Remy and Roxanne say "Thank you - any time!"
Quinn says Hello from across the pond... being a Lab he'd be happy to start swimming to meet Whiskey and Brandy halfway...
Jeff the tiger cat is HUGE. He came to us as a stray... was 10 lbs (I said 2 of the 8 was probably the equipment the vet removed) and it was all over from there... he is just a loaf! I play with him and he chases the Siamese around but then it is chow time (and he does not have free choice food, nor does Mrs. Whiskers). I mentioned it to the veterinarian so when he goes in for his shots she will give him the once over to make sure nothing is amiss health-wise.
Good luck with the doctor visits... I will be armed with my LEAVE THE PANTIES ON undies so I am sure there will be some laughs again....

I am so excited to be getting it fixed so that I can sleep without pain and move without pain.
Thanks, Denise on the comments on the crew here and the view - we have a lovely view here - the house is a work in progress - needs new windows and paint inside, but it is home and watching the seasons change around us in farm.
country is great.
With the cooler weather I have the outdoor hutches with covers on the outside and piles of straw for burrowing in -Roxanne loves to burrow and build a hiding place. Remy and Jared would rather flatten the straw. I hope to have Andy's help to get the indoor cages finished and to get them in the barn.
Axel had some turnout time today and was pretty happy with himself - he was the binky king!
Saoirse is settling in - today Weatherly went to nip at her through the gates and Saoirse stood her ground and pinned her ears back - there is nothing like a peewee horse with a bad attitude!
Freedom and Mercy have softened their tough stance - I caught Mercy nuzzling Saoirse through the gates...