My husband is allergic to cats and dogs, and angora rabbits. We have had a rabbit for 24 years. Actually this is our third rabbit, first two lived 10 1/2 years each. New bunny is three years old.
They are incredibly cute.
They continue to play until old age.
They get into trouble.
They are cute even when they get in trouble.
They adapt to your lifestyle. I stay up to two and he expects to do that also.
Reasonable clean, no smells.
Not difficult to potty train.
No treatments for fleas, heart worms, rabies, etc.
No shots.
They are cute when they sit, stand, groom, eat, sleep...
No drooling.
Poops can be swept or vacuumed up. No ickiness.
Very curious or nosey.
They can be counted on to locate any piece of candy you lose.
Mine is good at clearing the table, anything there gets nosed to the floor.
Very fuzzy and soft.
They will learn when bedtime is and put themselves back in their crib.
They can reduce a cardboard box into confetti in no time. And without being asked.
Loving on their terms.
Not that expensive to keep. You just need to buy food, lettuce, green beans, hay,litter, litter boxes, papaya enzymes, random healthy treats, extra cords for phone, cellphone, etc.
All total, always adorable!
They are incredibly cute.
They continue to play until old age.
They get into trouble.
They are cute even when they get in trouble.
They adapt to your lifestyle. I stay up to two and he expects to do that also.
Reasonable clean, no smells.
Not difficult to potty train.
No treatments for fleas, heart worms, rabies, etc.
No shots.
They are cute when they sit, stand, groom, eat, sleep...
No drooling.
Poops can be swept or vacuumed up. No ickiness.
Very curious or nosey.
They can be counted on to locate any piece of candy you lose.
Mine is good at clearing the table, anything there gets nosed to the floor.
Very fuzzy and soft.
They will learn when bedtime is and put themselves back in their crib.
They can reduce a cardboard box into confetti in no time. And without being asked.
Loving on their terms.
Not that expensive to keep. You just need to buy food, lettuce, green beans, hay,litter, litter boxes, papaya enzymes, random healthy treats, extra cords for phone, cellphone, etc.
All total, always adorable!