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hartleybun wrote:

as long as i dont have to look at muddy dogs i shall be fine. the river clyst has flooded the fields again so the dogs had a lovely wet muddy splash session yesterday.........

No muddy dogs for sure - I am tired of my own going and finding mud.

Radar needed his own cage today - he and his brothers have been sharing a large cage but his hormones have taken over and he was roughhousing Splash to the point that Splash complained loudly...which sent me running with Saoirse in pursuit (she was out grazing but if mum runs, there is a good reason to follow). Quinn and Bridget also dropped what they were doing to see what the commotion was... Quinn was ready to give kisses... Bridget is always ready to hunt...

Splash and Stinger looked relieved to see their bossy brother leave for his own room... luckily I have more cage wire and an interested party for a 4H show bunny so one of the boys will depart at some point... I have become attached to these young boys and want to make sure whatever they are destined to do is right for them.

Juno gave me a look that said "I am glad they are your responsibility now." Axel congratulated his son (in neighboring cages) on being a buck who knows what he be the boss.

I gave Radar a big snuggle as I gave him his new spread... he is one who always chins me and makes sure he sprays me... nice to know I am loved... even if it means an extra shower in the AM... don't think I can explain the smell of buck spray as some new exotic perfume... :scared:

DeniseJP wrote:
... don't think I can explain the smell of buck spray as some new exotic perfume... :scared:


:roflmao:i've tried convincing people that 'eau de fox et badger' is the latest by chanel. doesnt work for some reason.....

from brandy to quinn : went to the beach yesterday and refused to stop eating crabs that had been washed up. donna moaning cos she had to clear up the lawn when i threw them back up. honestly, next time i'll do it in the house then she wont have to go outside in the rain. xx
Maybe if we put it in a pretty bottle and charged a lot of money for it things might change... I swear that some of the perfumes that people wear smell like something I used to kill wasps and ants this past summer...

A day off from work today - Remy is in da house... exploring and a little later Radar will get a turn. Roxanne was in earlier.

Quinn to Brandy... I am envious of a day at the beach... I would have rolled in the dead crabs myself... that would be a new scent to wear... sure my mum would have been howling about it for sure...

Quinn to Brandy: OMIGOD I found the most excellent fox poop today... mum was out riding Weatherly today and I find that that horse is not interested in exploring like me and all she wants to do is eat. She was also afraid of the giant pumpkin that mum and dad grew in the rabbit poop compost pile (it weighed 100 pounds) - they had to move it to the garden to harvest the seeds to grow more big pumpkins next year. I had to show that big black horse that the big orange ball was like a beach ball. Only then did Weatherly go near the pumpkin. I had to make sure she did not hurt mum... mum feeds me and the rabbits, pigs, cats and other horses and I am sure there would be a lot of complaining if dinner was not served on time.

And she eats grass and doesn't get sick... I can't eat grass without throwing it up so I went in search of wild mice (tasty fast food!) and other critters and found this great poop pile. There is nothing like rolling in it and smearing it all over my neck and sides...and of course, I smelled great!

Mum was not pleased and she had to get off of Weatherly to throw sticks in the water to make me swim... duh, I am a Lab... I will always swim in due time but I really wanted to enjoy my new scent...

Roxanne to Quinn: Yo, yellow Lab dog... how about some time for us bunnies?

Jared: Yeah... bunny time. Can I have your phone number, Roxanne?

Remy: Beat ya to it, little bro.

Stinger: Grass please?

Juno and Juliette: And fresh parsley?

Calliope and Grace and Axel and Splash: Don't forget carrots and Craisins...

Radar: Yeah, parsley would be nice. How about a doe for me?

brandy to quinn - :shock:i am so not jealous!!! think of me when you are rolling!!!! donna tries that trick of throwing sticks to get me into the river. i ignore her and stand still slowly wagging me tail. had a lovely walk on haldon hill yesterday followed by a pub lunch. very nice i must say. didnt do any rolling tho'

also dont do the grass eating thing, me daughter whiskey does tho and tends to throw it up over me!!!!

roxy and hartleybun to the silversong bunnies - have had some very stormy weather here recently - donna cant understand why we love being outside in the wind and the rain:) she does grow mint and parsley for us tho' and buys tasty carrots.:D
Back to the bunnies - I have a lot of parsley and mint that is doing very well and if the bunnies see it coming for distribution, all sorts of antics go on... Radar and Stinger and Splash all start spraying and spinning like lawn sprinklers (gotta dodge the spray or get a raincoat)... Juliette gets so excited she grabs her pepper toy and starts jumping around with it doing half-binkies - Juno and Roxanne and Remy and Jared all do their version of rippin' rabbit (Jared can almost run sideways on his cage walls when he gets going - I am sure there is a physics class somewhere that would enjoy his demonstration of centrifugal force), Axel starts thumping due to the commotion his sons are causing and Calliope and Grace press their noses to the wire in an uncharacteristically patient pose...

