Walking weird and not eating

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We rarely delete or edit postson RO, but I have deleted a couple-- starting withmy own. But seeing asothershave expressed thesame sentiment (in harsher tones), I'll at least put my own reference back in..

It's unfortunate that Tia appears to havelittle or no interest in following the requestedadvice.

While it may be somewhat understandable not seeking emergency treatment on a Sunday -- ER vets are rarely bunny-savvy and they're outrageously expensive --it's appearing to us that next to none of the advice requested and offered here has been followed.

If this isn't the case, our apologies. But we're all very concerned withthe continuing health and welfare of your rabbit.

sas :(
She's good and eating! We got her into the vet early this morning and they gave her some fluids and all of that type of stuff. It was gas by the way!

And I did take interest in the advice I was given, thank you.
I'm glad she's doing better. Going forward though you might want to look into Brook Falls Clinic. I havent' heard good feedback about the Bluemound Clinic lately. Dr Bloss used to work there but opened her own clinic (Brook Falls). Its in the same area of town.

Thanks, Pipp, for deleting that post. None of us is perfect and we all have made mistakes, or what someone else may consider a mistake,or a person may have limited resources in what they can realistically do such as it being a Sunday night in a city with a poor emergency service for rabbits.
If the discharge was coming out of her anus and it went from white to yellow, that sounds a lot like what I went through with Bailey. He had what they used to call mucoid enteritis but I think it comes under a new name now. It would happen if he ate anything other than the strictest diet of just pellets and hay. Any new little thing would set it off again. His sides would appear shrunken in at times as he lost interest in eating due to not feeling well, and his tummy was obviously a bit sore. Sometimes the mucous was white and thick, other times yellowish or greenish and runnier. It stuck to everything and was almost like geletin,

I hope little bunny is doing well! :)
This sounds an awful lot like pyometra, rather than gas...
Yeah, I am with Ivory. I just went through it and it's nasty. :(Sorry but I so do not buy that gas idea. Especially since there were no real symptoms of gas beforehand. There is no discharge from the butt in a rabbit cold. So I'm sorry but that vet or you, are way off.

I would be taking that bun to a real vet because there is no way that this is normal. But, I'm not you, and you don'tseem to take it as seriously.I certainly wouldn't just be okay with all this. You seem more ok to believe a vet who is clearly way off than to trust the members here when they say this needs looking into. Oh and btw... Some members clearly stated they had no trust in that vet.

If it were mucoid enteritis it shouldn't be happening at the frequency you mentionned. And therewould be symptoms where we could clearly see that it's gas. Dunno... This doesn't sit well with me at all.
Today she was eating everything but pellets and walks funny sometimes. I'm taking her into the vet shortly, once they call and I'll mention pyometra but her symptons are too similar to that. I'm going to have them do an x-ray for sure and dr. wertz or whatever said yesterday it would be smart to spay her. I was originally going to spay her months back but then a bunch of vets said not to but my mom and I had a long talk with him yesterday and it seems best.

Oooh I am so relieved that you have reconsidered! My girl suffered from "closed pyometra" and therefore didn't have that discharge and by the time I realized something was really seriously wrong I was almost too late.

The good thing is, if it is pyometra, then you eliminate cancer. And, pyometra is treated by an emergency spay so it will be done. It's harder on their systems since they are pretty dehydrated most of the time so make sure that you get fluids into her and have a proper vet to do the surgery.

If that is what your bun has, the stuff the vet did yesterday was symptomatic treatment and thus, that is why you saw an improvement.

I'll be honest, if your vet suspects pyometra, I think it's pretty much reason enough to skip the x-ray. My vet told me that it wouldn't be conclusive and even if it was, he'd still need to open her up. Since your girl isn't spayed, it's pretty much worth it to save the cost and just have her done as long as she is in good enough shape. Obviously, follow the vet recommendations but if the vet asks and says that s/he doesn't think it will be useful, then don't feel bad skipping it.

You really aren't losing out on anything by having her taken in especially since you had to get her spayed anyway. Ok, the timing for finances might be unexpected but trust me, if it is pyometra, you'll be happy you took her in.


Keep us updated!
A different doctor will be in today so it maybe good, he might have some other idea of the issue. I'll mention pyometra and see what he has to say. I researched a little and not any of the common diseases really fit Rexie but I'm still worried. They're definately suppose to give her fluids today and I think another shot but I'll see what he says about pyo and all that.

Dr. Wertz talked about spaying a lot yesterday and from what he said, he seems like a good person to do it and has had good experience.

I'll fill everyone in when I arrive home again.
When you get to the point of discharge, it's time for spaying.

I'm glad she's getting what she needs, good luck to you.
I'm so happy to hear you are going to be aggressive with this! I didn't buy the gas thing either but I'm not a vet and that's just my opinion!

Can't wait to hear what they say.
Yes, please keep us updated...

So glad you decided to take her back to have her checked out specifically for this...

My prayers continue for you both...

:purplepansy: :pray:
It's great ,Tia, that you are getting to the bottom of her problem. I would guess that she has been in pain.

Good for you for organizing things so you could get her back to a vet again

You should be proud of yourself. :D
We've taken Rexie a few times to the vet. We got an x-ray and everything. She's got gas build up in her stomach. She's on med's to help her go to the bathroom and she gets critical care 4 times a day. She's been eating lettuce in the morning and eating a little hay through out the day. She goes back to the vet Monday so hopefully everything gets better!!

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