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The meal was good - we had a nice time.

I had fun with everyone - even cleaning my sister's chicken coop - my brother in law was dry heaving out in the yard as I produced shovelfuls of chicken poop from the coop...cleaned the next boxes and collected eggs...

Drove by the ocean - it looked cold but I wished I was sailing on it...cold or not.

It was a good holiday.

And tonight finds me getting ready to go outside for chores after work... made a big bowl of homemade matzo ball soup - I just learned how to make it after visiting the 2nd Avenue Deli in NYC when I was down there with Benn to visit FIT and it is total comfort food - all of my family likes it - even those that grew up on corned beef and cabbage and stew...).

4 matzo crackers ground up fine, 4 eggs (from my Thanksgiving chicken coop cleaning - the reward was a dozen beautiful eggs), 4 tablespoons chicken broth, and 4 tablespoons schmaltz - mix all ingredients to make a paste and let it set 15 minutes so the cracker meal soaks up the broth and schmaltz (schmaltz sounds better than saying chicken/turkey FAT). I bake a chicken or turkey to get the schmaltz, which is rendered chicken or turkey fat (I have not made it the "proper" way in a skillet but my method works - if someone wants the "gribenes," get them at the 2nd Avenue Deli :)). When you have the drippings for gravy from the baked chicken or turkey, chill it and it will separate... schmaltz on the top - drippings on the bottom for gravy. All this from a non Kosher cook.:biggrin2: My sailing partner and his wife were impressed and gave me even more pointers on perfect matzo ball soup as that is their heritage.

Wet your hands and make small balls out of the paste that you will drop into the boiling chicken stock, then turn the broth down to simmer. I cook it for about 20 minutes and the cooked matzo balls will grow in size and float. It doesn't last in my house - when it is cooked - it is GONE as folks are lined up for it - Andy and Greg were the first ones to get a cup and ask for seconds. Add cracked pepper to the paste for a chicken soup that will clear out the sinuses - I am staving off the flu and colds with this stuff (and my hand sanitizer!).

My oyster or clam chowder recipe will be next... too much salt water in my veins to totally rely on venison and pheasants (we raise pheasants and do hunt whitetail deer and consume them...I have some good recipes for venison and pheasant and have yet to have a "bad piece" - we have a good processor here in town... even my mom who loves her beef (I don't like beef or pork products) could not believe how tender and mild the steaks I brought for Thanksgiving were. From her, that was a BIG compliment. My stepdad liked the venison, too - he still cannot believe that I like hunting but I told him I like to know what I am eating and where it came from.

Back to the farm... It is snowing here and Quinn not only rolled in something very foul (prior to the snow sticking) and evil smelling but he carried in clumps of it on his coat. The pond is frozen so he will have a quick date with the hose when I fill the water buckets in the barn. He looks pretty smug with himself tonight.

Even the cats caught a whiff of him and ran for parts unknown.

While Roxanne and Remy's anticipated Checkered Giant litter did not materialize, I do have some new bunnies coming in on December 19th - as I have been trying to develop a new herd of Hollands. I have a beautiful orange buck, a drop dead gorgeous broken tort buck and two tort does coming in. I have always been partial to the oranges and I am hoping this beautiful boy will help me produce a bright orange rabbit - I have only seen one Holland with this beautiful color - it was an intense, rich orange with white around her eyes and in the places the white should be... but she never produced a kit and I was on a waiting list for anything orange she produced.... In any case I am grateful to the breeder I am working with - I have been lucky to work with two talented breeders over the years.

I am hoping the broken tort will help improve some of Juno's faults and the new does will help work with Axel (and the kits Juno produces with her new suitors) as he has produced show winners for his former owner. He is still is my Prince Charming of the rabbitry - he still holds on to the grass ball I bought him as a toy... and he uses it to get my attention. Juno and Juliette have decided grass balls should be consumed ASAP... why not as Mom will get more for us... my Checkered Giants will be getting theirs soon.

So, my hands are blistered from cutting wire and building more hutches and I have to make a trip to the feed store to get more water bottles and hopper feeders but it is worth it.

My entries are in for the January 3rd show...

On the horse end of things Saoirse has learned how to "shake hands" on command and she is such a snuggle baby... she loves to be scratched and groomed and wil stand while I brush her without being tied. I like my horses to like me handling them...when they have to be crosstied for tacking up or clipping they know about that but grooming should be something they look forward to, want to have done and enjoy and when they see the brushes, I have them waiting in line.

