Been away for a bit, but I just had to peek in and see how Zeus has been doing!

He looks like one very very happy bunny, and Miss Bea looks wonderful too. I'm so glad you found him Peg, and that he found you. Oh, I read back a few posts and when I read this:
I suspect Zeus and I will not have that bond I had with Tiny....and to be honest with you - that hurts a lot. I'm sitting here sort of crying about it - not weeping or wailing - just some tears flowing a bit. reminded me of my days with Raph. Remember when I first got him? He and I bonded, and he followed me everywhere like a puppy...he was like my best friend. However, once I brought Anna home everything changed. Raph claimed her immediately as his mate, and he saw me as someone trying to come between them. He would lunge at me, charge me with his covert attacks launched from beneath the raspberry bushes, and attempt to take me out at the ankles. I used to literally run around the yard with a big long-eared blue bunny in hot pursuit, ready to annihilate me if given the chance. (Thankfully his clumsiness and his long ears served in my favor, for they almost always tripped him up.)
And while the rabbit jealousy on Raph's part did eventually stop, the bond was still just as strong between us even when he was playing the part of RabbitAttackPostHaste (R*A*P*H*). It was simply more of a spiritual bond than a physical one. Even if it hadn't, it simply would have meant I couldn't cuddle him, and would have to live with ankle protectors on most of the time.

I think you and Zeus have the same type of bond.