Yofi, Anna and the Crew, 2010

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It's been almost a month since I've updated Yofi's blog! :shock: Actually, I don't have a whole lot of anything new to update...Yofi and Anna are both doing well. Except for one incident about a week ago, that is; I came home from work one evening and Yofi was definitely sick. He was lying stretched out at the back of the rabbits' cage, and when I entered the room he didn't even look up. Normally, he and Anna both come tearing over to greet me, so I immediately knew something was up with The Boy. I picked him up, he didn't protest (another tell-tale sign) and placed him on my lap, offering him some parsley, which he flat-out refused. Now THAT was a definite indicator of a Yofi in pain. His ears were cold and he was quite lethargic; also all symptoms of what he has gone through two or three times before: gastric distress. So I began massaging his poor aching belly, then groomed him from head to toe with a brush, gave him some Gas-X, more massages, and (thankfully!) half an hour later he was right as rain, running around the kitchen begging for food.(**PHEEW!**)

Oh, and now he's back to causing havoc with the litter boxes too, spewing contents everywhere as soon as I have them cleaned and set up with new bedding. Yep, the Yofster's back.

Here's a few photos I took of him one day a few weeks ago, when he was flying around in the backyard. All are fuzzy and out of focus, but they still expose Yofi's fun. Anna, unfortunately, stayed outside for all of 30 seconds, as it was a windy day and windy just isn't her thing. But the Yofster wound up having a blast!






On another note, I ran across something at Cafe Press online that I'm going to ask for as a Christmas present, maybe as a t-shirt or on a tote. I love this message:

I am glad all is well with you and the bunny's. Wow what a scare about the Yofster! Nice to know he is back to his loveable self. Love the pictures of the boy.

I thought Yofi would like this picture of Daisy helping herself to the toilet paper this morning.


LOL Dave, I went to your blog first and saw this photo, and commented on it. I love how tall Daisy looks! She seems to be a bigger bunny than Yofi (but just as mischievious!). Told ya you'd have your hands full with an E-lop...hehe...and she's living up to the reputation! (btw, if she discovers that unravelling toilet paper rolls is FUN, watch out...she'll be at it every day...

Oh, I hate when Yofi goes through that, because it's terrifying. I never know if he's going to go from bad to worse - I know how quickly such things can turn life-threatening, esp. with rabbits - and Yofi's gone through it a few times now. This bout didn't seem quite so serious because he did bounce back so easily, but even so, I tend to panic when I see Mr. Overactive get stopped short in his tracks, and it's heartbreaking to see him in pain.

Everything's going well, relatively. Dental issues arose recently that have me quite concerned, and something happened at work that's a bit hard to explain, but all I can really say about it is that it involves the publication of a paper which is controversial, that our new company decided to announce via the local newspaper...and through a (major) mistake made by the reporter over the name of our company vs our old employer, well...it's turned into a HUGE can of worms. And wouldn't ya know it...I was the one who brought the paper to the boss's attention in the first place...:lookaround So we're hoping it gets straightened out soon, because the potential backlash could be serious.
Other than that, all else is good. :p I hope everything's well with you and Karen! :hug:
Everything is going well as it can be. Just the joys of home ownership. Whenever Daisy goes down the hallway she always has to poke around in the bathroom on her trip back to the bunny room. The picture I couldn' t get of her was Daisy moving her body around the back of the toilet.
And Yofi sez 'Hi!' back! :biggrin2:

Thought I'd post a few pics that I took...some from a couple of weeks ago, some just a couple of days back. Miss Daisy will get to see some pictures of her long-distance cohort in bunnay crimes (along with the ever-beootiful Miss Anna). I did read that Daisy was recently jealous of a certain Miss Sweetie; at this end, Yofster tends to get just a tad jealous of poor old Fritzie, my long-suffering feline. It must be an e-lop trait (probably brought on by all of the attention they are used to getting, being fawned over constantly by their adoring fans).

At any rate, here are some photos of my dastardly duo, always up to no good, but always generating smiles.

A rare picture of Anna with her ears in the *uppie* position





You know, Anna really does have a photogenic face. :)



And sometimes, she even hangs out with angels ;)



(LOL...look at the cage floor in the background. That's what it sometimes looks like just a day after I've cleaned and scrubbed everything. Yofi, it seems, is an absolute slob.


Whooops...just earz...



