Zeus and his does

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Zeus has it so hard here...





These were taken tonight..

Oh my gosh Peg,I can't believe all these cute pictures I've missed since last week. The 3 of them are so adorable together. I honsetly don't know how you get any work done with all that cuteness to look at.

Great Pictures as always.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Oh my gosh Peg,I can't believe all these cute pictures I've missed since last week. The 3 of them are so adorable together. I honsetly don't know how you get any work done with all that cuteness to look at.

Great Pictures as always.

Oh man - I'm supposed to get work done?

I didn't know that...

I still have no idea how you get so lucky with rabbits than get along with one another without bonding sessions. I got lucky with Lumi and Nilla and the flemmies are littermates but finding another pal for Lumi seems impossible I gave up.
okiron wrote:
I still have no idea how you get so lucky with rabbits than get along with one another without bonding sessions. I got lucky with Lumi and Nilla and the flemmies are littermates but finding another pal for Lumi seems impossible I gave up.
Maybe its something in our water?

Beats me.

I wasn't really sure at first that MB and Zeus would bond....she loved to lay by his pen but as soon as I opened it - she was ready to mount him and show her dominance and then beg him to groom her (which he didn't want to do). So we had some issues at first.

I really didn't 'plan' to bond Ambrosia to the two. She had a cage in the living room and I would frequently open the door to let her run and get some exercise and "playtime".

Looks it she took it a little too literally.

I'm not sure if she made it into my bedroom where Harley and Hepburn have their 1 NIC high pens....or if she made it into the bathtub with New Hope.

But she's been scouting for a place to have babies. I first noticed it a couple of days ago - how she was trying to dig to make a hole and then how she was going all around getting UNDER things, etc.

I saw her heading into Robin's bedroom a day or so ago.

I picked her up tonight and I really and truly believe she decided to "surprise" mama with a litter. Fortunately, she's right around a year old, a nice size doe and can handle it....and pretty healthy.

What I'm wondering is.....where she plans to have the litter (I really do think its gonna be Robin's room) - when she's gonna have the litter - and when she's gonna let MB and Zeus meet them - or if she will (as they get older).

I'm sort of torn - my options are to lock her up so I can monitor where she has the babies - and maybe break their bond.....or let her have the babies whereever she wants (and try to guard them from the cats)....which is what we let Miss Bea do the time she and Tiny raised a litter together.

Anyway - I wasn't gonna share all this here - just - feeling confused and frustrated - and I have sat down to have a talk with Miss Theresa since she is also free roaming.

I try to keep my bedroom door shut 'cause the boys are in there and Harley likes to "play" with Faith (and vice versa). But sometimes it does get left open.

No - emergency spays are NOT an option here - anyone who mentions it will get slapped.:biggrin2: Ok...not really. But I don't believe in it unless the doe's life is at stake. If worse comes to worse...we'll raise them all and keep them ourselves.

Anyway....this blog may get really interesting over the next few weeks as I really do suspect Ambrosia is preggers.

Oh - the thing that shocks me? She's becoming more affectionate too.....and nudging me a lot for attention.

slavetoabunny wrote:
Zeus sure has it rough at your house! He must really feel like he is the bunny god he was meant to be.
I think he does think that.....other than the stupid photo shoots that he doesn't care for.

I've moved the "potty" into their pen and I'm waiting to see if they start sitting on it now that the cover is down.

Other than that - he has to groom the two girls, keep the pen smelling like him, and scarf up the food and hay when we put it down.

Tough life....

I'm having a really rough time right now - tomorrow would've been Tiny's third "gotcha" anniversary day.

Meanwhile, Zeus is grumpy and watching me a lot. I think he's wanting me to pay attention to him - maybe wanting me to try to bond with him (now that he's trusting me more) - and I just....can't.

Eric surprised us with a visit today and I took Zeus outside and held him for like 10 minutes and he let me hold him and then he sat on the table for a bit. He was so calm with me and I think he really liked me petting him - meanwhile - I kept thinking, "This should be Tiny...this should be Tiny."

I've got to STOP that thinking....I need to let Zeus into my heart...he's already in my life and I do love watching him sometimes.

So...to that end - I'm trying to work on putting together a new avatar and these are the picture of Zeus (and friends) that I want to put into it. I hope to have my avatar have four sections:

Peg's Place - staring with the "Texas Trio" (watch Zeus make me redo it as a quad or quintets)....then "Special bunnies" with some of my lionheads and others...then "Tiny" and finally "Bridge Bunnies".

Anyway - here are the photos for the Texas Trio - but probably not in the order I'll have them flashing...







