Okay, here's what's going on with Skyler. His skin is not tenting and he doesn't feel dehydrated. He drank about half a cup of water over the last 9 hours. He's eating and playing normally. My friend doesn't feel comfortable giving him fluids since he doesn't appear to be dehydrated, but she will give him fluids if he gets dehydrated (which I'm going to try to keep from happening!) or if the vet says we should.
I haven't heard back from his regular vet yet, but I'm not surprised since it's only been an hour and she's out of the state. She will probably call later tonight or tomorrow (she's a nice vet and calls outside of business hours).
The plan is to give him simethicone drops, continue to push lots of hay, give him a water bowl in addition to the bottle, and continue to give him high water veggies like romaine, thinly sliced celery and cucumber. I may try some Pedialyte too. Does that sound like a decent plan?
I called the clinic I used to take the bunnies to, and they are open until 2 tomorrow! Bad thing is there are no vets in who are good with rabbits. She made me an appointment, but I'm pretty skeptical of bringing him to a vet who normally sees cats an dogs. It will likely be a pretty expensive vet visit too. Skyler gets freaked out going to the vet and I don't know if it's worth it. I would think she may prescribe gut motility drugs, but I don't want him having that. She may also give him fluids, but my friend knows how to do that anyway. I think it may be better to keep him at home and not haul him to see a vet who doesn't know about rabbits.
What do you guys think?