What kind of nail clippers to use?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Montana, USA
I've been having a lot of trouble clipping Winston's and Mabel's nails. Aside from them being wiggly and not submitting to any of the methods described here (trancing, wrapping inva towel), my clippers just don't seem to be effective. They're small with blue handles (I'll get a picture up if I can). They do Mabel's nails fine, but Winston has thicker nails and they won't cut before Winston pulls away. Also, I'm afraid to split a nail. Any suggestions on kinds of clippers to use? I'm at a loss, and Winston is beginning to look like an attack bunny...
For Cali's nails, I use dog nail clippers because her nails are too thick for the cat clippers. Mine aresimilar as to what Buck Jones uses. You can see them in the picture below.

When Bo was a baby we used people fingernailclippers. They worked fine, but now we have these the actualclipper is a lot like JimD's:


Bo B Bunny wrote:
When Bo was a baby we used people fingernailclippers. They worked fine, but now we have these the actualclipper is a lot like JimD's:


I've got a pair like that somewhere...I'm a sucker for anything that's bunniefied:p

I like the scissor style because I can stick my fingers through theholes. Makes them harder to drop and I can still use that hand tomanipulate the bun paws. Luckily the smaller clipper will do for all ofour buns.

:~) Jim
Bo B Bunny wrote:
When Bo was a baby we used people fingernailclippers. They worked fine, but now we have these the actualclipper is a lot like JimD's:

This is what I use... How can you tell if you split the nail?Plus I can't find the vain in either of my bunnies? And they have blackdirt or something in the middle of their nails that I have to scrapeaway every time. To get to my bunnys nails I have to lay him between mylegs and hold him down.LOL
Well at least I'm not alone! If it's got a bunny I'm looking at it. lol!

You should have seen my daughter and I in the Easter Isle at Targetlast night. My son kept saying..... THEY ARE STUFFED BUNNIES!YOU HAVE A REAL ONE WAITING AT HOME! :p
bunnylover78642 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
When Bo wasa baby we used people fingernail clippers. They worked fine,but now we have these the actual clipper is a lot like JimD's:

This is what I use... How can you tell if you split the nail?Plus I can't find the vain in either of my bunnies? And they have blackdirt or something in the middle of their nails that I have to scrapeaway every time. To get to my bunnys nails I have to lay him between mylegs and hold him down.LOL

The notch in the blade usually keeps the nail from splitting, howeverI've split the nail by trying to take too much off at a time. Trywhittling away a little at a time.

To find the vein, use a flashlight held behind it. Benji and MooShuhave dark nails and it makes it hard to see the vein, but with theflashlight it was a lot easier.

And yes...it take two of us to clip our buns nails. :shock:

Lookit Cali lettingBuck clip her nails. She's such a mushwith him. She'd probably let Buck chew on her nails if he wanted to. :p

:shock:I never thought of chewing bo's! lol! j/k

Yeah, I keep thinking Buck needs to visit Indiana every month LOL!
My local pet store does it for $5.00 canadian,whew, I was so scared, and Shadow would not trance. I wastold to put a towel over the head while clipping, but couldnt doit. If your bun is anything like mine, call around to yourlocal pet stores and see if they do it for a small price.
blueyes.... Bo has a million legs when I try to trim his nails. lol.... they are all over like there's more than 4!
NightPoet00 wrote:
I got some new clippers for Winston, and I actually managedto clip one nail last night. Woohoo!

I know the frustration! Must be those male mini-rex! The brats!

Can't get mad at them either! Dangit! :X
*Bump* for Vanessa.

I use both kinds...dog and cat clippers. Dog for Cali, cat for Tucker and Fauna.

Do check out Buck's post in the Cheat Sheet about nail clipping.


Bo B Bunny wrote:
blueyes.... Bo has a million legs when I try to trim hisnails. lol.... they are all over like there's more than 4!
Hahahhahaha, bo you are hilarious! I totally know what you mean!

Carolyn, thanks for bumping this thread! I purchased kittyclippers the day I got Cosmo, they seem to work once I can get themeven near his nails.
For both of my rabbits I use people fingernailclippers. For me its much easier than any other clipper. I just holeout Flopsy's paw and.... clip clip clip clip. Wawla I'm done. Hedoesn't even seem to notic it. Then I let him run on some conrete for alittle bit to wear the nails down a little more.

There only one problem with me... I worry about cuttin the quick allthe time. I've never done it before but its always there in the back ofmy mind.


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