Well - I certainly am glad to find humans who appreciate my distinctive looks - and my taste in women. Now don't you agree I have a lovely harem so far. I'm trying to figure out what other colors to add to make it more lively. Perhaps blue? Tort? Chocolate might be nice.... Its a lot to think about and mom has definitely put her foot down (for now) and said "no more girls".

I'm waiting a week or so to gently bring the idea back up to her again. Saphira is a very pretty blue doe....Isenstar is a lovely seal color....I think I'd look rather nice with them by my side along with Ambrosia and Miss Bea.

Life is pretty good here. Mom was out of cheerios for a bit but we did still have some craisins and those yummy yogurt chips. Miss Bea even found a bag of the yogurt chips and hid them in hopes that we could figure out how to open them ourselves...it was a brand new bag. Tell me - why do humans make those craisin bags so hard for bunnies to open? It would be so much easier if they'd just let us feed ourselves.

I gotta tell you - after living here for a month now....the service isn't that bad. Sometimes we don't get everything we put on our order - like we don't always have banana and fruit loops...usually its one or the other. Sometimes we get regular hay while other times we get gourmet hay. We also get parsley and cilantro and carrots and other good stuff - not all the time - but often enough that it is still a nice surprise to see what we're getting today....today it was parsley - not one of my favorites but the girls sure scarfed it up.

I did notice that the water got changed this week to "bottled water". What the hay? It was in a bottle anyway.....but oh well. Mom did add a bit of fruit flavorted pedialyte to it to help us get used to the taste.....now she thinks we'll drink the "bottled water" without the pedialyte? I don't think so.

Oh - I got to meet my "brother" this week. He came down and surprised mom and her face leaked.....but she laughed. These humans.....not sure I can understand them sometimes. Miss Bea said it was happy leaks....but how can you be happy if you leak? Oh well. He's an interesting looking human - I got to sit on mom for a bit and watch him while they talked. I wasn't overly happy about it but I got mom back.....I coated her shirt with white fur since I'm shedding. She had to change her clothes to go out to eat.....hee hee..

I guess I should share that it looks like I'm gonna be a 'god-father'. Get it...me Zeus....a god - but also a father?

Ok - so I'm not really a godfather. But it appears as though Ambrosia is um...gaining weight....and um...developing an interesting looking figure.

I asked her who the buck was - said I'd go kick him all over the place for messing with my girl.

But she insists it happened before I came - one day while she was out having playtime. She won't give up the buck's name....says it is her problem and she'll take care of it.

Miss Bea and I are still discussing whether to let her have the brats in OUR room...(ok so we do share it with her) or whether she should have them elsewhere. She has been looking around at different places.....so I suppose as long as she keeps them far away from me till I think about this some more and come up with a plan....everything will be ok. We still groom her and let her snuggle with us - even if she does take up a bit more space. Miss Bea thinks it could be "fun" having babies around.....hmm....what is it about does that think babies are fun? Anyway - I told her I'd come to a decision pretty soon as to whether or not she can have them in here. I'm also sending mom messages about areas to clean so that she has some options in this room if I decide to allow it.

Well - that is about it for now. Mom and I spent some time on the floor today. She gives really good ear rubs (Tiny trained her well) and she gives good pets. Miss Bea told me the way to set the signal to get transmissions through to mom's mind....seems like Tiny figured out her "frequency" back before he left....so Miss Bea is helping me get messages through to her.

Gotta go - its getting close to supper time and I need to make sure she knows we want something a bit special tonight...haven't decided yet if it should be a bit of extra oats or gourmet hay or what.....

But I'm sure it will be good.

Y'all can leave now.

Yeah - you too - go....



HEy Zeuss I am so happy you like yoru new home :)

Peg wow ambrosia has buns in teh oven then? bit unexpected but thats nice she is a gorgoeus bun good luck :D

how did you find your grooming time with Zeuss then hope it went ok and you enjoyed it loads :D
I'm sure Zeus will respond to this when he decides to come back home. He's decided to spend today hanging out in the garage with that hussy doe Theresa. I believe Ambrosia may have joined them but I am not sure.

I will NOT lower myself to go to the garage and I will not chase after a philandering bun. I've already told him this.

When he gets back from his "walk" - I'll tell him to check his blog.

In the meantime, I'm gonna go play "pin the bunny tail on the jackdonkey...". Pretty fun....its a big white rabbit giving the butt - I just LOVE sticking that pin in time and time again. Once I could've sworn I heard Zeus scream from the garage.

The "always faithful to one buck (at a time)"

Miss Bea
I found my #$@*# gold...

