My bunny is aggressive

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Aug 19, 2012
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Baltimore, Maryland, USA
My bunny is really aggressive and she wont even let me put my hand in her cage to feed her. She constantly attacks me and bites me. All i wanted was a bunny that would love me. I want to get her spayed/neutered, but I have to wait 2 months because she is 4 months old. Should I just get a new bunny?
Aggressive females are usually that way because of hormones. Once she's spayed, she should settle down. You could discuss with your vet whether it would be ok to move the spay up sooner.

In the meantime, I suggest you keep her bowl close to the door of the cage to minimize your hand's intrusion into the cage.

Do you let her out of the cage? do you just leave the cage door open so she can come out on her own? It's not unusual that an unspayed female can be cage protective. It could be that she will be more friendly if she is out of her cage.
How big is the cage & how much is she out of it?

When a rabbit gets food-agressive, the food bowls should be moved around to lessen this.
You can move around the food bowls? Teddy throws hers all over the place, I have to go looking for it when it's dinnertime.

As for her being aggressive, spaying will help a lot, and letting her out of the cage often. I never had a problem with Teddy being aggressive, but she was also spayed quickly after I got her, and she has always had at least 4 hours out-of-cage a day. (100% open cage door now.)
I remember your posts from a couple months ago when you first got her. Has anything changed? Did you try any of our suggestions and did you see any progress at all?
Just had my daughter's rabbit Elmira spayed. She is three years old and had 2 litters of bunnies. She went from being super docile to aggressive about 2 months ago. The vet felt that it was definitely horomonal so we opted since she lost her mate to have her spayed. She went through periods of sometimes being aggressive, sometimes not. Hopefully this helps. It could be that you may be spooking her. Open the cage and talk to her first, then move your hand from the side, not directly in front to approach her. They are preditory animals and may not have seen your hand coming until the last minute.
Just looking back through your previous thread on aggression, what was the situation like where you picked her up? I don't know about anyone else, but it seems very weird to me to have a 10 week old baby aggressive... Even ones that I have seen turn out quite mean have been friendly while babies.

I would recommend the same thing as everyone else here, just move some things around. How big is her cage? If it's on the smaller side, she will be more defensive and territorial.

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