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mouse_chalk wrote:
What is an eggroll? I don't think we have them over here unless under a different name?
It a deep fried thingy!!

There's all kinds of different veggie/meat/seafood fillings you can get.

I've made desert one's with bananas as a filler.
Oh my....now I want some!!!


We're going to get Subway subs tonight....one of my favorites. I'm still not sure which I'm getting - I love the meatball sub but I also love the Italian BMT one.

I'm off to get the subs as soon as I finish feeding the bunnies. I think I'll even splurge (maybe) and get myself some potato chips - I try to stay away from them due to their salt content and my high blood pressure.
TinysMom wrote:
We're going to get Subway subs tonight....one of my favorites. I'm still not sure which I'm getting - I love the meatball sub but I also love the Italian BMT one.
OMG! I LOVE Italian BMT subs!!! They're the only thing I ever have in Subway.... I always have them with olives, green peppers and cucumber, with ranch dressing. On honey oat bread... YUM! Never toasted or with cheese.....

Now I really fancy a subway in the near future!
mouse_chalk wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
We're going to get Subway subs tonight....one of my favorites. I'm still not sure which I'm getting - I love the meatball sub but I also love the Italian BMT one.
OMG! I LOVE Italian BMT subs!!! They're the only thing I ever have in Subway.... I always have them with olives, green peppers and cucumber, with ranch dressing. On honey oat bread... YUM! Never toasted or with cheese.....

Now I really fancy a subway in the near future!
My favorite is to have the BMT on Italian Herb & Cheese bread...toasted...with provolone cheese and then add lettuce, tomatoes and Ranch dressing.

Its funny cause I was talking one night to a fellow breeder/girlfriend in IM about how I was going to go get us supper (it was late) and I mentioned what I liked - and she gets the EXACT SAME SUB made the same way. I was in shock.

What was funny though - was that she lived about 30 minutes from a Subway that was open late - and about an hour or two after we got home - she was running out the door to make it to Subway in time to pick up a sub before they closed. She said she couldn't get my sub out of her mind...

For years - we went to Subway every Sunday after church as a family and had subs - it became a tradition for us. Those are some of my fondest memories...
I love Quizno's too - but they're a bit more expensive (well - quite a bit) and oh well.

They sure are GOOD though...
Stan, I think that's the most normal thing you've talked about eating LOL!

Those sausages are .... ummm GROSS! I'm sure they are probably good for you with the liver and all but ewwwwwwwww

I'm actually interested in your take on the "asian" food we see in the malls and such. Like, we love Bourbon chicken but I've heard it's not even really something Asian. I don't like the spicey kind.

Subway Honey Oat bread, BLT with mayo, lettuce, tomato, green pepper, american cheese.. lunch yesterday ..... YUM!
We had Taco Bell. I had 3 taco supremes.

For sub sandwiches, I really like a place here called Planet Sub. I think they have locations through the Midwest. The sandwiches are big and fresh and delicious. My favorite is the Green Turkey. Turkey, bacon, cream cheese, guacamole, onions, sprouts, tomatoes and salsa. Mmmmmm.

It is funny about Chinese food......My FIL is Chinese. The last time we went to visit him, he cooked us a wonderful meal of the most delicious seaweed salad, lots of greens, and some other yummy stuff. His wife (Jason's step-mom) ate canned chili that night, because the only "Chinese" food she likes is sweet and sour chicken. (We were considering having our wedding reception (if we ever have one) catered by our favorite dim sum place, but she wouldn't have anything to eat.)

I wish we lived closer to them, so he could cook food for us!
Pet_Bunny wrote:
BethM wrote:
our favorite dim sum place, but she wouldn't have anything to eat.)
Many times, I thought of asking Jan out to one of our Banquets, but I don't know what she could eat.

My step-mother-in-law (is that a word?) was also annoyed when we were visiting.... My FIL, Jason, and I had steamed pork buns for breakfast every day we were there. She wanted to make us big American breakfasts, but all we wanted was pork buns. :D

I keep asking Jason to get his dad's recipe for the seaweed salad, but he promptly forgets as soon as he says he will get it.
Stan, I'll have to see if there's anywhere in town I can buy fresh tofu from! Fairbanks is a pretty small place and relatively secluded, and there's a tiny Asian population so I don't know if I could buy fresh tofu anywhere here. I'd sure like to try it though. Are egg rolls genuinely Chinese? I was just surprised that Jen didn't know what they are, so perhaps they are an American creation?

You people have made me really want Chinese food OR Subway (I worked at 1 for two years and still love the sandwiches), but poor Paul isn't feeling well and he's the dude with the car keys so leftovers for me. It seems like we have a lot more leftovers than you guys... Does anyone else have leftovers? If something will reheat well, I almost always make enough for at least 1 night of leftovers.

I'm really going to have to make the BBQ pork and bok choy with rice. Do you just heat up the pork or do you have a sauce? How do you cook the bok choy? It looks soooo good. I wonder if bunnies can have raw bok choy, that would be another excuse to buy some.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
It seems like we have a lot more leftovers than you guys... Does anyone else have leftovers? If something will reheat well, I almost always make enough for at least 1 night of leftovers.
I always make extra of stuff that will heat up well. But I take the leftovers to work for my lunches. It is rare for me eat leftovers at home, even when they're in the fridge. I also try to have lots of leftovers from when we go out to eat. If we're someplace that has free bread I sometimes fill up on that, and take 75% of my entree home, and it will be good for 2 or 3 lunches. (Restaurant portions here are huge, so I am never able to eat an entire entree, anyway.)
Pet_Bunny wrote:
kherrmann3 wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Stan, are those chinese sausages like having a dinner roll with your meal? lol.... you always seem to have those with whatever you are eating.
I was thinking the same thing!
I'm the only one that eats it, but it is so easy to cook. You just put it into your rice cooker when you make rice, and it's done when the rice is ready. :biggrin2:


Pet Bunny....since my ex hubby was vietnamese...we used to eat chinese sausages,a differen't brand than your's of course...when i make fried rice i cut some chinese sausage up and cook it in with the rice with all the other ingredient's that i add in...i make the best fried rice....so does my son Anthony......i learn't how to make a few chinese dishes

And yep in they went into the rice cooker..when the rice was cooking lol

Tonight for tea i made chicken parmigiana..with mashed potato and salad