It is funny but they will also wait "in line" to see the farrier or veterinarian... my horses are strange in that they crowd around the farrier or vet and watch their friends get worked on to the point of being a pain in the "arse"...(nudging the farrier to see what tools are in his pocket... or the vet to see what she has going on and who she smells like based on her other barn visits and even those here who get stuck with a needle STILL hang around to see what is going on, or to reassure the others that it is all OK and that being curious is worth it. Freedom surprises me the most as she was quite ill a few winters in a row and needed sedation to swallow a NG tube for an impaction colic (like stasis in bunnies), even sustaining a bloody nose in the processyet she is the first to seethe vet on her own terms.

I had a former farrier (retired) tell me that I had the most relaxed bunch of horses he had ever seen. My girls are all allowed to see and touch each other and they are not territorial about their space - Freedom will let Saoirse drink from her water bucket through the gates - and I try to include everyone in on any training that goes on. Any horse I break to ride is done among the company of their friends... until they are ready to venture out on their own, like Weatherly.

And, my cup of tea is empty... must change from work clothes to barn clothes and enjoy the lake effect snow and cold.

Life IS good.

Hey I am loving the fact my blog is on fire now!

Thanks to all who read and comment!!!

You rock!

hartleybun wrote:
DeniseJP wrote:
Life is too short to carry around rotten baggage...


such a true sentiment. i just wish i was blessed with your power of forgiveness.

all this talk of venison is making me hungry - im hallucinating a delicious pie.....with a slug of red wine...topped with a tasty suet crust:bunnydance: will have to get some venison next week now;)

good wishes for thanksgiving x
Hi Donna:

I would love your venison pie recipe!!! The suet crust sounds great!!!


recipe request noted - will get my act together and write it up! am supposed to be making a costume for the Rainbows Princess Christmas Party on saturday. some bright spark in girl guiding exeter thought that us leaders should dress up as well as the girls. yeah right! i shall be taking me toy frog!!!!! really! princess! at my age!

anyhew hoping that quinn is a bit cleaner......... brandy was not permitted to eat the dead cormorant washed up on exmouth beach yesterday, and is still sulking.

donna x
Quinn had a date with the hose and a bottle of shampoo at 6AM... he is much cleaner but I cannot get the stink out of his kennel... He was not happy about getting his work washed off but at least I can be near him now.

For the sensitivity of a dog's nose... what the heck are they thinking if I am ready to gag at the scents they choose?!

One of the best kids' books Benn brought home was about a lady who did not get the call from her fairy godmother in time and she married a farmer - it was a great twist on the Cinderella story - her name was Fanny and her husband was something Jensen... it is never too late to be a princess! Enjoy the day - Saturday will find me hunting deer for the last weekend of shotgun season here. A good friend is coming to visit to hunt as well - he and my hubby have been friends for years.

And Splash leaves for a new home tomorrow... and some new Hollands will be joining me on Saturday... will post pics and their names then...

We moved Roxanne's hutch inside and the other extra large hutches will be moved in this weekend. She is enjoying the new space.

It is snowing here at a good clip - the phenomenon known as "lake effect snow" - cold air blows across the warmer lake water and creates snow on the opposite side.

Spoke with my stepdad last night - he said he feels great and if he hadn't gone to the ER for the initial pain, he would not know he had cancer. He had a biopsy done last Friday but the mass is so hard it broke the needle...which my physician friend who visited us last weekend said is not good and my stepdad's doc also said was not a good sign. Dad and I decided that they could be wrong...(the doctor that said Benn was a girl in the ultrasound was oh so wrong!LOL) and he is still going to the gym to work out and is living his life. It was good to talk with him on the phone for about an hour.

He always had a dream of owning an all black racehorse that was named Blacktop (he was a general contractor who did driveways back in the day) but I told him I don't have a racehorse, nor is it a colt, but she is all black and he'd love to see her go. He liked that... I am lucky to have survived my last outing last Saturday on Weatherly... she was full of herself - squealing, leaping in the air and wanting to run with yours truly on board... and I did work her on the line prior...but she wanted to "work" me.

January 3rd is creeping up - cannot wait for the first rabbit show of the season for me!

The update... Splash and Radar left for new homes this week. Of the three boys, Stinger seemed to have the type I wanted - a cobby body, shorter ears and beautiful color - he just needs to grow his head out, which I feel he will do. I am hoping to see Radar regularly as he is the new show bunny for a young boy who is very interested in rabbits.

Empty cages do not stay empty long - I welcomed more dream Holland Lop rabbits - a gorgeous orange senior buck named JNJ Hawkeye (I am partial to the orange rabbits), and a gorgeous broken tort, White River's Segal. Segal also shares my son Benn's birthday - December 6th. I have to get his show record - he placed third at the Holland Lop national show if I am remembering correctly.