These next few I took after giving Yofi and Anna a present. I'd recently bought a bookcase for the living room, and didn't know what to do with the huge empty cardboard box that it was shipped in. Solution? Instant bunny entertainment center! Now, Anna will sometimes have fun with it, but it's Yofi who took to it like a duck to water. He is constantly going in and out of it, treating it like his own little fort. When I gave it to them, I cut a small entrance hole at one end of it; wiithin 5 minutes Yofi decided that it needed a back exit, and styled his own bunny doorway. But the funniest thing of all about this box is when Yofi decides to really have fun: he gets inside, starts banging his head on the top of it, and begins *walking* it across the room, banging his head and sliding it across the floor as he does. Keep in mind, this box is over 4 feet long, so to walk into the room and witness a box that big *whumping* up and down on its own, and slowly migrating from one end of the room to the other, is quite a sight to see.





Inside da fort



King of mai kastle




Too bad this one's fuzzy...I love this shot


Sitting next to one of his most *favrit* things to destroy: shoes


Now, can you tell that *ebil thoughts* are on this bunnay's mind?



Yep, I should have clued in when taking these pictures. Yofi spots The Cat, and heads his way...


And then, not a second after I took this one, the siege began (notice the front paw in 'ready to pillage' mode). Poor Fritz.


Finally...getting a massage (even if he didn't exactly deserve one)


LOL...I love the look on Yofi's face when he gets a massage...like he's in bunny heaven


Oh, and a picture of them in their cleaned and tidy cage...just to prove that yes, I actually do clean up after his royal slobbiness (which is what I have to go and do right now...their room once again looks like a tornado struck. A big, hairy tornado.)

Great pics! Poor old Fritz...he's probably saying, "Can't a cat just take a nap around here??!"

I really like the "Just Ears" picture of Yofi...and the one of Anna's uppie ears. I must be obsessed with ears! :shock:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Great update!  LOVE those pictures of the duo.  I wonder if it was worldwide e-lop be messy day.  I went into the bunny room last night and Daisy dug all her litter onto the floor.

Oh Dave, I think it would be worldwide e-lop messy day EVERY day here, then. Yofi insists on burrowing down into the litter boxes and trashing as much as he absolutely can. And with the thick bedding that I have to have in the cage to save his tender tootsies from developing sore hocks, it's a real pain trying to get wood pellets (and bunny balls) out of it...once the rabbits have tramped through it, the pellets and balls get embedded deep in the fiber. But y'know, I'll bet Daisy probably got the idea from Yofi, somehow. :wink
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Great pics! Poor old Fritz...he's probably saying, "Can't a cat just take a nap around here??!"

I really like the "Just Ears" picture of Yofi...and the one of Anna's uppie ears. I must be obsessed with ears! :shock:

Thankfully Yofi never bites Fritz...but he does slam into him with that big nose of his, which must be pretty alarming at times. Poor Fritz is such an easy-going character too; he finally gave up on Yofi and has since learned to avoid him (except when he's sleeping...and Yofi has become a pro at launching Yofi-rams at such times).

Well Karen, I too have a bunny ears fetish! LOL I was drawn to the e-lop (Ear-lops :p) because of those beautiful floppy ears, and I'd also love to have a Flemmie some day....same thing, big bunny, beautiful HUGE ears; they just go in the opposite direction. :biggrin:
[align=center]Nostalgia Day in Yofi's Blog[/align]

Here are some pics, though most aren't of the wabbity kind. Just thought I'd post some older photos for fun (with bits of background info here and there):

First, a couple of photos of my mom. I have no idea when the first one was taken, but she was probably still living at home with her parents at the time. I was told that this was a b&w photo that she later retouched herself, to make it look like a color shot. The second one is her holding me as we visited a neighbour a few houses down.
About my mom: She loved cats. Loved to paint - scenic, mostly. She had 4 children who she raised mostly on her own when my dad was in the navy. She sold products door-to-door parttime (I don't recall the company line, but it was similar to Avon). She was quiet, shy, unassuming...and everyone loved her. I barely remember her (losing her when I was 10, it seems I've suppressed my childhood memories). But among the small snippets that I do remember, I recall these...Watching her bake cakes in the kitchen, and waiting eagerly for that chance to lick the icing from the mixer's beaters, and clean out the sides of the mixing bowl; Helping her do the washing (which involved using an old scrub board first, then a wringer washer that was rolled into the center of the kitchen, and then finally, hanging the clothes outside to dry...in wintertime they froze stiff as boards in the frigid air; Fascinated as she changed my newborn sister's diapers (and I recall the jealousy I harboured over that little sqealing baby too!); I also recall the scent of the body lotion she used...part of the product line she used to sell, to help bring in extra money, and the tiny bottles of perfume she kept on her dresser, their caps shaped like small, petaled roses; The giant chocolate Easter bunny that my dad had given her one year - it must have been 2 feet tall(!) - and wondering how she could ever have kept it for so long without giving in to the temptation to eat it; Her love of Peter, her cat...he was a huge, ebony black feline whose devotion was to her alone; And the small black and white television that was later put in my parents' bedroom, so she could still watch tv when she was too ill to come downstairs. Oh, and her garden...her love of flowers, of lilac bushes, and of all things that grew. My mom died when she was 42. She would have been 85 years old now, had she lived...something that's almost too hard to imagine, yet something I truly wish had.