[align=center]MISS BEA had it.....

So I'm gonna steal her craisins and hold them for ransom...

Hey wait....why should I care about gold? I'll just keep the craisins anyway and she can have the gold......I don't even know why I thought I WANTED any gold...

Yeah - I'm keeping the craisins - she can keep the gold - and the pot too...


MissBea wrote:
I'm sure Zeus will respond to this when he decides to come back home. He's decided to spend today hanging out in the garage with that hussy doe Theresa. I believe Ambrosia may have joined them but I am not sure.
Miss Bea, if you would have allowed yourself to join us - you would have had fun.

Theresa is NOT a hussy...she's a poor lonely doe who has no one to talk to. So I listened...big deal. Yeah...at times I got a little bit close when I listened to her....and so I came back into the office smelling like her. So what? She needed a F R I E N D.

And I'm not saying anything at all about Ambrosia - we invited her to come chat for a bit...she does like the garage too.

I will NOT lower myself to go to the garage and I will not chase after a philandering bun. I've already told him this.

Ok - let's get this straight - I'm a PHILANTROPIST...not a philandorer. I believe in giving to good causes...like giving my time to lonely buns to hear their sad stories. That doesn't mean I cheat on anyone.

I've already shown you that I come back to you each time I go exploring .... I would think you'd be happy!

When he gets back from his "walk" - I'll tell him to check his blog.
It took you two days to remember to tell me? Oh yeah...I forgot....you weren't speaking to me there for a bit.

Sheesh.....all I did was spend 24-30 hours away from you...checking out the rest of the house - looking for a good vacation spot for us....and all you can do is harp at me...

In the meantime, I'm gonna go play "pin the bunny tail on the jackdonkey...". Pretty fun....its a big white rabbit giving the butt - I just LOVE sticking that pin in time and time again. Once I could've sworn I heard Zeus scream from the garage.
Now honey - that's not nice. You know we agreed to not get revenge on each other if we got upset...

Hey...give me back that tack....

The "always faithful to one buck (at a time)"

Miss Bea
For those who are wondering - Miss Bea and Zeus have been having a bit of a tiff lately - a bit of chasing and grumpiness from Miss Bea - partly because he was gone for a while.

However, when I looked at them a few minutes ago - he was grooming her - and then Ambrosia came running in and begged for grooming and so he was going back and forth between grooming both girls on the head.....

I'm sure they'll make it through their little "spats".....if I can only convince him that Theresa really doesn't want to move in here with Miss Bea....

I think he's offering to live with Miss Bea and Ambrosia in the office half the time - and in the garage with Theresa half the time....

Not sure how that will go over...

I am not normally someone who likes to post a ton of pictures of one rabbit at a time...but with Zeus - I've learne that from second to second his expression can change - so it seems like I have a ton of pictures of him.....

Also - I HATE HATE HATE doing bunny photos....because it seems like my house is dirty and it shows up or my bed is messy (and I like to do photos on my bed)...or whatever....but sometimes...like today - the mood strikes and I go photo crazy.

Miss Bea has been a real witch the last couple of days and Zeus was going stircrazy and Ambrosia has never been on the grass. So I took Zeus & Ambrosia outside so Miss Bea could be left alone for a bit and Theresa got excited watching them - so she got to play in the grass too...

I need to upload two short videos but here are some highlights of today's playtime...click on the photos if you want to see them larger....I'm really upset that I couldn't seem to get rid of the red eyes in almost all of them..

I'm gonna repeat three or four of my favorites in the next post - in larger images - and explain why they're my favorites..

Ok - here are my five favorites....

I love the two of them together....I just wish the eyes had turned out corectly.

I know Theresa's nose looks red but I looked at it and its ok....it looks like she had rubbed it up against stuff or something. Anyway, it seems like Theresa is always standing up to watch others or to groom herself and I love the way I caught her for this...

I wish this was clearer - but he's in the middle of a jump/hop...I just like it. Hate the eyes though...

For this one I was using a different camera setting - I love that their eyes came out accurate but I wish it didn't flash like 3 or 5 times or soemthing to figure out what setting to be at...cause I missed some cute poses.

Who can ever resist a bunny butt - especially with big feet like those?

[align=center]OMG PEG [shadow=violet]CUTENESS[/shadow] OVERLOAD[/align]
[align=left]I am totolly in LOVE :heartbeat:with [shadow=red]Ambrosia[/shadow][/align]
[align=left]I love all your pictures and look forward to Many Many more.[/align]
What awesome pictures Peg...it looks like the bunnies were all enjoying themselves outside...i just love Zeus...he has such character :)


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