Why did you choose a rabbit as a pet? What you love?

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My husband is allergic to cats and dogs, and angora rabbits. We have had a rabbit for 24 years. Actually this is our third rabbit, first two lived 10 1/2 years each. New bunny is three years old.

They are incredibly cute.
They continue to play until old age.
They get into trouble.
They are cute even when they get in trouble.
They adapt to your lifestyle. I stay up to two and he expects to do that also.
Reasonable clean, no smells.
Not difficult to potty train.
No treatments for fleas, heart worms, rabies, etc.
No shots.
They are cute when they sit, stand, groom, eat, sleep...
No drooling.
Poops can be swept or vacuumed up. No ickiness.
Very curious or nosey.
They can be counted on to locate any piece of candy you lose.
Mine is good at clearing the table, anything there gets nosed to the floor.
Very fuzzy and soft.
They will learn when bedtime is and put themselves back in their crib.
They can reduce a cardboard box into confetti in no time. And without being asked.
Loving on their terms.
Not that expensive to keep. You just need to buy food, lettuce, green beans, hay,litter, litter boxes, papaya enzymes, random healthy treats, extra cords for phone, cellphone, etc.
All total, always adorable!
Lol About the rabbit finding misplaced candy and clearing the table. My Dutch was like that. He would eat anything, including dog chow. We had a Maltese at the same time, and when we let the rabbit loose in the house, nobody thought he would be at all interested in the dog food. It simply didn't even enter anyone's mind. But when I heard an odd crunching coming from the vicinity of the dog dish, and knew by the strangely cute, non-irritating sound, it wasn't the dog. It was like "What? It couldn't be. No way! It just can't be him!" But, sure enough, Thumper (School had named him) was stuffing face and loving it. Adorable! I was a little worried, and picked him gently up and removed him, but he suffered no ill effects. Other things he tried hard to steal were as strange as rice crispy squares and a stick of gum. No kidding. We fought over the square, and I had to cram that stick of gum into my mouth quick, like one of our lives depended on it, just to keep it away from him. He also ate squashed mosquitoes. I'd be holding him, kill a mosquito, and since he was such a champ licker, he'd lick my hand/wrist/arm no matter if a mosquito had just been ended there. But my lionhead, Felicity, is another story. She is a real finicky eater. She loves her hay, her food, and some greens, including young dandelions. She isn't interested in anything I eat while holding her. And she will even turn down dandelion plant if it's too old. Sometimes she gets annoyed at being put back, or simply my stopping attention too soon. She'll react by thumping. Hehe! the moment I go back to see what the problem is, she's all licks, nuzzles and purrs.
I have owned 3 bunnies consecutively over the last 20 years. I currently have an amazing 5 year old English Angora named Fuzzee. I can't emphasize how much pride and sheer joy I get from even the simplest things that Fuzzee does in his daily routine. I sometimes just stare at him grooming himself and I smile from ear to ear. I am awakened every day at 6-6:10 am by Fuzzee rattling his cage or bell toys exited as he knows it's play time. I am a tow truck driver of 27 years and I do get teased very often by my macho co-workers who have Rotty's, Doberman s, Huskies etc. And I have to say that my bunny is the sweetest and most loveable pet a man could ask for. I have tens of hours of studying ​into the feeding and bunny care do and don't s, and there is alot to know. I highly recommend a bunny pet to anyone BUT YOU MUST have excellent knowledge of feeding practices and a bunny MUST be free to run uncaged at least a couple fun filled hours EVERYDAY. I am disgusted by Easter pet bunnies that are forgotten and cage imprisoned novelty pets a few weeks after Easter that are fed cheap WMart pellets only.
Because... they're so cute and FLUFFEEEEE !!!!!!!! :)

Well, not our MiniRex house bun.
She also has nipped my husband-- maybe she doesn't like how he smells to her.

