Wondering about Luna & Patrick?

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Jess_sully wrote:
Luna is such a pretty dutch :)
How long has she had her dewlap?

Luna has had her dewlap since she has been living with me....LOL!

Honestly, Naturestee had told me that she couldn't get any weight on her because Luna was always on the move. Then I adopted her, and me with my magic touch, plumped her out in no time. :?Luna is a bigger sized Dutch to begin with, but we sort of overdid the weight gain.She isn't too bad, but she does have a little junk in her trunk. So any little bit she loses is a small milestone in getting her girlish figure back. :D

myheart wrote:
She isn't too bad, but she does have a little junk in her trunk. So any little bit she loses is a small milestone in getting her girlish figure back. :D

:D that's hilarious! I don't think she looks horribly overweight, so at least her health isn't in danger. Nothing long with spoiling a previouslly-underweight bunny :) Although, if she were to lose weight, I don't think she would lose her dewlap. I could be wrong, but I think once a dewlap forms its there to stay? Perhaps it could get smaller. Either way, she's a beauty!
Thank you so much for the compliment. I will pass it on the Luna Belle tonight when I get to snuggle her on the way to putting her to bed tonight. (She is cuddling with Patrick right now :p).

Awwwwwww Look at that beautiful girl! :hearts:

myheart wrote:
Bo B, I really do hate to say that I am glad you couldn't take Luna when she was available for adoption. I will be happy to share her with you as much as possible. :D Luna really is something else. She doesn't do much lunging anymore when she is approached, and seems a bit more relaxed with everything going on.

We are still working on the bonding thing with Zappa. This isn't quite as easy as it was with the instant love between Patch and Luna. Zappa wants to be the dominant. So I will have to see if she will get over her teenage tendencies, and finally bondto have full run of the house with Patch and Luna. :?

You know, I'm glad she's with you and Patrick and so very happy! I loved her immediately - there are a lot of bunnies that catch my eye but she was one of the ones that issomething really special somehow. I could just see it in her! I would love to have had her, but I know she's where she was meant to be! I really enjoy seeing her pictures with her bestest buddy! I get a smile each time I see them cause you can tell how happy he is also!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I loved her immediately - there are a lot of bunnies that catch my eye but she was one of the ones that issomething really special somehow. I could just see it in her!

I am that way also... I am able to walk through a shelter, or browse around on PetFinder and find nothing that jumps out at me. Other times, I see "the one" who, I think, would make my world complete.

I knew that Luna would make Patrick's world complete, but it took me the amount of time to learn her body language and personality before she stole my heart. I think part of it was because she was always on-guard with me and lunging. Now she looks to me for comfort and protection. Luna let me into her world and her heart just as much as I needed to do the same for her. :D


I know I should really start a trio-blog for the kids, but do tend to find them quite often in pairs with one sitting further away. I don't know how they decide who gets cuddled, but they seem okay with it. Not sure if a fourth bunny might even out the pairs situation, or if that will just cause more hurt feelings. :?

Anyhow, I managed to catch these few pictures of Patrick and Luna spending some sunny-bunny time together. I felt so happy to see Luna enjoying the sunshine, and tried to let her know that it will just be a few more months until spring and for excersie time outside in the fresh air.






I think Luna will always Patrick's first and true love. They just have that sort of bond...:pMakes me tear-up looking at them together. **big sigh** They were just meant to be together. :hearts:

kherrmann3 wrote:
Aww, sunny bunnies! :)

Yeah... :pUnfortunately Patrick decided that the sunshine, the cuddles with Luna, and then grooming Luna, equalled foreplay. :shock:I noticed that is how he gets to have is way with his women... He gets them all sleepy by grooming them on the head, then slowly inches his way down their backs, and then tries to land some full-body huggin' on them.He is one smooth operator... :cool:


naturestee wrote:
Patrick sure isa devious little bun with a one track mind!:shock:

I love seeing Luna so happy.

I am not sure if I should respond to this in two posts or not. I may have to because Miss Luna Belle has been feeling too good of late... I actually have pics as evidence. :D

Last night, after I put Patrick and Zappa tobed with their salads, I made myself busy with getting Luna's stuff ready because every one else is eating, and she must have her salad ASAP. So as I was about to bring her water dish for her I saw this:

Miss Luna Belle on top of their hiding box attacking the Oxbow tunnel!!




It has become her habit to nibble on the tunnel while I finish getting her stuff together for bed-time, but this time I forgot to put the tunnel back on the floor after I was done sweeping up. I guess she showed me how things are done with mischievous style.... :p
