Leaf wrote:
NZminilops wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I'm sorry to double post, but Mat and I just read this and we are just about
dying from laughter! Oh my gosh! Tears are streaming down my face :rofl:.
Did she just REALLy say ~wankies ~!! LOL
I thought I was going to be the only person giggling at that... :biggrin2:
For my buns, I have a few things that are not meant for bunnies!

- NIC panels; for people.
- Part of a condo; for kitties.
- Area rug; for people.
- Water bowl with a reservoir attached; for kitties.
- Litter pans/boxes; for kitties.
- Litter scoops; for kitties.
- Yesterday's News litter; for kitties.
- Towels, washcloths, blankets, etc.; for people.
- Brushes/Combs; for dogs/cats.
- Spice shelves/racks. They are the kind that you just put three-four containers in.; for people.
- USPS shipping scale; for people.
- Kitchen scale; for people.
- Mini footstool with storage...; for ME, but the buns took it over.
- Larger footstool with storage; same thing. :grumpy:
I can probably keep coming up with stuff, but I will stop for now!:biggrin2:
EDIT: Had to add these!
- Large garbage can to hold shavings (back when I used them).
- Holiday popcorn tin to hold a small amount of litter instead of keeping the huge, ugly bag in sight.
- Lots of plastic storage containers. None of their stuff is in the original packaging (minus the bags of hay). I move them to a little container so I can mix the hay up and make less of a mess.