Wabbitdads Wabbit Herd 2009

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JadeIcing wrote:
Don't bring any extra bunnies home.
I do that and I will commit myself to the hospital for 24 hour psychological evaluation!:craziness

Tiny REW nethie won best opposite variety, Thumper, Blue flemmie, won best of variety, Titan took best opposite and Carmel, lionhead, won best of breed today!

Before I went to donate plasma, I took care of the bunny's like I do every morning. When I was in filling food dishes and filling water bottles, I heard a commotion behind me. I turned around to see a black flemmie we are calling Houdini trying to climb out. He had discovered a way to bypass our anti-baby flemmie escape system. So I had to create an addition to the system, hopefully it will take him a while to get around it, when he had figured out how to escape from the original set up he/she taught it to his/her siblings. They had escaped a couple of times too.

While Karen and the kids were at the fair, there were some things that had to be done, banking, litter for the rabbit cages, cleaning of rabbit cages and the yard needed to be mowed.

So I got the errands done and thought it best to clean cages before I did anything else as they were getting ripe for some reason, oh yeah, duh, 4 extra large economy size rabbit baby's. Like most projects of mine, I jinxed myself by saying well this should only take 45 minutes. Yeah right!

The first two cages went fine, then I got to Sweetie's and her kids. Three flemish baby's can make quite a mess. So after an in-depth cleaning I proceeded on, making good progress until I got to Velvets. I then realized it has been a while since I gave her cage a good in-depth cleaning. After switching to a larger trash receptacle I proceeded onward. Every time I reached in to scoop out a handful of fur and kicked out litter, Velvet would lunge and put herself between me and her baby. I finally got her to go out Baby blue bunny went and laid next to daddy's cage and Velvet laid in front of the her baby.

One and a half hours later, I was done. Then came the yard...

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I turned around to see a black flemmie we are calling Houdini trying to climb out. He had discovered a way to bypass our anti-baby flemmie escape system. So I had to create an addition to the system, hopefully it will take him a while to get around it, when he had figured out how to escape from the original set up he/she taught it to his/her siblings. They had escaped a couple of times too.

I've had litters like that....
Well I survived the night in the bunny barn. It was a colder night then I expected and the blanket I grabbed before I left wasn't big enough! I also didn't think to bring a jacket, when I left the house last night it was a nice 75F out. During the night it dropped down to a chilly 56F.

When I arrived at the fair around 8pm, they were having everyone park in the very farthest areas from the fair, they do have shuttles to the gate, so even though I had a parking pass it doesn't mean I get a good spot. It just means I can park in the lot closes to the bunny barn. Well that didn't apply last night. Around 9:30pm I told another club member I will be back shortly, I was going to move my car closer. I was concerned being almost parked in the next county someone might decide they want to see whats in my car and break in. So I go out to the car and start moving it closer, a sheriff deputy asked what I was doing and he said OK just tell the next officer what you want to do and he will let you pass. Well the next officer was a sheriff deputy wannabe, who was going to show me he had powerand he started giving me a ration of crap about not following directions etc. So he finally let me pass and I managed to park much, much closer then I was before. Then I went back to the bunny barn and started my overnight duties.

I got about 2 1/2-3 hours solid sleep, then about 3:30am one rooster started crowing, then another and another, then the ducks didn't want to be outdone so they started quacking. Well of course the cows couldn't let this pass them so a few of them started mooing and some sheep joined in about 4am.

Meanwhile before the roosters started, the bunny's were thumping, rattling food dishes etc. The cages for the bunnies are two high and there is a wooden sheet under the upper cages angled towards the rear of the cage. So when the bunny's on the top do their thing it doesn't fall on the bunny below but rolls dripsdown and then onto the floor. So I fell asleep to the sound of bunny poop falling onto wooden sheets then dropping onto the litter on the barn floor. Not as soothing as listening to a gentle rain, really not as soothing a sound as a gentle rain!

Have you ever tried to use a port a potty in the dark? I don't recommend it, I almost got my cell phone out to provide light, but I thought with my luck I would drop my new upgraded phone into it and I really wouldn't want it back. So I let my eyes adjust to the light that was entering.

Finally around 8am another club member came to relieve me, I helped her open up the barn and get it ready for the day. Just before that though they had a sunrise hot air balloon launch. It was really a sight to see, beautiful. The night before they had the same balloons tethered to the ground, music playing and the balloons would turn on their burners to the music and light up their balloons from the inside. There was also a plane doing acrobatics shooting off fireworks from under its wings behind it. There were some sparkler/flare device on the wings so you could track the plance in the dark.

Here are a couple of pictures of the sunrise balloon launch this morning. Sorry for the quality I took them with my cell phone camera.

