Wabbitdads Wabbit Herd 2008

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That always makes you feel terrible when something like that happens. It was just an accident, though. Tell Karen not to feel bad, it has happened to all of us at one time or another.
Pudge and Rudy had another date Thursday. I am confident when she gets a little older and bigger a newlywed cage is going to happen.

I checked on Barney's hocks Friday night and they look so much better and he is moving around much better.
I thought I would post some pictures of Pudge taking care of her man!


Pudge is burrowed between me & Rudy.


She worked her way under his ear to givehim kisses on his cheek.


I introduced Lilly and Barney yesterday, although by the time Barney decided he was interested, Lilly was out of the "mood" and chased him out of his own cage and had a tuft of his fur in her mouth.

This morning, I tried again and almost the same result, except they did get together before she chased him around the room and back into his cage. So hopefully, things will work out!
I decided to try and save money, so I went from wood pellets for bunny litter to pine shavings. Same brand, kiln dried and everything, so I wasn't worried about any adverse effects on the bunny's. I thought, foolishly, that they might be less dusty then the bottom of the wood pellet bag. My thought process was that may be some of the buns would not sneeze too much when I changed the litter.

Now why I would think the pine shavings would be less dusty I do not know. Especially when I shoveled about a ton of it out of the bunny barn at the end of the our counties 4-H fair. I have also discovered that the shavings are not as good at controlling the odor as the wood pellets and it takes a lot of pine shavings when I change litter boxes. Oh yea, did I mention the dust?

Now I have a large bag of compressed pine shavings that I will have to use up, because my bunny supply budget won't allow me to get pellets until I use this stuff up. I am also cheap and don't want to waste the pine shavings.

The poor bunny's are not getting the attention they had been earlier this month. The company I work for supplies lights to the recreational vehicle industry. The county I live in is home to or was to a large number of recreational vehicle manufacturers. On the last day of July, the company laid off two more people, one in the warehouse and one from the office. I had started in the warehouse, but with my technical background I worked my way into the design department. Now, I have to cover for the guy they laid off and I am expected to continue to do my job in the design department, maintain the computer network, fix any computerproblemswithout any overtime. So by the time I get home I am exhausted and don't have the energy to love them up like I use too. I barely have the strength to feedand water them.

It is rough because I love them so much and I am trying to get a part time job to try and make ends meet, which will make things even tougher. Times are getting tough in the herd.
Dave ya know you are doing the best you can, I am sure a lot of other people are in the same boat at the moment. :hug:its not getting any easier just now it really isn't just hang in there your buns know how much you love them :nod
Well the newlywed cage is half completed:inlove:. I am going to move Pudge in this weekend and then Rudy next weekend. Give Pudge a chance to decorate it, pick out the drapes etc. Rudy being a guy doesn't care as long as it's not pink or lime green!

I put them on a cheaper Purina brand rabbit chow, I think its actually healthier for them.Its just a dollar less then what I was paying before, but I think with a few of the bunsthe show quality formula rabbit chow was notworking out too well. Oreo has really, bulked up so I am hoping the switch will help her lose weight.

Our latest addition Pudge is getting so big, I am going to take some pictures this weekend and post them. Before and after pictures, the girl who sold her to us kept the broken steel mini lops and we bought Pudge, well her colors are changing and she is looking more like a steel color!

Time to go, must go get some Mountain Dew and wood pellets for the buns.

Wabbitdad12, I just wanted you to know how much I admire you for being so welcoming to everyone in the introductions forum. I don't think you've missed even one person since I joined in April!

Thank you for being so positive and hospitable to all of us newbies!
On September 6th, 2008 at 1:30am Barney went across the rainbow bridge. :bunnyangel2:

Barney was a big lovable bunny. He has always been fighting infections since I got him. When he came to live with my family he had two very large abscesses on his neck. He had continual battles with respiratory infections. Over the past week, I began to feel small bumps on his body and suspected his body was filling up with abscesses on the inside.

