Walking weird and not eating

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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
My 5 1/2 year old dutch doesn't want to come out of her cage today. Last night she was fine and I gave her a nibble of a gardeto chip. I brushed her and everything was fine. This morning I tried giving her romaine and pellets but she wouldn't eat them, just took a bite of the romaine. I tried giving her a banana but she only took a little nibble. She walks on her tippy toes really slowly. She's laying down all weird right now. I felt her sides and she shakes if I touch her ribs and her sides look dented in more and she looks skinnier and feels like there's something missing in her stomach area.
Oh dear. Could she have a UTI or something? she might be uncomfy and that's why she's walking funny.

I think I would get in to see a vet. This doesn't sound like something I've seen so I can't really help. I hope some of the really good at diagnosis people can help you more but it really sounds like a vet visit to me.
Hmm, I'd say gas problems but not if she feels more skinny. Something is obviously causing her pain although it's impossible to say what. Maybe stomach pains (could be from a variety of causes), maybe bladder or other problems. You'll need to take her to a vet to find out what is wrong.

Has anything else changed? Did her potty habits change, or do they look different?
tiabia0 wrote:
... her sides look dented in more and she looks skinnier and feels like there's something missing in her stomach area.

I do believe that's a sign of dehydration.What are her poops like? She may also have gas -- I think with bloat they appear swollen,not with gas. If she's pressing her tummy against the floor and getting up and down and generally looking uncomfortable, that's gas.

Both can besymptoms of stasis, so it's important tosee her fecal output and get her hydrated. Whatever the problem is, hydration is the best thing right now. Do you have access to some Pedialyte?

The best bet might be aSub Q (under the skin) infusion from the vet.

If it's gas or stasis, gentle exercise and tummy massages arealso good.

Hope she feels better soon!

sas :pray:
Is there anyway that she could have injured herself..like her spine? The walking on her toes slow and constriction of her gut sound like she is in pain. Could she have injured her ribs.?
If you think it's gas, give her simethicone (baby gas meds) to treat it. I wouldn't give prescription pain killers like Metacam without a vet's advice.
We already gave her some because that's all we had.

If I go buy simethicone, when should I give her some?

She can't get into a vet until tomorrow.
You can get Mylicon infant drops which contain just simethicone or another product as long as it contains only simethicone as an active ingredient. You can give it to her right away..it is very safe. You can look up the dosage for her wt on Dr Charks rabbit dosage calcultor ,,the dose for rabbits is way higher than for infant babies..don't ask me why on that one. It can also be repeated

Is she pooping? Recently I learned that simethicone can cause delay pooping somewhat..never heard that before gabriel just went through his stasis. Anyway if she is pooping and you think its gas go ahead and give simethicone. it won't interfere with the metacam.
maybe she's already in stasis or maybe she's in pain from some other condition which is affecting her eating and pooping.
I guess that I would wait for another response as I'm not sure what to tell you to do at this point because I really don't know whats wrong with her. I hope someone responds soon.

When was the last time that you think she pooped?

For sure last night, maybe very early this morning. When I got up she was just laying down so she had to of been in pain for a few hours.
Her tail had discharge on it both times I picked her up to give her medicine so I cleaned it off. It was white earlier but now it's more yellow.
does she have a litterbox...if so she may not feel good enough to get to it and use it. Did you get Pedialyte at walgreens. I would at least start to syringe fluids because she needs that no matter what the problem.

What is a gardeto chip ..did it have sauce on it? is it hot? did you give her a lot of it?
I don't think that half a chip did this. Probably something coming on for awhile. I would try to give her fluids..does she let you pick her up or does she seem in pain?
I just noticed that you live in Waukesha..that is where Julie (treasured friend) from Soulmate rabbit rescue lives. She really needs to see a vet ASAP because we can't diagnose her on-line. Why don't you pm treasured friend and see if she knows of any vet that you could see on Sun?
Last time she had discharge like this the doctor said it was because of a cold. She does have discharge at least once a week though. She won't drink anything so I'm going to give her water in a syringe (we did this last time she was sick).

She seems in pain when I pick her up but once I rest her against my chest she's a little better.

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