Now, onto some animals...

Fritz, my cat. At 16 years old, he snores when he sleeps, he yowls when he doesn't get his way, but he's still the same adorable cat who came to me when he was just under a year old. The first picture was taken after some major surgery to his abdominal area...he had belonged to tenants who'd lived downstairs from my son and myself, and one day after they'd let him outside, he was seriously injured (putting together the clues, we believe he was hit by a car). When Fritz's owners decided they were going to drop him off at the Humane Society "as a stray", rather than take him to the vet for treatment, I offered to take him to my vet, on the condition that they relinquish ownership to me. So they did, and two surgeries (and $1000 (begged and borrowed) later), he was finally healed. The second picture shows one of the things Fritz used to love to do...play tug-of-war, just like a dog. And the third pic is, well, just Fritz. ;)




Here's a series of pictures of Kaya (aka, "The Dog"). The first are some random shots of her taken during the first year or so that I had her; the last are of her rummaging through her toybox a couple of weeks ago, and that of being a camera ham. At 14 years old she's still going strong, even despite her constant attempts to elude the crazed, long-eared rabbit who resides with us. Kaya was also a pet who came to me through some hard circumstances in her early life...just about everyone seemed to be giving up on her because of issues she'd developed. My heart went out to her; after all, who wouldn't have some issues develop after wandering the streets for who knows how long, without food or a home? So she came home with me from the animal shelter, and - after relentless hours, training, and tears, we prevailed. I think both of us somehow knew that we found one another, and - just as Snooch, Raph, Yofi, and so many other animals I've known have done - Kaya has served not just as a friend, but also as a mentor and guide.





(LOL...this photo was taken a split second after she'd let go of one of her favorite toys, an empty plastic bottle.)



And a few final, quick bunny photos:

This was a rabbit I'd purchased many many years ago...she was a Mini lop who had originally come from a breeder in California. Then a breeder in British Columbia purchased her, and a few years later I purchased her from that breeder. I was living in NS at the time, so she was flown all the way across the country to come live with me. Her official name was Forstinger's Sweet, but I shortened it to 'Sweet'...and she truly was as her name described. One of the nicest rabbits I've ever crossed paths with, she was docile, friendly, and loved to be snuggled. I can't recall now how long I did have her, but I bred her a couple of times and she proved to also be an absolutely wonderful mom, and she had beautiful babies. Then in 1987, when I decided that my son and I would move to Ontario, I had to make a heartbreaking decision...my rabbits couldn't go with me. At the time I still had 4 or 5 bunnies left from my days of showing rabbits, but the one I had the hardest time letting go of was Sweet. She went to live with my friend who lived a few houses away, and for the next year I received updates on how Sweet was doing. And then came the news I hadn't wanted to hear: Sweet was gone. She'd died in her sleep one late summer's evening, found stretched out in her hutch. Lynn told me that Sweet had looked peaceful, and that she never seemed to suffer, as she had showed no signs of illness; she'd simply lived her life and then decided to let go. A piece of her remains with me forever.


Raph, my spiritual bunny guide...


And a whimsical little shot of Anna, taken a couple of weeks ago


I don't have any new ones of Yofi at the moment, but am sure that the next time I drag the camera out, he will be first in line to stick his furry little face right into the lens. Stay tooned....

Hi Di ~
I'm so glad you have some lovely memories of your Mom. She sounds like a wonderful person. She was very pretty! My future daughter-in-law, Paige, has beautiful, springy curls like your mom's :D

Weren't you just an adorable little Pumpkin of 4 or 5 years old! It's a lovely picture of the 2 of you...I have to imagine that it's one of your most treasured possessions. :D

I know what you mean about repressing your childhood because of trauma...my Dad's brother was paralyzed from the neck down in a swimming accident when he was 14 and Dad was 10. Dad remembers almost nothing of his own young years, including absolutely no memory of his big brother standing up. It's strange what the mind will push down, as a defense mechanism.

I enjoyed the pictures of Fritz in his younger days. Much like bunnies, I have a soft spot for cats. I just adore them. In the 2nd picture, I can imagine him saying, "Mom, please get that camera out of my face...I'd hate to have to jump on your face while you are asleep tonight."

Kaya has aged pretty well, hasn't she? She doesn't look much older these days. I recognize the "bark" face in her last photo...reminds me of Jake's (our OCD Rat Terrier) when he is desperately trying to tell us something!