While the does and Hawkeye settled in the barn just fine, Segal looked like he was cold and unsettled so he is in the house in his new cage right now... I will have to acclimate him to barn life but I am enjoying his company right now. He is posing in his cage, quietly observing what is happening around him, but he holds his pose...he is just breathtaking... then he did a binky. He had some nice get at the breeders' rabbitry...I feel very blessed with the new additions - much better than jewelry or fancy clothes for the holidays!

And, as I hope to produce a quality line of orange Hollands, a future brood doe is maturing at my friend's rabbitry - she is too little to leave her mom and siblings and she will be worth the wait. I got to hold her and bond with her a bit today.

Also, two does joined my herd - Dan's Trisa and Dan's Lenka. Both are beautiful brood does... they are torts from two of my favorite Holland sires.

So, it's a gotcha day for Trisa, Lenka, Segal and Hawkeye...and time for evaluation to see who is getting bred to whom as my line develops.

Back to my much loved Checkered Giants, Roxanne was not happy about the cold weather we are having and when I scooped her up to hold her, she snuggled in close to me and relaxed in my arms... it shocked me - a Checkered Giant who likes to snuggle, even if it was to soak up the heat I was radiating (hot flashes make me a warm target for those who are cold). Her sister Calliope is the same way - Calliope's littermate Grace is my "wild child."

Whew... a long day in the car, getting lost (even with GSP and faulty MapQuest directions) was worth it.

the new buns sound sooo beautiful - especially the orange buck!

it got down to -4 a couple of nights ago. went out to the bunnery to find my two stretched outin full bunny-lounging mode on the one bit of the concrete not covered by fleeces and blankets.:shock::grumpy: honestly, you bend over backwards to keep them warm and they dont want to know!

Mine are the same way - I had the last outdoor hutch secured with boards and tarps layered... a beautiful pile of straw for Remy and Jared to nest in and they destroyed the pile and rearranged it to their liking. They are quite the pair.

I have not posted pics of the new crew yet... they have been here 24 hours... Benn had the camera last and I have to find it....:grumpy:

My son Andy's girlfriend has a sablepoint Holland Lop named Celia that he said goes nuts for a treat called Yogies.... Roxanne, Juliette, Lenka, Hawkeye and Stinger have agreed that Yogies rock the house... I also bought fresh parsley and everyone was pretty excited about that as well. Stinger even sprayed me so I know I am his.:p

Segal was able to transition outside today as the temps have moderated significantly to what he is used to. He is a finicky rabbit (eating his hay butpicking at his pellets - he looks at me like he thinks I am trying to poison him), but is pooping and drinking OK... I think he is going to be the one to give me fits for sure! His former owner said he is like that normally so this will be a new experience for me - a finicky rabbit! He and Juno have been eyeing each other so I imagine they will be exchanging phone numbers soon enough. I found a hay ball with a bell like the one he had at his former home and I stuffed it with some parsley anda Yogie treat so he should have fun pulling it apart.

The new does have willow balls to play with - Lenka loves shoving hers around... Trisa sits in her corner and contemplates hers.

Hawkeye is a pretty mellow buck... I can't wait to see what he produces... I may cross him to Juno as she has some colors in her pedigree that may work well with him.... we are trying to get in shape for our show in January 3rd.


Segal, after getting Juno and Trisa's phone numbers and dates, is now chowing down on his food. Axel got Lenka's phone number and was grateful for a doe for the holidays. More nest boxes are on my Christmas list now. :) Hawk and Stinger will have to wait for another time... looking forward to our first show of the season on January 3, 2010!

Lenka is very friendly - a snuggle doe.

Roxanne got some cuddle time with the colder temps... she growled when I cleaned her cage but was happy when I scooped her up and snuggled her. The same happened with Juliette but she did not growl.

Trisa's dam will be joining us in January - I am going to try some of my tricks to see if I can get her to conceive - it may be a longshot but her genetics are worth it.

My orange doe (almost weanable) will also be joining us - she is broodier than her sisters but she's got the lovely color... I will have to think of a name for her unless her breeder provides me with a name.

And the not so good news added to the blog - stepdad's cancer is stage IV pancreatic and liver cancer. He is not doing chemo - can't say I blame him there. He called to wish me Merry Christmas as I was in bed with the flu and I so wanted to be up to chat more.

Felt better today - clipped show bunnies's nails and am counting down the days until the show next Sunday.


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