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I would think it's probably some confusion about what's happened, but also if he is still feeling some pain, any painful experience with rabbits, could potentially cause unusual changes of behavior. Hiding, avoidance, reduced activity, are all common when a rabbit is unwell. But as they improve and get to feeling better, they usually will return to normal behaviors. At least that's how it went for my rabbits.

Though continue to keep a close eye on his behavior. If his appetite hasn't returned to almost normal, or if it worsens and he becomes more lethargic and isn't improving, phone your vet right away.

Unfortunately, don't get too excited about the sudden improvement of his litter box habits. That can just be a response to not feeling well and staying close to where he feels safest. A rabbit suddenly hanging out in the litter box when they don't usually, and being unusually sedentary, can be a sign of them feeling unwell. So this can just be an effect of feeling unwell post surgery. If he is continuing to improve, you'll likely see a return to his old litter habits. Then over the next several weeks as his hormones start to fade, you'll likely see gradual improvement in litter habits and less marking and other hormonal behaviors.

But you also never know. Some rabbits will almost instantly improve litter habits post surgery. So that's a possibility as well. In other words, rabbits are unpredictable and anything's possible.

One thing, is if he doesn't improve litter habits and continues peeing around his area, if that flooring in his area is some sort of soft absorbent material, that can be your culprit. Some rabbits love peeing on soft things, neutered or not. This would also explain why he doesn't pee on the smooth floor when you let him out to run around. Smooth flooring is less likely to get peed on. So if this keeps happening, you may need to change the flooring in his area, to something non absorbent.
Yes this morning he is back to his hungry self wanting food all the time😂 he even played with me last night, I think I’m overthinking a lot and I feel terrible thinking about how scared he was🥲 yes I do have soft blankets in his enclosure but on the hard floor where I let him out I have put a massive soft blanket that he never peed on surprisingly I’ll keep an eye on that for the next 8 weeks, he seems so much more like himself today when I woke up he ran around my legs honking let me pet him I’m really happy about that! Thank you for the reply!
@Gravellilac, Great news wrt Gravel acting more normal - and eating - after the anesthesia wore off. As JBun mentioned, anesthesia can take a day or longer to work out of his system.

We've had some super concerning situations with post-op recovery of our rescues and adopteds. I won't list them all in this reply. With our last agouti neutered in May of 2022, his neutralized sacs had a "ton" of bruising. I won't post the archived images 'cuz they'd need a trigger warning. I was in contact with our trusted DVM who did his neuter. The bulging did not dissipate until a week or so later. I took photos every day for my log and to show the vet.

He did receive his usual 3 days post-op meloxicam for discomfort. Plus we extended the dosing timeframe.

From our 20 years of taking buns to be sp/eutered, we've only had a few exceptions of post-op recovery concerns. I hear you on being concerned when someone is not following the normal "bounce-back" to normal behavior routines. JBun posted excellent links.

No worries about overthinking! Did Gravel let you take a peek at his incision and deflated testicles?

I love the honking sounds. Our n/male would honk, hum, and buzz around hubby's feet for more than a decade after his surgery. He lived to age 12.

We have a 12 y.o. spayed female with spondylosis who also gets excited for her joint support tab each morning and will verbalize with humming and circling.

I look forward to more photos when you wish to share.
@Gravellilac, Great news wrt Gravel acting more normal - and eating - after the anesthesia wore off. As JBun mentioned, anesthesia can take a day or longer to work out of his system.

We've had some super concerning situations with post-op recovery of our rescues and adopteds. I won't list them all in this reply. With our last agouti neutered in May of 2022, his neutralized sacs had a "ton" of bruising. I won't post the archived images 'cuz they'd need a trigger warning. I was in contact with our trusted DVM who did his neuter. The bulging did not dissipate until a week or so later. I took photos every day for my log and to show the vet.

He did receive his usual 3 days post-op meloxicam for discomfort. Plus we extended the dosing timeframe.

From our 20 years of taking buns to be sp/eutered, we've only had a few exceptions of post-op recovery concerns. I hear you on being concerned when someone is not following the normal "bounce-back" to normal behavior routines. JBun posted excellent links.

No worries about overthinking! Did Gravel let you take a peek at his incision and deflated testicles?

I love the honking sounds. Our n/male would honk, hum, and buzz around hubby's feet for more than a decade after his surgery. He lived to age 12.

We have a 12 y.o. spayed female with spondylosis who also gets excited for her joint support tab each morning and will verbalize with humming and circling.

I look forward to more photos when you wish to share.
That must have been terrible for the rabbit must have been in a lot of pain poor thing🥲 I actually haven't been able too check gravels balls as he won’t let me pick him up anymore and I really don’t want to cause anymore stress on him, I do have a check up tomorrow with the vet hopefully it looks well down there😁 I absolutely love waking up in the morning and gravel seem so happy to see me or he knows it’s food time ( I like to pretend it’s because of me😂) Wow 12yrs I never realised how long they could live, I hope she’s well!!! I’ll attach some photos now! :) I’ve attach a video when I first got him slipping on my laminated floor😂


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