Otherwise she is packed full with personality.
Very active and has to have a lengthy 'play time' outside her house hutch. Or else. ;)
For me, it was the mouth. Have y ever just seen their Mouthes? Their adorable. And I have a habit of following the trend of my sister. She fell head over heels with holland lops. Once I got my buns, I was insebrebale. I had a fish, but fish aren't interesting. My bunnies have great personalities. Big Wig loves to explore. And he's always trying to escape. On the other hand, Blackie Chan is a timid, loving bun. He gets scared of everything, and won't go out without a family member. Big Wig is a more grumpy bun, but he'll tolerate me cuddling him. I think he's just in it for the carrots. And I couldn't leave them after they were adopted. Their faces are too cute!
Well my hamster died a few months back whom I loved a lot. And the next day was the only day I had free to have another pet, because it was a bank holiday so it was just me and my mum. So we went to two pet stores expecting to get a hamster, but got interested in rabbits. The first pet store I went to had a beautiful rabbit but I didn’t want to get it from that place because the animals there are always vicious. So I went to another pet store and it was a family business. I was all set out to buy this young bouncy frisky one, but then I saw Lucky he was so sweet, he cuddled and snuggled. And I just absolutely adore that rabbits have this attitude to life and have an individual and amazing personality [emoji5]
My first rabbit chose me. He belonged to a magician and lived in a cage unless he was working with the magician. I did not like him in their so talked the magician into giving him to me. Done. I built him a nice outdoor hutch and inside he was free to roam. He lived to be 13 years old. My next 4 were rescues.
Rabbits are sweet, intelligent and sociable. Just sitting and watching them outdoors in their pens is calming. Sadly I am down to 2 now. The other two died about 7 months apart and were hutch buddies from the start. They were just over 7 years old.
Hm, I didn't plan to have pet house rabbits, but in my first year with rabbits there was a Myxo outbreak, only thing I could do was quarentine each rabbit - one in each room. Out of 14 one survived, the one in my kitchen, and since she had no chance to grow winter fur she stayed with me for 8 months. Cage too small, so I let her free roam. Most destructive bunny ever. Reduced all plinth to flakes, wood and PVC alike, soiled the floor beyond repair, several USB cables ended up as a neat pile of snippets, she tried to kill me twice by removing insulation from power cords, and when spring came she started a tunnel straight into the wall, after 2" of plaster the bricks stopped her.

That girl is much happier outside. Anyway, she taught me what great and distinctive personalities they are.

Last year - 5 years later - I ran out of hutch space, so I moved my 2yo herd buck into the house - and it was perfect from the first day. Completly housebroken, he doesn't gnaw anything (that isn't food). doesn't care about cables, wakes me up in the morning, likes cuddles, and copes well with the occasional foster dog I had here. When I call him he comes running, and I've adopted a geezers shuffling gait with occasional BIG steps in the morning because there's a 10lbs bunny between my feet, oblivious to the risk of his toes being stepped on, waiting to get his slice of apple...

Gosh, that house would be so empty without him, I don't have enough time for a dog, and cats aren't my thing. If I would not experience it, I wouldn't believe what a great pet a (intact) buck can be.
We started with one rescue rabbit (or so we thought - full story here, in my first post: http://www.rabbitsonline.net/showthread.php?t=88550 ) and adopted another rescue bun as a companion for him.

My wife and I didn't have any pets, and although I love cats, I am very allergic to them. And even though we love dogs, we didn't want to deal with certain aspects of ownership that come along with them: having to be home to allow them out to go to the bathroom, possibly barking while we are away, and the feces (gross!).

The rabbits are very clean for the most part - we do get hay (and fur!) everywhere somehow. Ours are litter trained, at least for urination (the important part). The poops that don't make it into the litter box initially are easily cleaned up - we usually use a whisk broom and dustpan. They are silent - we love that. They can be left alone for longer periods of time than dogs can (since they have the litter box). They don't smell very much (only a little) and importantly, I am not allergic to them. I love their curious nature (Ellie stands on a chair near the window and looks out; they love empty boxes on the floor) and their "vices" (Kimchi is a fiend for banana, apple, nectarines and peaches). The binkies and running around are so fun to watch!

But overall the main reason we love them is that they are adorable, and they are a departure from the traditional "dog or cat". We did the fish tank thing for years, and I loved having the fish but my wife soon tired of it.

