Wabbitdad12 wrote:
DeniseJP wrote:
Everyone's tattoos look great and I have some great marks to share with the surgical staff when I get my elbow fixed - they were astonished that rabbits can leave marks the way Checkered Giants can.
I consider them a badge of honor.
I know what you mean, I donate plasma to earn a few extra dollars, one of the technicians looked at my arm and asked if I had lost a fight with a cat and I said no a rabbit. He looked very surprised. There not all docile! Still adorable though!
That was me when I was getting the right elbow fixed- I have a red raspberry patch and wild blackberries that I was picking right about the time Roxanne was teaching me Checkered Giant rule #1 (no hands in my cage without warning) so when the nurses asked what happened, I said Raspberries and rabbits and they could not believe rabbits could be capable of the bite marks on my hands or the scratches... I just told them to watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail... not all bunnies are docile for sure!
The lady who is taking Dipper (my older mare) could not believe how well mannered my young Hollands were - I was showing her that they were bucks, that they had good teeth and that their toenails matched similar to how the judge might do an exam and then I set them up and the all posed (amazing since Stinger was not into posing) and she wants me to help her 4H group show rabbits, which will be fun since my kids are not interested in showing. They may come with me to our January show to watch and see all the different breeds.
She did not want a Checkered Giant, by the way - but Calliope was in my arms and was quietly looking around, in close proximity to my face and ears...felt like I was sticking my head into a lion's mouth for a moment.
Radar and Splash posed well on the table I had set up - and if I remember right - Splash really held his pose for some time - he will make a judge's job a little easier if he continues to be a good boy. Juno was the same way as a baby and it looks like she passed that trait on to her kits. She is such a sweet rabbit - I love her a lot.:inlove: Then again, I love them all!
Some big news from the horse side of things - Mercy, my celebrity mini, will be appearing in another miniature horse book -The Big Book of Small Equines by Johnny Robb & Jan Westmark - the book is due to be published in November. This makes 4 books under her belt - two stories I wrote - the others are by other authors.
Insomnia hit at 2AM...but then again I am excited as the new baby horse arrives here this afternoon. Pics and a proper introduction later.