Now I think I will go to bed and rest before going to my moms 80th birthday party.




I got about 2 1/2-3 hours solid sleep, then about 3:30am one rooster started crowing, then another and another, then the ducks didn't want to be outdone so they started quacking. Well of course the cows couldn't let this pass them so a few of them started mooing and some sheep joined in about 4am.

Meanwhile before the roosters started, the bunny's were thumping, rattling food dishes etc. The cages for the bunnies are two high and there is a wooden sheet under the upper cages angled towards the rear of the cage. So when the bunny's on the top do their thing it doesn't fall on the bunny below but rolls drips down and then onto the floor. So I fell asleep to the sound of bunny poop falling onto wooden sheets then dropping onto the litter on the barn floor. Not as soothing as listening to a gentle rain, really not as soothing a sound as a gentle rain!

Have you ever tried to use a port a potty in the dark? I don't recommend it, I almost got my cell phone out to provide light, but I thought with my luck I would drop my new upgraded phone into it and I really wouldn't want it back. So I let my eyes adjust to the light that was entering.

Oh my gosh, I know it wouldn't have been funny to go through, but your post had me laughing so much! I think your story is a perfect example of true bunny love...and your grandkids will some day love hearing this one being told! :) btw, I don't blame you one bit for staying overnight with the bunnies...I'd be too nervous to leave them all night. I showed rabbits briefly very many years ago, and while I only once did an overnight show (spouse and I camped out on the grounds that time), I did have to keep a watchful eye on my rabbits during the show. A couple of times other exhibitors had rabbits disappear from their cages, and at one show, one of the top breeders in the province was preparing to bring his NZ Whites to the show table when he discovered that some kids had taken little packets of ketchup and squirted all of the rabbits with them. Most of the time shows were (thankfully) uneventful, but it still paid to keep one eye on the show and the other one's own bunnies. (Rabbit shows are so exciting too! I hope you've been having fun!)

Love the photos of the hot air balloons; and for a cell phone, the pics are great! (btw, what is the big purple one supposed to be? It seems to have legs dangling, or something)

P.S. I think Houdini was very aptly named, from the sound of it...;)

Yeah it wasn't funny at the time, but it was by the time I got home. You know the phrase "Children should be seen not heard."? My new phrase is "roosters should be fried not heard"

What little brats squirting ketchup on the poor bunners!

The balloon with the dangly's on it was suppose to be a spider/monster.

Di, Dave is glad to be able to give you a laugh for a change! He's returning the favor from all of those hilarious Yofi stories you share with us.:D
I read the post about the teenager and the magazine thing... what an aggressive salesperson.

Dave you are such a good person...
Rudy's personality reminds me so much of my frenchie Miley. Garfield the cat is such a good comparison! haha Miley does the same thing when she gets little treats - she will take it and run then come back and act like she never got a thing. :)
I'd like to see more photos of himmmmm.

You have so many nice, beautiful rabbits.
Well fair week is over and I sort of miss it. Thursday night Rudy and I took our turn in the petting pen in the Rabbit barn. Rudy enjoyed the 3 1/2 hours of almost non-stop petting, hearing whata cute bunny he was, he barely moved a muscle during all that time. Rudy hadn't been brushed forfew days and the first dozen or so people were walking away with huge handfulls of Rudy's fur, there was also a cloud of his fur hanging in space around the petting pen for a while. After, a 1/2 hour he had a good brushing by the people petting and no more of his fur was flying around.

The little kids were not mean, parents were watching the closely, but they did pet him backwards, Rudy was a really good boy. He awed them when he stood up and groomed himself.

It was also a great time to educate people about rabbits, talk to some people about 4-H Rabbit club. A lot of people were genuinely interested in learning about rabbits. Several thanked me and told methey never knew that some facts about rabbits that I told them. Parents were asking me what would be a good rabbit for their kids to start with for 4-H, some people had questions about their own bunny, why does it do this?, what happens if... I enjoyed answering their questions, although I thought my voice was going to give out by the time Rudy and I left.

I hadn't eaten before I took Rudy to the fair and karen had some steaks out thawing. It was 10pm, I needed to get to bed, but I was very hungary. I started the gas grill on the patio and put the steaks on. I went out to check on them and there was no more fire. The propane tank had run out. I ended up cooking the steaks in my small George Foreman grill, not the same, but they were still tasty.

When Rudy and I got home I put him back into his cage where he took a few sips of water,I looked at him and he looked like, "oh wow, what a massage!" then he flopped, it wastime to rest.

I am going to get pictures of the bunny fair participants later today and list what awards they each one. Tiny did ok for the week, Titan did too, but Thumper was not pleased. He hopped into his cage, made sure everything was where it was suppose to be and gave us all the bunny back!