Thanks Tracy! It's helpful to hear about other buns who have gone thru tilt, as reference.
At night I put him in his pen, and I've put rolled up towels all along the edge so that he can lean up against them. Then in the middle I put all the good stuff... hay, veggies, and water.
I went downstairs last night about 1:30 (can't sleep very well obviously) and he was on his side. But he wasn't struggling... so I petted him and rubbed his belly for him. Went down at 6 am and he was upright again. He seems to be doing upright pretty good this morning too. Just about to give him his meds and any Critical Care he wants too. But starting last night I have seen him eating a fair bit of hay... so that's encouraging.
He's definitely not ready to give up and neither am I! We'll fight this with all we got.
Thanks again for keeping in touch, it helps to be able to post and hear from others.