I think that might be the first picture I have seen of Raph outdoors. He looks like a Blue bunny! Am I losing it? I thought he was Black?? Maybe I am wishful thinking...I love Blue bunnies.
Thanks, Dave and Karen! :)

Karen, I agree...the mind can be a mysterious thing. Try as I might, I cannot remember a huge chunk of my childhood. My sister, who is almost 5 years younger than me, will sometimes be talking about our childhood and will say, 'Don't you remember when...' and I honestly have no recall. My suppressed memories come from a combination of traumas, including losing my mother; sometimes it can be a frustrating thing, and sometimes I think that there are some things that I truly don't want to remember. I can certainly relate to your dad's lack of memories...that must have been an incredibly hard event on him and the rest of his family; having such a traumatic thing happen to a loved one and feeling so helpless. And if your dad looked up to his big brother, that may have made his coping with it even more difficult.
Oh, and I went through an episode of memory loss about a year ago now, which caught me completely off guard, since it hasn't happened to me since my childhood days. It was right after our workplace was informed that we were being 'let go' from the government, and we were going back and forth with 'do I have a job or don't I?'. We were initally told that everyone was being laid off, then a few weeks later were told that we'd all definitely still keep our jobs, since our section was being spun off to the private sector. In the midst of this, other people in the building were crying, angry, full of emotions, as some knew they were losing their jobs; and then a few weeks after being told that we were keeping our jobs, our director called four of us together (we four were working in a specific job in the department) and he told us, 'I'm sorry to inform you that we are not keeping your positions'. It was that day that the depth of how much it had all affected me came out, I think; apparently after that meeting (of which I've blocked out most of what was said) I went out at lunchtime and walked around the campus with a colleague, and we discussed what was going on at work. A couple of days later, when someone asked me what Olivier and I were doing outdoors, I said, "I never went outside with Olivier"; yet they insisted that they'd seen me. I was thinking they'd mistaken me for someone else. Yet a few days later when I was talking to my sister about it (we work at the same place), she said, "Oh yeah, I was going to mention that...I saw the two of you walking and talking as I was going out to my car that day". Finally I asked Olivier about it and he said that yes, we had gone for a walk together, and he told me all about the conversation. To this day I have no recall of it whatsoever.

About cats: I have always been in denial about the species. I used to say that I was a 'dog person', and that cats were just not a pet I cared for. Yet I've always owned at least one, and truthfully, I've loved every one. (It seems that I'm actually more an animal person than anything else. ;)) One of the animals I had who was closest to me was a cat, Snooch.
Did I ever mention one thing that Fritz did, the day I brought Kaya home from the Humane Society? Fritz has always been affectionate with everyone...he would rub himself against any member of the household, human or animal. The dog that I had before Kaya - Misty - was a little beagle mix who actually resembled Kaya quite a bit. She was somewhat smaller, and her ears flopped like a beagle's, but she was the same golden color as Kaya. When Misty died unexpectedly, I had no plans to get another dog, and at the time I owned 3 cats...Tasha, Tiger, and Fritz...but hadn't really seen any of them mourning her absence. But about a year and a half later Kaya and I crossed paths, and I wound up bringing her home. The day that I did, I brought her into the back of the house and had her in the kitchen, letting her go around and inspect all of the corners, and get used to the smells. As she was doing this, suddenly this huge blur of grey came flying over the baby gate at the doorway, and I didn't even have time to react...Fritz came barrelling into the room, ran up to Kaya and - I swear this is true - he stood on his hind legs and wrapped his paws around her neck in an embrace. Kaya, of course, was in shock, not knowing what was going on (as was I!), and in a matter of seconds you could see it registering on Fritz's face...a look of horror came over him and he ran out of the room as suddenly as he'd entered. When I realized what had happened I was on the verge of tears. Fritz, hearing Kaya in the room, and coming over to inspect, mistakenly had thought that Misty had returned home, and in his excitement ran over to embrace her, only running away when he'd realized it wasn't his buddy after all. That's what Fritzie is like...a big old kitty lovebug.

Oh, and Raph...yep, he was a blue English lop. In some pics he may have looked grey, or even close to black (probably shadowing in the photos) but he was definitely a big blue bunny. ;) And Kaya doesn't look her age at all! Even her vet comments on it every time I take her in. She's definitely showing her age in some ways - gets a stiff shoulder sometimes, and recently has fallen twice without cause (that one has me concerned), but other than that, she acts like a youngster. I just came back from a walk about an hour ago with both Kaya and my sister's dog, and Kaya was running all over the place in the cold morning air, having a blast. She can't go as fast as she used to, nor for as long, but for 14, she's pretty remarkable.

From what I've read in the past of your Jake, he sounds like a hoot! Full of spit 'n vinegar (just as a dog should be :biggrin2:). I love animals with big personalities...they may cause havoc at times, or try your patience at the worst of times, but they are the ones I think we ultimately hold closest in our hearts and memories.

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