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Jess_sully wrote:
Pudge kind of looks like a broken steel to me, for some reason. But I could just be crazy and way off!

I think you are right, I don't know why but aghouti popped into my head when I was posting earlier, because the breeder we got her from was going for the steel color.

In fact, my daughter wanted one of the steels but the breeder decided at the last minute not to sell them. Now it looks like she mightget one after all.

The one thing I noticed in the first picture I took of her was this look of "buddy you don't know what you brought home" and how a month and a half later she still has that same mischievous look.
How old is Pudge now? I think the steel coloring comes through more with time/age. It would be neat if she WERE a steel, it's a really pretty color.
I've heard mixed reviews about mini lops- she could turn out to be a handful!
Pudge is about 2 months old now. Pudge could be a handful, she always has this look on her face, lets see what should I do next? She is such a sweet bunny, she will hop around do a couple of binkies then come over for a few minutes of petting then flop, repeat.
Your set up looks well sorted Dave :DAnd funny enough I was thinking steel when I saw pudge on your daughters knee as well we have steel agouti over here its very nice as well:D

They did well with the places I hope they got extra treats :D
:inlove: We have bunny love!



I had Rudy our French Lop out on the couch tonight, giving him some pets and brushing. My daughter came out of the bunny room with Pudge and asked if she could be on the couch with Rudy. No problem, Rudy's been fixed and is sooooooooooooo mellow now!;)

Pudge hopped over to Rudy and immediately started to groom him! She did this several times then went on the other side of him and snuggled. Later Rudy moved to the other end of the couch and she hopped down there and he nudged her a couple of times then put his head down and she groomed him some more!

I think a few more supervised dates and I may have to build a newlywed cage!


Here is an update on Pudge and Rudy. My daughter and I got them out together again last night. Both were on the couch and Pudge hopped right over to Rudy and started grooming him! She even was laying on top of him grooming his ears and snuggled up to him afterwords too. Rudy, didn't try to hop away he would just occaisionly change directions he was facing on the couch.

It is looking promising!
Poor Rudy doesn't have a chance Pudge has spoken well groomed anyway lol. what a cute couple we will be seeign that newlywed hutch soon ;)
I know how Rudy feels, we men don't have a chance once a woman has her mind set.

I think the newlywed hutch will be going up soon, although I think I will wait until they have completed there premaritial counseling sessions.;)
If you do, you should take your "lucky bunnies" with you. That way you have eight lucky rabbit's feet with you!

gentle giants wrote:
If you do, you should take your "lucky bunnies" with you. That way you have eight lucky rabbit's feet with you!

Its not a bad idea!

It doesn't look like Velvet is pregnant, so next week I am going to introduce Barney and Lilly.

Every morning Lilly goes over to Barney's cage and marks a spot in front of it. When Barney is out, he likes to go over and lay near Lilly's cage. It is interesting to watch Lilly's reaction to when Thumper and Barney are out. Lilly gets quite upset if Thumper comes close to her cage, she grunts,snorts and watches his every move, but not when Barney does.

So hopefully, she will get preggers and have a litter of beautiful light graykits.
Rudy and Pudge are still getting along fine, they were together while I cleaned cages today. I just plan on to continue the "dates" until she gets bigger, she is only about two and a half months old and Rudy is abouttwo years old. When she is about six months I would feel comfortable putting them in the same cage.

Velvet's due date has come and gone and she did not get pregnant again. I am going to try Lilly and Barney next. Hopefully there will be some flemish baby's around here soon.
I was wondering about that too. How old is Velvet? Has she ever had a litter before? YOu probably already know this, but if you wait until they are a little older (past aboutten months or so) it gets harder to get them pregnant.
Velvet is almost 2, when she was a lot younger, I wasn't sure if I wanted to breed, she has never had a litter. I knew it would be harder but I thought I would have better luck.

I have been using the same 2 bucks.

Lilly andBarney will be having a "date" this week.

The past few days has been tough on the bunny's, the company I work for let go 2 people on Friday and besides my work Inow have to do one of the people they let go withoutworking overtime. So I've been stressed and I haven't beenin the mood to spend much time with them, besides changing litter and other necessities. Which adds more stress to me because I love them so much.

Sunday night we had a big scare. I was fixing a problem on our pc and my wife calls frantically for help. My daughter zooms by me going into the kitchen getting flour. Karen asks for me to come in, she has her bun Dutchess and one of her back legs around the nail is bleeding really bad. She was trimmer her nails at the time of this. She had a small bleeder on another paw which stopped in the time you would expect it too.

I held Dutches while we put more flour to try to get the blood to coagulate. By the way Dutchy never twitched or anything when this all happened. It slowed down and we applied a cotton ball with antibiotic ointment and wrapped her foot up good. She was a good girl too she left it on all day Monday.

Dutchy took off her bandage and my son had checked on her and she was doing well. Dutchess did a great job of cleaning herself up. I picked her up (not a good thing to do last night, I got some fur in my mouth and was coughing for hours) and we examined her paw and Karen had somehow nicked the skin on her paw. She doesn't know how it happened, she is a experienced bunny nail trimmer.

Karen felt so bad the rest of Sunday night and Monday. Dutchess knew it was an accident. She is a very good bunny mom in fact!