Very early Saturday morning 1:00 am, I went in to put the bunny's to bed. I got Barney out of his cage because I notice a huge booger on his nose (where else right?). I cleaned it off and he seemed to be just fine. I went into the bathroom to wash my hands and I heard him race down the hallway. I didn't think too much about it because he had done that before when he discovered the bunny room gate open.

When I looked into the living room, I noticed there was something odd about the way he was laying and when I moved the laundry basket he didn't sit up or run off. I picked him up and he was limp. I laid him down again and he laid on his side, not normal at all. I went to get my wife and told her I think Barney is dying. His breathing became more shallow and I just laid next to him petting him and telling him its OK to let go. My wife and and I continued to tell him we loved him and we will miss him. Finally, a half hour after he came out into the living room he passed over the bridge.

After he passed on, I thought about what happened and I believe he knew his time was up and he wanted to be out in the living room with me when he died. He was my xbox buddy who would lay down next to me when I played golf with Tiger Woods. He was the gentlest bunny I have ever known, not once did he ever nip me or anyone else, even when I had to clean out his abscesses on his neck, not that I would have blamed him.

He is with Mr. Smores now and the two are hanging out together.

Tearing up, got to go.:cry2
Well after Barney passed away, I moved Thumper's cage to Barney's spot. I am not sure if this was a good idea.:ponder:

Part of the morning routine, I let Lilly, my light gray Flemish, out while I take care of the other bun's. When Barney was alive she would go and mark her spot infront of his cage and then lay near him.

So far her and Thumper have been fighting through his cage and he's jumping up and spraying her and me! :shock:
I know I haven't posted in a while and looking at mylast entry here its been just over a month.

Been too focused on paying the mortgage. Wondering if I am going to have a job from day to day has taken up my focus.

Now, about the buns. Pudge, my daughter's mini lop has entered her teenage years! She has been nipping me and charging at me when I open her cage door to clean her litter box. Bad girl has literally been biting the hand that feeds her.

I have been wanting to get a light gray or steel buck to mate with Lily, but can't find one in the area. The rest of the buns are doing o.k. Velvets right eye has its good and bad days, one day it looks fine and the nextits not.

Well have to keep this brief, I have to work in the morning.
Wabbitdad, I wanted to say how sorry I am that you and wabbitmom lost Barney. I'm afraid this is a bit late as I missed the original post...and many of the rainbow bridge posts I miss because I find it so hard to go there. Your boy was so beautiful; I'm sure he had the very best life as he was so deeply loved. :tears2:

Rest in peace, Barney...

I'm also praying that the economy will manage to turn around soon. Of course it will at some point, but the sooner the better. I certainly understand your fears about your job...at my work I learned some inside info not long ago. They are going to be laying off 10-15 people in one section, and who knows what will happen after that.

If only our bunnies could earn a living too. ;)
Thanks, Barney was very well loved and when I hand out banana chips at night I miss him.

If I can get through the next couple of months I hope things will start to get better.

I feel bad for the buns, as I am just not enjoying them as much as I use to. Still love them to bits though. They do provide me with some smiles each day.
OH I AM IN BIG TROUBLE with Lilly, my light gray Flemish giant doe. She was sounding congested, so I got her out of her cage late Monday night, not her usual time. Took her out to the living room so my wife and I could check her out, she is not found of the living room. Once that was done, she sat beside me and got lots of attention. I thought everything was o.k. I was very wrong!

She wouldn't come out of her cage, Tuesday morning for her usual attention. Tuesday night, I tried to make up with her and got "the back". She wouldn't even take her banana chip at bedtime. Same thing Wednesday, she let me pet her in her cage but she would not come out.

This morning when I went to refill water bottles she came out of her cage and came close enough to me she gave me a couple of bunny kisses, no more then that though.

Iam not entirely confident I am out of the woods yet.
:(I am very sorry to say that Lilly crossed the bridge last night. I came home from my daughters school program and discovered Lilly was breathing heavily and through her mouth. Her body was limp and she was struggling to breathe. My wife layed her on the couch and she worked her way to me. I was giving her the love and attention I always do when she died.

I guess Lilly wasn't mad at me afterall. :bigtears: