We just got home. The vet confirmed that it looks like EC to her. I decided to wait until she'd examined him before telling her about what you guys (Claire and Randy) thought it was, and before I could tell her, she told me she thought it was a parasite called E. cuniculi. You can imagine how upset I am about this, but I'm glad we have a good vet who knows what she's doing. All the tests she decided to do on him are the ones that Randy said she should do. We did a blood test on him today, but his bladder was empty so he has to go in again tomorrow. We decided not to do the titer for now because they're so darn expensive and she said the results wouldn't affect how she treats him. She wants to have a test done on him that will see if he has gallstones and measure something with his kidneys (sorry I forgot what it was called) but I think she said we'd do that in a couple weeks depending on the results of his blood tests. Sorry I don't remember exactly what she said, my head is spinning.
The good thing is that she said his kidneys felt fine when she palpated them. She looked in his eye and said it's a glaucomena uveitis or something, and that it looked like his retina was attached to the front of his eye or something. Sorry, I'll ask her tomorrow again what it was. His other eye looks clear so far. She said his vision is already reduced in the bad eye.
As far as peeing on himself goes, she thinks it's the beginning of paresis and that he's peeing on himself because he isn't sitting properly when he goes. The urine test will show if he has a UTI though.
On top of everything else, the poor guy's stomach was excessively full and his abdomen was firmer than it should be. I noticed that when I picked him up to go to the vet. She thinks it may be because yesterday I fed him a dried apricot half as well as a piece of pear and said it would be better not to feed him fruit or carrots anymore. Is this gut thing related to the EC or unrelated? The good thing is his poop is fine.
He was acting rather lethargic at the vet. Very still and tranced easily, his heartrate and breathing were normal. He's more active at home thankfully. It could be because his stomach hurts, or because he was stressed, or she said it could be because of the EC.
I think I covered everything. She's going to look into the Ponazuril and will get us started on Panacur. Randy, she read what you wrote (I printed it out) and agrees with everything who said.
Again, I'm glad I have this forum to help me, as well as a vet who I can trust to help guide Skyler and I through this illness. She said we will pretty much be working to support his quality of life now rather than trying to make him better, because of course that isn't possible. We should have a better idea of how long he will live when the results of his tests come back.
I'm so very sad about my boy and can't believe this is happening to him. No bunny deserves something like this, but he's so young and such a lovely little baby.