wet butt and light spot inside eye, Possible EC

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Randy, the vet office is closed now and she will be unreachable by me until she gets back in a week except for when she calls me with the test results.

This is such a toughie. Randy, I utterly respect you and want to do what you say is best. I also respect the vet and don't want to nag her about this since I really don't know much about rabbit health. She's been very patient with all my questions so far. I can't force her to e-mail you or call you or anything like that :eek:(
He seems pretty normal so far. He hasn't peed on himself since he got a bath a few days ago and when he's out of his cage, he runs around like normal and hops up on the couch 20 times to cuddle with me. He loves the Panacur is enjoying being extra spoiled. I'm so glad he seems to be doing ok so far.
Rory is definitely going to the vet when she gets back in town. He's continuing to pee outside his litter box every couple of days. Please, please let him just have a UTI and not something worse!
Maureen, his butt isn't wet at all thankfully. He's just peeing outside the box sometimes. The urine today seems to have had a white tinge to it. I didn't actually see the wet spot right after he went, he peed while we were out (on unfinished wood that's on the shelves in his cage) and the spot was mostly dried/absorbed into the wood but it seemed to have a white cast to it. Just as a reminder, he had what was diagnosed as a UTI back about 4 months ago, the same time as Skyler, and was given Baytril. The vet (not the vet I'm using now) did not actually test his urine though.

I SO hope it's just a coincidence that he's doing this again! Two active EC bunnies would be horrible and I would be so paranoid about the other 2 having it too. That would pretty much be my nightmare. I'm trying not to jump to conclusions, and it's probably just a UTI, but the mind can't help wandering...
My rabbits pee alot outside of their boxes. they either sit outside the box and eat the hay inside the box or are marking..it has always been their normal messy way of life.
it may be that you are really frightened and that you are looking at this really closely.
it may not be anything serious right now

the white marks from the urine are normal sediment.

if his whole butt was wet that would be serious ( Gabriel had that when his kidneys failed)

Iwouldn't overworry at this point.
We're still waiting for the results of Skyler's blood test.

The vet suggested that I shave the fur off his stomach and groin since he pees on it. His butt has been dry so far, but he's been peeing on his tummy and the fur is all hard. Poor guy. Paul doesn't want to let me use his hair clippers ("no bunny pubes on my clippers" :rollseyes) so is going to buy Skyler his own.

I may be dumb, but last night I realized his eye is worse than I thought. The pupil on his "bad" eye is much smaller than the one on his good eye. Like half the size. The thing has covered the perimeter of his pupil or else is keeping it from dilating/constricting. Poor baby.
Is it possible that Rory is acting that way because he senses your stress and is reacting to it?
Ooh Skyler has me worried. First of all, his water consumption is WAY down today. He normally drinks a good 2 cups of water every day (if not more) and he drank about 1/3rd cup today. Also he feels heavier than normal and his stomach feels firm. And finally, he has a runny nose. Most definitely calling the vet when they open in 6 hours. Our vet is still out of the state, but hopefully something can be done.

I'm going to give him a big salad here in a couple minutes to try to get some water in him.
I should probably say that the 1/3rd cup of water is over the past 12 hours while he normally drinks about 2 1/2 cups over 24 hours. His water consumption can vary from day to day, yesterday he drank a lot, but this amount is definitely very low.

Right now he is devouring romaine lettuce soaked in water. Going to give him some thinly sliced celery and cucumber when he's done.
Skyler ate all his veggies. He seems to have his normal appetite, but tonight and last night he decided he doesn't like the Panacur anymore so I have to syringe it to him. Is it normal for bunnies to lose interest in medication (it's happened with Ned in the past and he was fine) or is it a sign of a decrease in appetite?

His nose has looked clean since he ate the veggies 3 hours ago. I wonder if he got something else in there. His nostrils were never damp, they had a little dark brown-green on them though.

I've seen him drinking from his water bottle but the level hasn't gone down noticeably.
Is it possible the water bottle is blocked?

I have buns go off of medication and I think it may be to do with it first of all being a novelty, and then it gets boring. How about with the panacur, put it on a leafy green (or his favourite food) and wrap it up so he thinks he is getting a yummy. That works well with mine for a whole variety of things (I find basil is good because it smells so strong, but only use it if you know he can have it).

How are you doing?
Tracy, his bottle isn't blocked. I checked. He does okay with the medicine when I syringe it into his mouth, so I'll probably stick with that method as long as it works. I will try the veggie approach if he decides he won't take it anymore! His little lips are so cute with the white medicine on it and he always wipes his mouth on my shirt.

I'm doing ok. Worried about my boy (and other bunnies) but trying to keep a good outlook. Me being freaked out and mopey won't help him any. Thanks for asking!
Yeh, I thought a bottle blockage might be too easy and obvious and also something you would have checked already, but I thought it was worth a shot. An option might be a bowl if you are worried about him being dehydrated, or want him to drink more. Also, you could try a plain water bowl and a bowl laced with something yummy to encourage more drinking.

It's good he takes it easily, that does help :)

I'm glad you're doing ok. It's draining when you have ill bunnies, but you're doing all the right things and they couldn't be in better hands. You know where my PM box is if you need to talk or anything :)
Whatever is going on with his nose isn't there today, and he has consumed more water but still not as much as normal. His tummy feels even bigger than before.

I feel like the worst bunny mom ever. The vet opens at 8 am, and I decided to stay awake until 8 so I could call. I accidentally fell asleep at about 7:30 am and managed to sleep until a little after 5 pm :( I called the vet as soon as I woke up and the receptionist said she would pass the info on to my vet who is still out of town. Of course the vet is closed tomorrow and Christmas and our vet (the only one who sees bunnies there) isn't even back in town for more than a week anyway. I think the clinic we used to take the bunnies to is closed tomorrow and on Christmas too. I hope my idiocy hasn't just cost Skyler his life or something since he isn't drinking properly and I won't be able to get him to a vet for more than 2 days.

Is giving subcutaneous fluids to rabbits the same as giving them to rats? I have a friend who has given fluids to her rats many times but never to a bunny. She has all the supplies and wants to help me give fluids to Skyler.
Okay, here's what's going on with Skyler. His skin is not tenting and he doesn't feel dehydrated. He drank about half a cup of water over the last 9 hours. He's eating and playing normally. My friend doesn't feel comfortable giving him fluids since he doesn't appear to be dehydrated, but she will give him fluids if he gets dehydrated (which I'm going to try to keep from happening!) or if the vet says we should.

I haven't heard back from his regular vet yet, but I'm not surprised since it's only been an hour and she's out of the state. She will probably call later tonight or tomorrow (she's a nice vet and calls outside of business hours).

The plan is to give him simethicone drops, continue to push lots of hay, give him a water bowl in addition to the bottle, and continue to give him high water veggies like romaine, thinly sliced celery and cucumber. I may try some Pedialyte too. Does that sound like a decent plan?

I called the clinic I used to take the bunnies to, and they are open until 2 tomorrow! Bad thing is there are no vets in who are good with rabbits. She made me an appointment, but I'm pretty skeptical of bringing him to a vet who normally sees cats an dogs. It will likely be a pretty expensive vet visit too. Skyler gets freaked out going to the vet and I don't know if it's worth it. I would think she may prescribe gut motility drugs, but I don't want him having that. She may also give him fluids, but my friend knows how to do that anyway. I think it may be better to keep him at home and not haul him to see a vet who doesn't know about rabbits.

What do you guys think?

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