Thanks thanks to all the kind words+warm welcome. Ashton gives her kisses.
In here, i like the lionhead most, Nala, if I'm not wrong. She's such acute a princess, it's diff to find 1 as sweet as her inspore.
Ashton's pics were taken by a pro, wont look as good if taken by me

its meant for this Easter that's y the eggs n basket were there.
Here is a few more, hope u allwun get tired of Ashton yet.

I like this too & the one she's in the basket.
This made her look so very innocent but the fact is not!! She's a real noti girl, doing all things a dog wud do.
this taken by me, tts y not as nice. But outdoor pics after all aremuch nicer than indoors. Ashton is a little 1yr old girl when i adoptedher 2 days before x'mas last yr, so she's my little bundle of presentwhich santa has left for me in advance.
I think I'm lucky to have her.