We are all-in on rabbits as pets. We can't believe we didn't "discover" how great they are sooner!
Because my indoor babes (ages 3 to almost 13 now, mainly rescues) are quiet, do not need to pee outside when it's 10 below or 20 degrees, need to be walked for 4 miles or so each day in all kinds of temps plus mosquitos (they have playtime in the house!), scamper back to their housing units aka exercise pens (some do), and are acclimated to being held and picked up. ahh, pure love. Truly the therapy bun partner when you've had a difficult day! ** Lemme tell you about the licking and kisses that go on, many as they grow older. ** My avatar Karla was on the floor to be euthanized at a shelter after the h.s. took in 100+ cats from a hoarder individual. I literally arrived moments before her deadly injection. She was suspected of having ringworm and the shelter was overloaded with the demands of 100+ cats. She became disabled when a DVM spayed her ; appeared to have a broken back and fx'd limbs after xrays & taking her to a 2nd opinion vet. First vet I would never recommend as being compassionate to lagomorphs! Karla bonded easily with another shelter-withdrawn bun who was cage aggressive at the shelter' neutered of course, just terrified of the environment and the next to be euth'd list for cage aggression. The shelter euthanizes routinely when they are Out of cell cubicles. || Lagomorphs after they are sp/eutered are Quiet little companions, save for the conversation sounds and occasional thumps. My first 2 buns were a shelter-adopted rex girl and she bonded with a roadside-advertised (cheap, unwanted) chocolate dutchie after he got neutered. Lagomorphs light up my life --
To be honest i wanted a hedgie first but read up on the responsibility and everything... gave up on that and then thought about a rabbit so i did some research and obviously every animal has responsibilities so i figured why not they are adorable and fluffy and my sister told me it was a good choice lol
So i went to a bunch of stores and finally went to Pices and got Pepper. I have fallen completely head over heels for my little fluff. He is my baby.

He is so cute! I love when he does binkies. That is probably my favourite of all things aside from his personality! I love when he runs up to the pen and tries to get some love before i go to work in the morning. And then will sort of flip his head around and then jump around. And when he lays down and relaxs with his feet out or head on the ground (nearly gave me a heart attack the first time i saw it). But i have raised him since he was a baby and it's kinda like having your own child. I just love everything about him.
I had bunnies off and on as a small child, and as a teenager, I started breeding them and fell in love. From then on, I became completely obsessed with rabbits, haha.

I absolutely adore bunnies because:
1. They are ridiculously cute
2. They are CLEAN and odorless (big plus)
3. They are quiet
4. Their fur is so soft and cute
5. They are social animals, so I can have more bunnies

I look at random bunny pictures to cheer me up, I volunteered at a rabbit shelter, I use bunny avatars and cover images when I had social media, and I love watching bunny videos/hearing about people's pet rabbits.

After more than 12 years without pet bunnies (I had to rehome my 5 rabbits due to moving far across the country), I recently decided to adopt bunnies again and now I spoil them rotten. They also serve as emotional support animals❤ I love bunnies so much that everyone I know associates bunnies with me LOL.
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There are no words to describe a rabbit, they are just too perfect (unless they bite). Sometimes you just see one and than you fall in love. That was my case. When I was a little girl I loved rabbits, when I turned 11 I finally got one. I love everything about rabbits (not that they bite). And even though they do bite it might only be for self defense (unless they are EVIL). Now I know that rabbits choose you, you don't choose them.
I took in a rescue bun at the urging of a friend who has a wonderful rabbit. I thought she might be a good companion for my now 3 legged cat. ( I didn’t know anything about taking care of a rabbit.) Turns out Khaleesi attacks the cat - or at least did for the first year.

Now I love her sooo much! She is the softest thing I’ve ever felt - a mini Rex/California mix, I think. She’s so gentle and does the cutest things. She free range part of the day when I’m home and has a lovely indoor hutch from a re-done armoire she loves.

I took on learning how to take care of her properly and with the help of my friend Sher and this forum and some youtube videos, I’ve learned (and am still learning. Thank you for this forum.).

Despite all my earlier mistakes Khaleesi has forgiven me and is quite close now and becoming closer. She’s 1 1/2 and I’m so glad I took her in!
We had no intention of keeping rabbits; but, one day our cat caught and tormented a baby cottontail, barely as large as my thumb. That baby's cry tore at my heart. More dead than alive, we nursed it back to health, thanks to my wife who fed it with a syringe many times a day. The little rascal flourished; but, it clearly wanted its freedom; so, last spring when things started turning green we released "Bun-Bun" back into the wild, where it deserved to be.

Releasing that lovable ball of fluff was the hardest thing I've done in all my life. It was the right thing to do; but, I was devastated and lonesome for it. I knew right then we needed a rabbit; and, it had to be the same color as the cottontail!

Wouldn't you know it, the local shelter had two young females that were exactly what I wanted. We've loved them ever since and also added a male Flemmie to the mix.

So, to answer the original question, why do we like rabbits? Others have already said it. They are beautiful, cute, odorless, clean, sweet, well-behaved and friendly. Besides that, they are not constantly demanding, as are dogs--and sometimes cats, such as the one we have now. In short, they are wonderful.

