Worlds away - the Silversong Farm blog

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" alt=""> Check out Remy's whiskers!!!!

" alt=""> Roxanne contemplating an offering...

" alt=""> She likes it!

" alt=""> Quinn the Labrador...

" alt=""> Bridget, the GSP

" alt=""> Axel, the Holland Lop

" alt=""> Juno

These are some of my animal friends that I mention... more to come...

Photobucket got slow... have pics of the hill, the farm property, more bunnies, more Saoirse and Nefertiti....but there will be a slight delay.

" alt="">

Silversong Nefertiti, July 11, 2009 Classic Shetland Pony Grand Champion at Holley, NY show

" alt=""> Another view of Saoirse...holding still is not her favorite thing to do!

" alt=""> Although here she proved me wrong...

" alt=""> Now from around the farm - last of the 2009 nasturtiums... they are so bright!

" alt=""> A view to the south...

" alt=""> The little barn

" alt=""> A view to the west toward the pond... colors are at peak this week...

" alt=""> A view to the southeast from our hill. Bristol Mountain Ski Resort is not visible but Stid Hill is.

" alt=""> Baby barn swallow surveying the stall... there were 5 in this nest.

" alt=""> Me and "adopted son"/Andy's best friend Greg at his goodbye party this past May

" alt=""> Andy (holding Mrs. Whiskers), Greg and Benn holding Jeff...

That's all, folks!
wow! what nice pics and what a nice looking family you have. brandy and whiskey choc lab say hi to quinn. i just love whisker pics - thanks remy and roxanne:) also, is it me or is that ginger cat in the last pic huge:?

good luck for thurs - ive got to go back for more blood tests some x rays and a scan:X the look on the consultant's face was priceless as i was wearing knickers with snoopy on;) look i go for comfort,, x

Remy and Roxanne say "Thank you - any time!"

Quinn says Hello from across the pond... being a Lab he'd be happy to start swimming to meet Whiskey and Brandy halfway... :)

Jeff the tiger cat is HUGE. He came to us as a stray... was 10 lbs (I said 2 of the 8 was probably the equipment the vet removed) and it was all over from there... he is just a loaf! I play with him and he chases the Siamese around but then it is chow time (and he does not have free choice food, nor does Mrs. Whiskers). I mentioned it to the veterinarian so when he goes in for his shots she will give him the once over to make sure nothing is amiss health-wise.

Good luck with the doctor visits... I will be armed with my LEAVE THE PANTIES ON undies so I am sure there will be some laughs again....:) I am so excited to be getting it fixed so that I can sleep without pain and move without pain.

Thanks, Denise on the comments on the crew here and the view - we have a lovely view here - the house is a work in progress - needs new windows and paint inside, but it is home and watching the seasons change around us in farm.
country is great.

With the cooler weather I have the outdoor hutches with covers on the outside and piles of straw for burrowing in -Roxanne loves to burrow and build a hiding place. Remy and Jared would rather flatten the straw. I hope to have Andy's help to get the indoor cages finished and to get them in the barn.

Axel had some turnout time today and was pretty happy with himself - he was the binky king!

Saoirse is settling in - today Weatherly went to nip at her through the gates and Saoirse stood her ground and pinned her ears back - there is nothing like a peewee horse with a bad attitude!

Freedom and Mercy have softened their tough stance - I caught Mercy nuzzling Saoirse through the gates...

irishbunny wrote:
Very cute pictures! Your Irish/part Irish right? You look Irish x

Yes - part Irish - grandma's grandfather on her mum's side came over from County Cork... his name was Andrew Perry and he was an indentured servant here to a dairy farmer for some time until he could buy 20 acres from the dairy farmer, a Mr. Loudon. In the town where I was born in CT, there is a Loudon Street and a Perry Avenue. The farm was sadly dispersed years ago.

Her father's last name was Smith and she brought a bunch of birth certificates over to Ireland to see if she could learn anything about that side of her family but it was thought that the Smith name was used instead of the original Irish surname. She loved learning about her heritage.

My grandpa was a Gallagher - his mum was a Callahan or Callaghan. I miss them both.

My son Andrew carries on Andrew Perry's name and Saoirse... well I just love her name and its meaning.


I have a silly video of Weatherly smiling...

Remember, I am technologically challenged.:?

I tried to get Juno in the house but could not even pick her up in her least my pain level is much better today!


that pic of weatherly would make a great ' guess what this is?' pic. :biggrin2:

my great grandmother (maternal side) was from cork city, county cork. her maiden name was julia butler. she left in the late 1860s to nurse, moved to pembroke, wales, met great grandfather. one shotgun wedding later she ends up in the depths of devon disowned by her family. all the money went to her brother who became a priest, leaving it all to the church:) i have to admire her tho for living a little:biggrin2:
Thanks Rebecca - you are my hero as I can't do much technologically!:thanks:

My Holland bucks are going through some interesting growth spurts... all of a sudden Splash is huge and clunky... Stinger is small and staying cobby... Radar is in the middle and he is my welcoming committee. They were excited for some dandelion leaves I had to hunt down in the field.

No snow here today - just gray and gloomy.

Back from NYC - Benn loved FIT and I can see him going there if he gets accepted.

Bunnies were glad to see me when I returned...found an easy way to clean the large Checkered Giant cages - I fit inside them and could shovel them out! Remy and Jared thought it was cool to have me "visit"... Roxanne was put out... "Remember I said no hands in my cage then you go ahead and put your whole body in my space? What's wrong with you people?!"

I made it up to her with fresh parsley from the garden.

Cast and stitches come off/out tomorrow - can't wait!

Back from NYC - Benn loved FIT and I can see him going there if he gets accepted.

Bunnies were glad to see me when I returned...found an easy way to clean the large Checkered Giant cages - I fit inside them and could shovel them out! Remy and Jared thought it was cool to have me "visit"... Roxanne was put out... "Remember I said no hands in my cage then you go ahead and put your whole body in my space? What's wrong with you people?!"

I made it up to her with fresh parsley from the garden.

Cast and stitches come off/out tomorrow - can't wait!

Cast is off - I have a removable splint and the use of my hand!

The tattoos with the Inkinator look great - they healed over nicely and are clear and legible. Too bad the scratches from Remy that my cast covered look really pink now... more healing needed there.

Radar is the friendly bun of the baby bunch - he has this big butterfly marking on his nose and he loves to chin me.

I am liking the way Stinger is maturing show bun wise - he is compact and tiny with great markings.

Splash is going through another awkward stage with his head (Hollands do that as they grow)... but he has shoulders to die for.

Juno has gotten back in shape for show season - I need to get her more turnout time to work those muscles.

And then there's Axel and Juliette and the Checkered Giants...

Next show for us is January 3rd... can't wait!

Building indoor cages for the Checkered Giants this weekend since my cast is off...Tim still says I can bring the large cages in but he doesn't have good spatial sense and he doesn't like spending money but whatever my buns need, they are going to get. :biggrin2:

will you ever learn with roxanne:p glad to read the cast is off. i trust you are taking it slow and following medical advice about resting it etc..;)
hartleybun wrote:
will you ever learn with roxanne:p glad to read the cast is off. i trust you are taking it slow and following medical advice about resting it etc..;)

Roxanne chinned me today so things are good...:biggrin2:

This elbow is not straightening as well as the other one did... I am working on it every moment I get!

You have such a beautiful family. I can only hope to have at 1/4 of the blessings you have been given.


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