It is great to have them love to see me... or at least, love to see the parsley and mint in my hand...

what is it with bunnies and water - mine love being outside in the rain. have had to move the mint and parsley to the front of the house. i had it on a table out back but bunnies can climb..

none of them do a rippin rabbit tho':D do you find the more excitable ones set each other going?
hartleybun wrote:
what is it with bunnies and water - mine love being outside in the rain. have had to move the mint and parsley to the front of the house. i had it on a table out back but bunnies can climb..

none of them do a rippin rabbit tho':D do you find the more excitable ones set each other going?

Remy and Jared get each other going - they are littermates and I tried separating them but they got back together again on their own (how they did that is beyond me :grumpy:but it was just a very secure divider in their big cage that obviously was not that secure)... very unusual for two bucks to be that close while reaching maturity in my experience... they eat together, groom each other and when one is doing something the other is not far behind.

Roxanne gets going by just seeing me - I am pretty excited about that as once she has my attention, it is all about getting her noserubs.

Yet Radar was the most excitable of the Holland siblings and Stinger and Splash would retreat to let him go rippin' rabbit alone in their big cage... all three boys are now separated as they were constantly humping and picking on each other.

My garden is far from the barn and bunnies so I can harvest what I need and bring it to the barn...

Fancy77 wrote:

when I ran across this I thought of u...AWWW was the only thing that came to mind

What an adorable mini... so sad she is in foal as many folks like to breed minis thinking they will make "lots of money" due to their cuteness but that is not the case...

I got out of horse breeding a long time ago after I almost lost my Freedom and her damduring her delivery (back in April 2001 - she was positioned wrong and there was not time to get the vet out to deliver her safely (although the vet had been called and we were waiting for her return call at 12:30 at night)... I managed to getFreedom out without damage to her dam or to the baby...our veterinarian was happy it all worked out well as Freedom presented in a tough manner and my equine midwifing skills are still developing) - neither mare or foal showed any signs of trauma... Freedom will be nine years old on April 24, 2010.

When prices I was able to get for my stock did not reflect the training, veterinary care and fees for registration... of all the foals I have had I am in touch with all but two owners who I could not locate. I brought all of them into the world and want to make sure they are loved and healthy.

Hope Sofia can find a home with someone to love her...I love getting the attention from my horse ladies here - Mercy throws her feed pan at me to make sure I have not forgotten what is important - her dinner... Freedom whirls her butt to me so she can get her backside scratched... Saoirse will crowd me to get scratched and loved on...Weatherly sticks her face up close to mine as she knows it makes me laugh and Nefertiti is reserved in how she seeks attention, but since I welcomed her into the world and she whinnied to me as she took her first breath, she is special to me.

Probably it is good that Sofia is in Iowa and I am in New York and that my barn is full... I have a soft spot in my heart for miniature horses.:inlove:

That is a sad story Denise. I would have been petrified of loosing any horse. Thank goodness it all turned out ok tho whew. Was it just you midwifing or did u tag team it?? lol

I didnt realize you dont break even in the mini horse business. We had up to 13 horses at any one time on our farm, but we only had one colt, and kept him.

That is too bad u cant locate those 2 owners since it is so nice to know how your "babies" are doing.

I miss my horses so much and realistically I dont think I will be getting another in my lifetime. but I love how it teaches children responsibility and love, trust companionship. that list goes on and on lol That is the only thing that is hard on me not living in the kids are not getting those untaught lessons that I was blessed with. (at the time i didnt think that was so special tho lol)
Fancy77 wrote:
That is a sad story Denise. I would have been petrified of loosing any horse. Thank goodness it all turned out ok tho whew. Was it just you midwifing or did u tag team it?? lol

I didnt realize you dont break even in the mini horse business. We had up to 13 horses at any one time on our farm, but we only had one colt, and kept him.

