Rabbits Online Forum

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Ooooooo another bunny with one ear up.How cute. Thanks for posting your picture and welcome to theforum PurpleUnicorn. How long had you had her?

I could just sit here all day and look at all of the adorable bunnieS!!!!!!!!

Lemmywinks looks like another bunny here. If I can remember who's it is.....

*they say the mind is the first thing to go...... *
Hello everyone, some of you may have seen thesepictures before but for those of you that havent, here they are, thisis roxy my now mothering female. but she doesnt look quite like thatany more
and heres the daddy, Russel - hes sooo lovely!and soooft, you can stroke him for hours. I went to work experience ina petshop for a day, fell in love with him and wouldnt leave withouthim! And didnt! up until that day, i had never been interested inrabbits, now in equality with cats, they're my favourite animal, I have2 and 3 kits! lol! Anyway, here he is:
ok, so the last one didnt work? thisone will - its a picture of my gorgeous little kit ( russel and roxy'sbaby) and they opened they're eyes. let me know what you think of allof them if you wouldnt mind, russel, roxy AnD the baby! Leanne :D
becc_boland wrote:
I can do this now! Thanks Lanna!!!

This is my baby Lilly about 2hrs after i got her. For those of you who dont know she is a dwarf cross himalayin.

Becc this is Bindy when we first got her home

This is her now


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