There is something else about rabbits: They are the underdog of the animal kingdom and at the bottom of the food chain. It is in my nature to stick up for the underdog. IMHO, no other animal suffers as much abuse as do rabbits. That makes me sad. For that reason, I try to make it up to our buns--all twelve of them, now--by treating them royally, as best as I can. Nothing is too good for our bunnies.
Excuse the long post but

AAAHHHH bunnies!!! Well everyone here has HIT IT ON THE HEAD!!!

Affectionate without annoyance
Soft, full of personality, funny to watch, smart, sweet (with a bit of a spunk), not too smelly (unless you have too many, my issue at this time - trying to adopt out :) ;) - just sayin) and I can't get enough of them.

I had 2 lops that I had to re-home 15 years ago, 5 years ago we got out first, California, Tigger, my daughter bought him for me (only 8 at the time, with her own money) for Mother's Day. I was in love!!!! Got my second a year later, Binks, was supposed to be a dwarf, he was supposed to be a she, but they were ALL WRONG; but he was very sick, almost died, had to syringe feed 3x a day food and water, meds for the first 8 months of his life with me. Ended up he had the first known case of Rat Bite Fever in a rabbit. :(

I spent thousands of dollars going to UC Davis Vet once a month and my local vet once a month: injections, xrays, pain meds, you name it - he got it. They thought we wouldn't make it, I was scared a few times myself; but I told them - As long as he wants to fight, I'm going to fight for him. He became my responsibility when I bought him (my Easter Bunny)...8 months later he was cleared, no more penicillin, pain injections weekly at home, sometimes I can tell he is hurting and I have to give him additional oral meds. He has Arthritis already, missing some bones in his back feet, had a "wonky" back leg, but he doesn't know it - it doesn't slow him down. But will all the one-on-one he was really close to me and was lonely so almost 2 years now, we got our third. She came unhealthy, skittish, mean, a biter, broken toes on her feet, nails so long her had hot spots on her feet - but ooohhhhhh how she loves my Binks. She has lost weight, her nails are doing better (no longer brittle and peeling), she loves to be cuddled, and pet now...Mrs. Bon-Bons has become so, so, so, sweet.

Then I rescued 3 bunnies someone dropped off at the park down the street - they had babies, sexed wrong, then they had babies, now I have 29 buns. I am on the last 10 to fix - phew...but how I love them all!!! The rescued buns are part lion and part something else not sure...but here are some pics of some of my babies. I can't imagine my life without them now...I love opening the top of the xpen and say "MY BABIES!!!" and they all run to me for love. When we go outside in the backyard I have some clicker trained to come for a treat and can easily take them inside...if you lay on the ground, the last litter, will climb on you, sniff, dig, boop, and just be cute!! They binky all over, zip through the lawn, and just enjoy their outside time, as well as I do.Binks and Mrs. Bon-Bons.jpg Binks and Tigger.jpg Bits, Wander, Figit, Dip, Chilly.jpg Boo.jpg Buster & Diamond.jpg Gizmo.jpg Honey, bits, wander, dip, chilly.jpg


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I was at an adoption center and I saw my Billy and fell in love. I adopted him a few days later. The more I read about them and learned about them, the more I fell in love. I had never thought about getting a rabbit until I saw him, but it was the best decision ever and now I have 2 rabbits and I love them more than anything! I think rabbits are so underrated and probably one of the most neglected animals. I have only had mine a few months and I am still learning things about them everyday.
I love animals so much, but what I love about rabbits is how different each one can be. My 2 are polar opposites, literally. Billy is so sassy, but friendly and curious and knows what he wants. He is always in the way and I love it. He hates being petted but loves attention (if that makes any sense!). Bobbi is really nervy, but has made so much progress. She loves being stroked but isn't the type that pesters you. Unlike Billy, she is much more reserved and cuddly. That's my favorite thing about rabbits- they are all individuals. I think people don't realize how much of a personality they have!
Not to mention everything they do is cute... Cleaning themselves, sleeping, eating, flopping, doing binkies. They are the BEST!
I always had cats growing up then my mom got diagnosed with cancer and I had to get rid of my cat because we couldn't afford for her to get scratched and get an infection.

I went for a couple years without a pet a really missed having one and started looking at pet pictures online and came across pictures of Holland lop bunnies and fell in love immediately. My boyfriend (now husband) and his dad got me 2 Holland lop bunnies the following Easter and I refuse to be without a bunny in my life from now on.

They are my favorite animals ever because they're so cute, pretty and harmless.

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