Worried for my bunny boy (RIP)

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Hi ani-lover... We just started the Baytril and Pen G last night. I didn't get blood work done. The vet wanted to do blood work as well as xrays. However, I was only able to do a culture.

I'm very sorry that you went thru this as well... how is your bunny doing now?
I just went down to check on Jacub. He was just laying there with his head on the ground. :( I really wish he wasn't going thru this.

I decided to continue with his forced feedings... as it's been a bit rough for him trying to get around and just generally with going to the vet. He ate his breakfast voraciously. And lunch, tho it started slow... really picked up with he decided he wanted it... now! lol.

Last night when I did the fluids I was shocked with how well the needle went in... I'm not sure he even noticed. He got a bit squirmy near the end... but he was a very good patient overall. And I was happy and re-assured by how I was able to do it!

Today I purchased a digital thermometer, and an otoscope. I really wish I had done this long ago and would have know about his ear infection before it got this bad... but I didn't even consider the ears. I purchased the Dr. Mom version... it gets lots of good reviews. I also found a stethascope (sp?) for $20.00... but I'm not sure I'd know how to use it properly... or if it would do me any good. So I'll think about that one.

I also read a very encouraging article today...


So that's our latest news.
It sounds like he's tired. Will he move if you try to rouse him? If he's eating and seems "all there", he may just be tired from all the handling, and feeling sick. Make sure he's alert. Is he able to spend some time with his wife-bun? That could make him depressed as well. They should at least be able to see each other. It's also possible he's just relaxed because he's finally starting to feel better.
To be honest I think it's got everything to do with his balance... he just falls over. He's been able to keep himself up most of the evening (and yup he's been with his wife-bun all evening). She's been trying to clean out that affected ear, and it was making him shake his head, then over he'd go again. I think she's finally leaving it alone now. He's not had much of an appetite today... I've been giving him the Critical Care. Got his meds into him too. Still pooping... and even started seeing cecos as of yesterday. I don't really think he's feeling better yet. Not sure how long until I should see some improvement. Poor guy.
I see. Did the vet prescribe any anti-nausea medicine? It sounds like he's feeling better, but maybe a bit upset. I'm glad he's got his girl there, although she may have been trying too hard to be a good wife! I would expect to see some improvement in terms of how gross the ear looks in a week, and perhaps some improvement in his balance in 2 weeks. It could take a month or more for him to totally recover. Not all bunnies un-tilt themselves, but we can always be hopeful!
Yes he's on Reglan for the nausea. I was thinking I might see some improvement in his balance today as he got the first Pen G last night. He gets them as follows... every 48 hours for the first week. Then twice a week for two weeks, then once a week for two weeks. Glad to know it will take a bit more time for us to see improvement. I did know that the whole thing can take months to treat... I was just assuming I'd see slight improvement already. I'll sit tight, and try my best not to worry... which is hard for a worry wart like me. Tonight I only got 40 ml of fluids into his back... was hoping for the full 50, but he was able to get his one back foot out of the towel and start to struggle... so we stopped. Three more nights of fluids to go.
I used a different medication for Tilly's head tilt but saw mild improvement two days after the injection (her was weekly enjections because a different anti-biotic). I saw a small sparkle in her eye and she moved slightly faster. Nothing major, nothing like a miracle, but enough to know it was the right anti-biotic and was doing her good. She had no visible infection though, so this will probably be a bit different both due to meds and the way his problem has presented.

Could you maybe prop him up with rolled towels to help him keep upright?

Just sit tight and be patient and keep fighting with him. You're both doing an ace job.
Thanks Tracy! It's helpful to hear about other buns who have gone thru tilt, as reference.

At night I put him in his pen, and I've put rolled up towels all along the edge so that he can lean up against them. Then in the middle I put all the good stuff... hay, veggies, and water.

I went downstairs last night about 1:30 (can't sleep very well obviously) and he was on his side. But he wasn't struggling... so I petted him and rubbed his belly for him. Went down at 6 am and he was upright again. He seems to be doing upright pretty good this morning too. Just about to give him his meds and any Critical Care he wants too. But starting last night I have seen him eating a fair bit of hay... so that's encouraging.

He's definitely not ready to give up and neither am I! We'll fight this with all we got.

Thanks again for keeping in touch, it helps to be able to post and hear from others.
That's a nicely positive post :)

I saw your awesome set up in the pictur earlier in the thread, I just wondered whether in the time he is really struggling whether having that greater level of support might help, that's all. All sounds like he is doing well today though :)

Each moment as it comes and celebrate the positives :)
Oh, also meant to add to that post up there, but forgot, that Tilly was on her antibiotics for 2 months solidly, so a weekly injection for 2 months. That beat her infection and 7 months on she still has a residual tilt but has all the functions of a normal bun and has not yet had any relapses.
Thanks Tracy... I'm glad to hear that she is back to being a happy silly bun again! That's what I want for him. If the tilt is there, it's there... but I want him to be happy, able to move around without tipping over, run & *hopefully* binky again.

Can you take vids? I'd love to see one of Tilly now if you can. =) I'll start a thread calling all other people with Tilt bunnies to share their experience.
I've got some vids :)


That's the most recent one, and she is not the lop, she is the second bun you'll see, the sable marten marked bun.

On my account there are lots of others with her in.

I can get more footage today if you like and try to show you the things she can do.
That vid was fantasic... and she looks great!!! She definitely can get around very well! A couple of my friends have martin sisters, who both have deformed back legs... and they are just THE sweetest girls, and they still binky, etc. and live very happy lives! Martins are just soooo gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing... I subscribed to your channel!
Just snapped this photo. Jacub has just gotten his meds and about 3 ml of Critical Care, some Kale and Parsley... and a few twigs of hay. Beggy is being as loving and doting as ever, keeping his fur clean of debris, and washing his eyes and ears for him! :hearts:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! What a GORGEOUS picture!

I'll do my best later to get some Tilly footage, I'm not making any promises because she's sometimes not the most co-operative bunny in the world, but maybe some pear will persuade her :p I'll update it onto my post in your thread if I do get anything.
So as it is now... if I put my hands on (or try to pet ) Jake's "affected" ear side he leans heavily against my hand and topples right over. I assume that the balance parts in his ear are telling him that he's leaning too far to the "un-affected" side... which is why his head and body leans heartily towards the affected side.

Right now he's on the following meds...
- Reglan 0.6 ml by mouth every 12 hours
- Pen G. .26 ml every 48 hours for one week, then twice a week for two weeks, then once a week for two weeks. (I do evenings)
- Sub Q Fluids - 50 ml to be administered for 5 days consecutively (evenings a few hours apart from the Pen G)
- Baytril - 0.5 ml by mouth every 12 hours
- Metacam - 0.1 ml by mouth once per day (I do mornings)

I'm not sure why she wanted him on Baytril as well... I'm a little worried that it will suppress his appetite, which won't help the prior stasis... I'd love to see him really eating again. The past two days he's not been intereted in his pellets at all. Which from what I've heard is fine, as with after a stasis you want to get them eating hay and veggies and then slowly re-introduce the pellets.

I'm also wondering if he should be put on an anti-inflamatory drug?? I'm sure the Pen G med will help with the inflamation, but soon enough?