I hope I'm understanding this thread correctly, so sorry if I'm off tract.
Pets I already own:
1 Holland Lop
3 Domestic Short Hair Cats
1 Stinkpot
1 Eastern Painted
1 Eastern Box Turtle
1 Rat Terrier
1 Pug Mix
Wouldn't Want:
Small/Toy Dogs: They're very hyper and annoying. We own 2 small doggies and I can certianly tell you that they are the biggest pests since the introduction of japanese beetles! Oi!
Large Snakes and other pets that thrive off of live pray:
I can understand feeding a bug or feeder fish to a turtle or frog, but feeding a mouse or rabbit to a large snake I wouldn't be able to handle. They scream when they die, and even though I like snakes, I'm not going to tolerate their "table manners."
Spiders and Insects:
Some people actually keep these animals as pets, and I used to when I was a kid(except spiders, I'm an arachnidphobiac).
But I hate spiders and bugs seem boring, and when they get sick, you can't heal them nor take them to a vet.
Just not my thing. My turtles would eat them anyways.
Pets I would like:
I have a bit of an issue with money so it wouldn't be smart for me to obtain any new pets, but if I could, these would be them:
For somebunny to finally make me a grandmother:
I would like to breed Bun Bun and get a baby from him. Pass on the Bun Bun generation, but I haven't found anyone who wanted to.
Eastern Mud Turtle/Stripe-Neck Musk Turtle/Striped Mud Turtle:
I'd like to get either 1 of these guys as a friend for my Stinkpot. His calm personality and grumpy additude doesn't mix very well with his abnoxious and sexually maturing eastern painted brother. It gets on his nerves at times and he will get a bit "nippy."
Red Eared Slider:
A friend for my eastern painted turtle. They have simular personality and would make great pals. Finally he'll have a friend to bask with! Plus I've always liked these guys.
American Pit Bull Terrier:
My favorite breed of dog. They are really smart and athletic. Damn shame they have such a bad reputation. Alot of people think that "all pits are bad dogs" when it's not true.