What do you use for your rabbits that is not specifically aimed for rabbits?

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Oh yeah, Clover would be right through those! She's sneaky and flexible like a little mouse!

That's a really nice gate tho! I might have to search for one here sometime! we have several places we need to "block" BO and Tony from... Clover can play in the pen - she has plenty of room in there!
Hmm, let's see.. I use NIC grids, Cat little trays and litter, baby blankets, plastic boxes for sandpits, big pipes for tunnels, cardboard boxes, bird toys, cat toys - a lot of cat things actually, Snugglesafe... huh we really don't use much that's designed for rabbits do we? :p Guess maybe it's not designed very well.

Good thread! :)
The only rabbit-intended product I use is the rabbit pellets!

The grids for the cage are for shelving.
The litter trays are for cats.
The rug in the cage is for people.
The tarp under the rug is meant to go over a car.
The food dishes are human ones.
The vegies come from a people shops.
The fleece lining on the shelves are from a fleece blankent meant as a throw rug on a couch.
The newspaper in the litter trays is for people-readin'.
The hay is for horses at a horse feed'n'tack store.
The furminator is a cat one.
Oh, let's see:

baby gas meds

Snuggle Safe

Oral baby medicine syringe

white vinegar

wood pellets (either for burning or horse stalls)

cat litter boxes

NIC panels- cages and hay racks

zip ties

dog crate (Dora's cage)

wire mesh

straw brooms (toys)

bamboo plate holders

Pier 1 wicker balls

grapevine wreaths

assorted other craft store thingies for toys

baby rattles/keys

plastic cat balls with bells

Nutrical (for cats/dogs)


Zoom Groom

various parrot toys

cardboard boxes/tubes

cat/dog bowls

cat nail clipper

sisal rugs

dog gate

That's all I can think of for now.

I have about 12' of this corrugated drainage pipe in Hershey's room. It's cut into 3 smaller pieces. He LOVES to run through his tunnels!


I have the baby gate instead of the doggie gate, but it's very similar to Jen's. It's about 32" tall, metal, and has a tension mount so it doesn't screw into the wall. I use NIC grid panels, cable tied to the bars, so the bunnies can't get through.


The door part is the same width as one NIC panel, so that worked well. (They are 2 high, overlapped a bit in the middle.) I cut a couple grids for the side parts, the wide part has 4 squares and the narrow side has 3 squares. For these, I actually used some old NIC panels I have that don't fit with my other ones. They're a different brand than the ones sold at Target, and are much thinner, so they don't work with the connectors. Also, the squares are a bit larger, there are 8 squares instead of 9.

I've got a gate across the door to Tobi's room, and an identical one across the door to the bedroom. I used to have the step-over gates, but those had to go when my sciatic nerve went haywire from stepping over them. These walk-through ones are great.
Flashy wrote:
That's massive! I have a feeling my small bunnies would get through those gaps. How does it open and close?
You can get chicken wire in sheets for about £2, you could zip tie that over it.
I have a problem with Casper, he would get through the gaps in that but if I put mesh on it he would climb it. :rollseyes
- Plastic baby gate

- Raw apple cider vinegar (1 tsp in their water bowl for parasite and health).

- baby blankets (buy cheap at discount or good will type places or discount cloth) (as toys)

- pillows (as toys)

- sticky lint rollers (for shedding)

- furminator (for shedding)

- for ear mite prevention: apple cider vinegar on q-tips

Think that's it! :)

NZminilops wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
"Bo loves his wankies!"
I'm sorry to double post, but Mat and I just read this and we are just about dying from laughter! Oh my gosh! Tears are streaming down my face :rofl:.

Did she just REALLy say ~wankies ~!! LOL

mouse_chalk wrote:
Exercise mats- interlocking foam mats that you can buy at a DIY store- make a great 'play mat' for bunnies- gives them traction from the wood laminate floors in our house and they just wipe clean if anything is spilt on them. Elf Mommy can vouch for me on this one as well! :biggrin2:
This is true. I bought mine from Sam's Club. :)
Leaf wrote:
NZminilops wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
"Bo loves his wankies!"
I'm sorry to double post, but Mat and I just read this and we are just about
dying from laughter! Oh my gosh! Tears are streaming down my face :rofl:.
Did she just REALLy say ~wankies ~!! LOL :D
I thought I was going to be the only person giggling at that... :biggrin2:

For my buns, I have a few things that are not meant for bunnies! :p
- NIC panels; for people.
- Part of a condo; for kitties.
- Area rug; for people.
- Water bowl with a reservoir attached; for kitties.
- Litter pans/boxes; for kitties.
- Litter scoops; for kitties.
- Yesterday's News litter; for kitties.
- Towels, washcloths, blankets, etc.; for people.
- Brushes/Combs; for dogs/cats.
- Spice shelves/racks. They are the kind that you just put three-four containers in.; for people.
- USPS shipping scale; for people.
- Kitchen scale; for people.
- Mini footstool with storage...; for ME, but the buns took it over.
- Larger footstool with storage; same thing. :grumpy:

I can probably keep coming up with stuff, but I will stop for now!:biggrin2:

EDIT: Had to add these!
- Large garbage can to hold shavings (back when I used them).
- Holiday popcorn tin to hold a small amount of litter instead of keeping the huge, ugly bag in sight.
- Lots of plastic storage containers. None of their stuff is in the original packaging (minus the bags of hay). I move them to a little container so I can mix the hay up and make less of a mess.
Oh, I like the holiday popcorn tin idea! Mine is in an old, rinsed-out kitty litter container with a lid that my feed store was giving away. I may have to buy some of that stuff this Christmas.
Elf Mommy wrote:
Oh, I like the holiday popcorn tin idea! Mine is in an old, rinsed-out kitty litter container with a lid that my feed store was giving away. I may have to buy some of that stuff this Christmas.
Thanks! I got the idea from my mum! She has a large(r) tin for dog food. She puts in a liner, of course! The idea stuck in my head, and it was easier to store litter in than the large bags that they come in! They are nicer looking, too! :)

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