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Tonight was what I like to call "assorted." Just whatever random things I feel like eating.

Half a tomato, chopped, with a bit of salt and pepper
Pita chips (baked)
A small bit of lebaneh (it's a mix of feta and cream cheese with Mediterranean spices, garlic, walnuts, and olive oil)
Hummus (homemade - I like it with lots of lemon and lots of garlic)
Some broiled asparagus

Sean's spaghetti turned out great!

For the sauce, he used:
- pre-made sauce from a jar (the garlic kind)
- ground sirloin
- red cooking wine
- onions
- summer sausage
- lemon juice

It sounds a little odd, but it was really good! :coolness:

Kherrmann, the sauce sounds pretty good to me! I have several favorite tomato sauce recipes that I make depending on what mood I'm in. One of them is kind of embarrassing... You just brown some ground beef or turkey, add a big can of diced tomatoes and a tiny can of tomato paste, and a whole lot of lemon juice. Maybe salt and pepper. Like I said, embarrassing and not even a recipe but really darn tasty if you're a lemon juice freak like I am. Unfortunately, Paul hates it so I haven't made it in a couple years but oh well. Jen, I have a recipe that sounds a lot like what you made for dinner- I got it out of a cook book called Everyday Italian. It takes about 15 minutes and is amazing! I have to admit though that sometimes when I get home from a long day at school and work and if I don't have any spaghetti sauce in the freezer, I just boil spaghetti and heat up a jar of Mushroom Prego brand spaghetti sauce in the microwave :D I grew up eating that spaghetti sauce and think it's as yummy as homemade!

Dinner tonight is probably corned beef and potatoes from my crock pot, plus steamed carrots and salad. I put it in the crock pot at 3:30 pm, but it's a really big corned beef that actually rises above the water level in the pot and I'm a little concerned it won't be ready until midnight! If all else fails, we'll have leftovers tonight and the corned beef tomorrow night :)
trailsend wrote:
We are having potato scallion soup tonight.... it's cooking right now!
You're having a late dinner. We usually eat by 6:00pm, unless we are at a banquet which doesn't start till 8:00 pm.

Tonight we had BBQ ribs, tofu and rice. :)

mouse_chalk wrote:
I am SO jealous!!! I LOVE Devon! Lynmouth is one of my favourite places in the whole wide world!
:laughsmiley:but you are soooo much closer than me to cribbs causeway - hobbycraft, john lewis, m & s........:biggrin2:
Stan, how do you guys cook your tofu? We love tofu, whenever I make stir fry or lo mein or anything else that tofu could be used in, I do. It's tasty, healthy and easy to cook... What more could you want?

We did end up having the corned beef, potatoes, carrots and salad for dinner. The potatoes were cooked with the corned beef. I steamed the carrots, salted them lightly, added a little butter and about a teaspoon of honey. They're delicious that way! We put raspberry vinaigrette on the salad. The meal was really good, especially for how little work was involved. Now we have leftovers for another night too.
I can't believe I missed (but yes I found) another Stan-dead-fish-with-eyeballs! :expressionless

I've noticed you all cook so much differently than those of us living in meatandtatersville!! :p

I do make a shepherd's pie with ground round - I assume minded beef is similar.

Hubby has to have everything pretty bland cause he's boring about food! :pssd:

Tonight I think it's going to be lemon-pepper chicken and broccoli with butter.

hartleybun wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
I am SO jealous!!! I LOVE Devon! Lynmouth is one of my favourite places in the whole wide world!
:laughsmiley:but you are soooo much closer than me to cribbs causeway - hobbycraft, john lewis, m & s........:biggrin2:
Lol- true! And we have Cabot Circus now as well which is pretty good for shopping! But still, to live in Devon...... *sigh*.... Are you near the coast at all?

My spaghetti was yummy last night! It looked like this:


The white blobs are melted mozzerella. I LOVE that stuff!

I always keep a jar of 'emergency' pasta sauce in my cupboard, but I can never bring myself to use it. Even if we have 20mins to cook dinner before we have to go out, it's still just as quick to make a sauce. I just chop some garlic, fry it for a few minutes, add a can of tomatoes, a pinch of sugar, salt and pepper, and hey presto! I can jazz it up with mushrooms, courgettes or something if I wanted, and it takes less time than the pasta takes to cook. I always try to avoid using anything pre-made if I can make it at home myself- I started doing it when I got dizzy in case it would help- it didn't but I've kept up the tradition lol :)

I can't decide what to have tonight..... Maybe chicken but I don't know what to do with it.... :?

Oh, and Pennie, minced beef is the same as ground beef!:)
My favorite pasta dish is so quick and simple. I sautee fresh basil, tomatoes, garlic, and olives together and toss it with linguine. I few slices of garlic bread and you're good to go!
I had my absolute favourite dinner tonight! Lasange with home made chips which I saturate in vinegar..mmmm.

Has to be the nicest thing ever! I only get it once every couple of weeks though :(


i hate coming to this thread cause now i am starving,lol

tonight i am having Pork chops with augratin potatoes, and either asparagus, or spinich
I still can't decide what to have!

I'm really craving chicken but there's none in the freezer :shock: We have to run to the shops anyway so I will get some there :)

What to have it with though? I'm really craving spinach now that you said it Fran, but I'm also craving brocoli and also home-made coleslaw! :expressionless
Pet_Bunny wrote:
trailsend wrote:
We are having potato scallion soup tonight.... it's cooking right now!
You're having a late dinner. We usually eat by 6:00pm, unless we are at a banquet which doesn't start till 8:00 pm.

Tonight we had BBQ ribs, tofu and rice. :)

Sounds delicious! We didn't eat until 9PM last night. Tonight we are eating at 5! Usually we eat between 6-7 but farm chores have us eating at crazy times right now, a couple times not until 11PM!

Irishbunny your dinner looks yummy! This thread makes me hungry too.

Tonight we are just having organic pasta and mushroom sauce.... quick and yummy. Saturday night we'll be in NY and we are going to an Irish Pub, really looking forward to that!
I FINALLY decided what I wanted for dinner lol and I had roast chicken leg with thyme, that I pulled off the bone, and had it with green salad and homemade coleslaw... Yum!

It looked like this:


The best bit is I have tons of coleslaw left over for lunch tomorrow! :D
I had Caesar salad (out of a bag, :ph34r2) and a veggie burger with a melted a slice of Irish Cheddar cheese. Oh, and a couple of pepperoncini. Two cinnamon flavored waffles for dessert.