That is too bad u cant locate those 2 owners since it is so nice to know how your "babies" are doing.

I miss my horses so much and realistically I dont think I will be getting another in my lifetime. but I love how it teaches children responsibility and love, trust companionship. that list goes on and on lol That is the only thing that is hard on me not living in the kids are not getting those untaught lessons that I was blessed with. (at the time i didnt think that was so special tho lol)

I was midwifing with my son Benn, who thought he might want to do veterinary medicine but changed to fashion design and cosmetology...(he is a senior in high school now)' I had attended other deliveries before including one elbow lock so I knew what I needed to do to get Freedom out to save her and her dam Hope but Freedom also hadthe otherleg back at the shoulder so it was a bit more interesting.... another delivery that was a 7 months gestation miscarriage made me decide I was not ready to devote a lot of time to mini horse production, even though the foals I raised placed well in the show ring....luckily I was able to save the mare.

NY state was not successful for me in the mini horse business... my sale horses went on to homes in Massachusetts, Canada, Maine, South Carolina and Connecticut and I was selective to who they went to - only two were rehomed... the two I lost track of.

A former Thoroughbred breeder told me the wise buy what they want that is on the ground... as much as I love midwifing horses, I have to say she was right in my opinion.

My hubby and I agree on being in a rural area... we did the city thing when we were much younger and rural living agrees with us both.


Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I don't know how you do it all!, horses, farm, bunny's, family, wow

Well, there is a pile of laundry I haven't done yet and dishes... barn has to be clean before those chores... LOL... did get out to go hunting this AM (saw lots of deer but did not have a shot - our family eats a lot of venison and I have all sorts of ways to cook it... we have too many here in my area and each one we harvest is one that does not run into someone's car - Tim has sustained two direct hits and Andy had a hit in my old Explorer), then cleaned the barn, made candles, ran laundry and then rode Weatherly - Tim was worried the gunshots would scare her but she was rock solid.

Saoirse was the one who got excited at the shots... her ears, head and tail went up and she was prancing and bucking up a storm. I took her out on the longe line so she could graze and play and she was full of herself. She makes me laugh at her antics and I love how affectionate she is one moment and how bratty she can be the next... my job is to carefully educate her so she keeps her spirit with manners. I am seeing that with Weatherly - if you were to see her in the pen, nobody would ride her as she looks as wild as they come but once the halter is on, she is alert yet mannerly.

I am also dealing with my stepdad's pancreatic cancer - he was diagnosed Thursday night and they are doing an MRI tomorrow and he meets with the surgeon on Wednesday. He lives next door to his daughter, my (half) sister so he has someone to look after him. He is the dad that raised me - I am in touch with my biological dad, who I love just as much but that is another story.

I have Thanksgiving here on Thursday just the way I would want it- Tim, Andy, Benn and Greg. We hunt in the AM... dinner will be served later in the afternoon.

Friday morning I leave for CT to see my mom and brother and their new house - and hoping she will allow her ex to have what could be his last Thanksgiving with us. My (half) sister and I think it would be therapeutic to have a meal where things weren't going to Hell as they did during our childhood. If my mom cannot do it, my sister and I will do something up at her house with her hubby and girls and Dad.

My stepdad made mistakes over the years but we are all human and I forgive him. He took care of me when I was little and even though he could not deal with me when I was 18 and had an eating disorder and he threw me out of the house, I am able to deal and forgive.

Life is too short to carry around rotten baggage...

On a lighter note, felt Roxanne and Remy's kits as they are in production... Roxanne is still very sweet and loveable.

Calliope jumped up when I was cleaning her cage and I got to hold her for a bit... Grace was put out that I would hold her but she only chomped my sweatshirt once... that is an improvement!

Car is packed for a trip to Connecticut to see my stepdad and have a meal with him...

Had a good day socializing with the buns here - Juno sprayed me today... guess she wanted to mark me as her own...

DeniseJP wrote:
Life is too short to carry around rotten baggage...


such a true sentiment. i just wish i was blessed with your power of forgiveness.

all this talk of venison is making me hungry - im hallucinating a delicious pie.....with a slug of red wine...topped with a tasty suet crust:bunnydance: will have to get some venison next week now;)

good wishes for thanksgiving x

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