoy it, means he will be a snuggle bun.
  20. gmas rabbit

    Wat tings do yoo like to nom?

    carpeting, phone books, blankets, leather chairs - I especially luvs to num dos, wibbons on my stuffies, and da stairs under da deck.