Bunny support group....For those who have been "invaded"

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
Hi everybunny, Fraggles here....

I have been seeing a lot of talk about invasions on the homes of other buns. Q-tips mommy is talking about falling in love with a new (and possibly softer) bun. I saw a bun who was being threatened with a ham! Ham's are terrible fuzzies who will stuff there cheeks with all the treats and veggies so there is nothing left for a bun...
Rueben lives with terrible kitties and he is to fatz to hump them into submission....(Sorry Rueben).....Even I have been forced to live with that terrible Muppet.
So this thread is for all those bun's who were invaded or being threatened with invasion...

Do you wanna talk about it? Share your concerns? Vent? You can talk here, counselor Fraggles is listening....


we has two hams and mommy's garage has two cats, an opossum and a raccoon living in it now and they eated LOTS of food... but they eated cat food, so we don't care 'bout dat.
Mommy's gonna volunteer at a place with other bunnies. What if she meets someone??? What if they want to sit on her lap??
Houdini here, iz bads enough dat I hads to share my house wif dat fuzz butt Gary, but nows we haz to bof deal wif Panda! Sometimes I jus haz to hide froms dem awl.

Gary also tries to hide, buts hims is nawt as good ats it.

Jus wook at dat Panda! Hims thinks dis is hims house! It makes me furrious!
You see! Ham's, other bun's even a opossum???? What the heck is a opossum? Yes Q your mommy could meet somebunny new...Have you chinned her lap? Houdini your to big for the basket but I understand the need to hide :(
Monty the Giant here...I have heard murmurs of there being a kat in the baffroom, but I haven't seen it. I don't think it's a threat tho, because mommy seems very angry at that creature and tells it to shuddup (she tells me that too when I am digging for treasures when she is flopped) and tells it it is very bad. Apparently it doesn't have nice poo-box skills like me :D I miss when I used to be allowed to hop thru the couch room into the baffroom to sniff around and hop laps around the potty to make mommy laugh. The floor is a little less slippy in there. But I still get hops in the kitchen, and lots of "UP" salads (ugh why does she make me work so hard for noms, what am I, entertainment?), and head rubs. I hope that "kat" thing doesn't start being good, because I like all the good attentions :)
Well, my mommy has two goggies, and they're so scary. :( But mom protects me from them, whenever they come into the room she says "No, you know you're not supposed to be in here" and they leave. They listen to mommy real good. I don't listen to mommy. I don't have to. I'm too cute. :) She also has "rats," whatever those are, but they live at daddy's house because mommy can't breathe if she's around them for too long. Mommy talks about a "kat" all the time but I've never seen one before.

Mommy keeps talking about getting me a "husbun" but she always changes her mind. She says she thinks I'm too much of a diva and I wouldn't share her. Well, of course I wouldn't, I don't like to share my stuffs! And I'm not a diva, I'm just better than everyone else. Geez, mom, get your facts straight.
Oh, you have not yet heard the worst, Fraggles. I have been reinvaded, AGAIN. This time, it's a dog. Or, they call it a dog. It's smaller than me, so I'm not convinced, myself. But here is the worst bit. They named her Ruby! But...that's my for-short name! I spell it with an 'e' to make it look more masculine, but it's pronounced the same!

Mum keeps arguing about it, but they insisted. :( She barks at everything and everyone, and gets carried everywhere like a rat. She won't ever stay on her own, she always follows humans around, so I haven't yet tamed her. But one day...

And I am not too fat to hump! I just have more class than that. :nope:
Well I has to deal with a gweat big ugggly tat. He is mean and sooo fat. He jumps over the gate to my bedroom all da time and scares me. I knows I is a big guy, but dis uggly guy is 16 pounds of sheeer terror. Mom tells him to get out right now and puts him back in Brendans room. He is allowed to roam the upstairs and back rooms until I goes upstairs at night. Den he has to stay in his bedroom and not bother me.
Poor Derby! I don likes one ob our cats, but she iz at weast easy to scare away. De over is so much fun to pway wif dat we chases each over since Becky cants chase too much. She is getten better at it though and joins in somes.

Luckiwy de over aminals in de howse are fine and stay in dere cages. I dont mind sharing a bite of noms since de reawy small and dont eats much.
My mommy has 2 cats and a dog. I dont like that dog at all. Mommy let us meet one time and that thing put its paw on my head and pushed me down to the floor. I got so mad I went running and thumping and mommy couldnt find me for a long time. I wish she would get rid of it! But she says i dont have to meet the dog anymore. I dont mind the cats, they dont bother me.
We has a meow too, but hes nice. He was here 'fore me so hes ma "big brudder". Hes 6yrs old an he sleeps LOTS. He used to try beatin me til mommy told him he hadda be nice to da bun. He dusnt like it but he listens to her cause she gibs him nomies.
Well, that thing ventured into my room. She thought she owned the entire house, because the ginormous dog and the pitbull/staffy cross both back away from her yaps. Ha, I sent her out again in a hurry!
Shya here. I share a house with all kinds of things. Luckily they know who is boss. I'm thinking about a class to teach everyone my chuck norris kick and upper cut. It works on everything here, humans included. The cat however has claws. He got me in the good eye and I was not a happy camper. Revenge is so sweet though. That guy wont even see it coming. Where to hide the body though........
Here's an update, guys:

Mommy says she's taking me to meet another bun.

ANOTHER BUN? Oh gosh, what do I do? Am I gonna have to share my mommy? I better show her who's boss!

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