What kind of nail clippers to use?

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Flopsy wrote:
Forboth of my rabbits I use people fingernail clippers. For me its mucheasier than any other clipper. I just hole out Flopsy's paw and....clip clip clip clip. Wawla I'm done. He doesn't even seem to notic it.Then I let him run on some conrete for a little bit to wear the nailsdown a little more.

There only one problem with me... I worry about cuttin the quick allthe time. I've never done it before but its always there in the back ofmy mind.

I always worry about the quick too. I can't ever see itthough he doesn't have dark nails. So I just clip really tiny pieces ata time. It takes me forever but it gets the job done.
VNess2010 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
blueyes....Bo has a million legs when I try to trim his nails. lol....they are all over like there's more than 4!
Hahahhahaha, bo you are hilarious! I totally know what you mean!

Carolyn, thanks for bumping this thread! I purchased kittyclippers the day I got Cosmo, they seem to work once I can get themeven near his nails.
Sounds like Cosmo and Bo are very similar, but Cosmo will be (andalready is a bit) bigger! :shock:I can't imagine dealing witha bigger one doing that stuff!

I am down 3 paws and one hind one to go today. I have nice,red "stripes" up my neck now also! You know that's the latest "fashiontrend" in the bunny community! ;)

BTW, I heard from someone (I think Gabby told this!) That if you have abad scratch, you can use listerine on it and it does help it toheal.

And that's your BUNNY TIP OF THE DAY..... ;);):p
White nails usually permit the quick to be seeneasily. I find that direct sunlight allows me to "see' thequick in dark nails fairly well, as opposed to my, or someone else,manipulating a flash light and a bun at the same time.

It comes with experience, I guess, but in direct sunlight the quick ofdarker nails has a different opacity than the rest of thenail. It is slightly "redder" or lighter in hue than the restof the more dense nail. I attribute the "redness" to bloodflow. "Imagine" what I have just written here in your ownmind's eye, then go "look" for it nexttime you have occasionto do darker nails. Might help.

Obviously, I do their nails outside, but with all this inclementweather lately, I've skipped a monthly cycle. This is notgood because I weigh, closely inspect, and groom at the same time. Mustget "arountuit" first good weather that comes along.

In Edmonton, there are some Pet Stores that willclip nails for about $10 to 20 dollarsfor thewholeyear, for all the pets you own. So you can goin as much as youwant. This way they get you toshop there.

But I love the challenge, I have clippers likeMyBunnyLovesMe, and we do a few nails at a time until Pebbles gets toostressed out.My wifewould secure the backof the bunny against her body so Pebbles is facing forward,while I graspthenail to be cut. Couple oftimes I had to trim the hairback with scissors, because theclippers didn't make a clean cut with the hair in the way.


What is a good way to clean off their feet. Mybuns feet are yellow from standing in their pee, even though I changethe litter box everyday. I try to wash them with water butitdoesn't come out. The hair around my buns paws is so longit takes me for ever to find the nail, even though she seems to havethe scratching thing down very well:p. The problem with cutting hernails is she will bite you if you hold her for a long time.:(

P.S. I heard something about water and vinegar helps clean a bad pee bunny.:?
VNess2010 wrote:
If you combined Cosmo and Bo it would be Cosbo...hahasorrry...weird...is it true that rex's don't trance easy?
LOL!Lexi managed to lightly trance bo! It's not usual tho......she held him up facing out, with his head on her shoulder and justslightly back. She keeps her hand under his butt and aroundhis chest. I was able to touch his feet and all and hecouldn't move! :D
bunnylover78642 wrote:
What is a good way to clean off their feet. My buns feet areyellow from standing in their pee, even though I change the litter boxeveryday. I try to wash them with water but itdoesn't comeout. The hair around my buns paws is so long it takes me for ever tofind the nail, even though she seems to have the scratching thing downvery well:p. The problem with cutting her nails is she will bite you ifyou hold her for a long time.:(

P.S. I heard something about water and vinegar helps clean a bad pee bunny.:?
I'm pretty sure that bunnies with white feet naturally have yellowundersides....the bottom of Cosmos feet are yellow...and in everypicture I've seen of white bunnies, they had yellow feet...so correctme if I'm wrong, but I think it is just naturally like that

Good cause my mom says that is disgusting andwill not hold him. I told her if she thought it was disgusting then shedidn't need to be near them. One of my buns if red but has a whitebelly and paws and the other is a dutch white/grey. Both their feet areyellow.

Our Bindy is a small bunnie and I just use people nail clippers, seems to work ok for now anyway :)
bunnylover78642 wrote:
What is a good way to clean off their feet. My buns feet areyellow from standing in their pee, even though I change the litter boxeveryday. I try to wash them with water but itdoesn't comeout. The hair around my buns paws is so long it takes me for ever tofind the nail, even though she seems to have the scratching thing downvery well:p. The problem with cutting her nails is she will bite you ifyou hold her for a long time.:(

P.S. I heard something about water and vinegar helps clean a bad pee bunny.:?
I have 3 buns with white feet, but very seldom have to clean them. Thefollowing is info that Buck provided on another thread about cleaningwhite bunnies....

"...use white vinegar and water solution 50/50 in a spraybottle. Dampen the area to be cleaned, then rubbcornstarch into it untill it is the consistancy oftoothpaste. Let it dry, then brush it out. You mayhave to repeat for stubborn stains."


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