Thanks Clair... I really thought he looked, and seemed, content, but I didn't want to overlook anything.
So this morning he didn't want any critical care... just would not have it for nothing! That's got me a bit worried. :nerves1But he did eat a few of his rabbit pellets for the first time in days. Maybe 10? And he had some pumpkin also. I found lots of poops around him, and he's drinking water from his bowl (I also got a syringe of water into him). Also, last night after feeding him he was eating some hay. So I'm hopefull that he was just full from hay. Unfortunately I can't be with him now until after lunch again... hopefully he'll be hungry by then.
When do you stop force feeding... when they show interest in their pellets again, or only once they eat a full meal of pellets??
He didn't want any massages this morning either... but he got a really good one last night... again, fingers crossed that he will be o'kay to lunch, and that he allows (trust me I try my best to force it, but he is strong willed at time) me to feed and massage him then.
I took a couple pics and vids last night...
Showing his tilt
Showing him all stretched out after his meal and massage
Vid of him cleaning and drinking and generally nosing around his space
Jacub and wife bun Lego, doting on him