Wabbitdads Wabbit Herd 2008

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Well Rudy and Sweetie are taking over duties as my morning help with the herd. Rudy was doing binkies after he came out when I opened the door to his cage and Sweetie came out when I opened hers.

Rudy's fixed so there were no worries about a litter, but I was concerned about how they would react to each other. They came nose to nose and did some binkies and eventually hopped back into their cages.

Maybe they will become playmates in the morning. Rudy is so laid back and Sweetie has, well, a sweet personality. It was really nice seeing them do binkies.

They still looked like they were trying to find Lilly though.
Part of my plot to get out of handing out candy on Halloween;),I clogged the kitchen drain line, so I would have to rent an auger and spend Friday nightshoving a wire snake/auger downthedrain line. Once, I was done, I cleaned up my plumbing mess and being the wonderful husband thatI am:innocent, I decided todo some kitchen cleaning on Saturday Wabbitmom was planning on doing later in the day,I was trying to score some points with her. I discovered some craisins that we thought had been left at the grocery store.

It has been a long time since I had given the buns some craisins, a really long time. So instead of their usual banana chip, I gave them craisins Saturday night. A few hesitant sniffs later, I had bunny's trying to break the doors down to get more! They decided they loved them!

So now I have banana/craisin chip addicts in my house now!:)

LOL! Craisins are a staple around here! Last night tho, we got bananas at the grocery and Lexi was eating one while I was holding Bo. She put the banana where he could smell it and it was like a pool of malnourished piranha had found a chicken nugget! I didn't think she'd get it back from him! And yes, she went on eating from where he left off!

Tony ended up getting a few nibbles as well. I don't think Clover would eat it since the others had "touched" it.
I might be adding a new bunny to the herd tonight! I posted in the Rescue section about someone who hada dwarf bunny that their kids have gotten lazy taking care of and they are trying to find ita new home. They want $50 for rabbit and cage, but I have extra cages, I am hoping to just get the rabbit.
I didn't get the new bunny. The family never returned my messages, oh well, there is a rabbit show next week and Iwant to get another Flemish! I just love them to pieces.

Yesterday morning, I let Thumper (blue Flemish) out while I tended to the rest of the herd. He was enjoying his time out, I was kneeling on the floor when I decided to take a moment and pray. I had to go testify at a court case later in the morning, so I was praying that it would go quickly so I could get to work at a reasonable time.

While I had my head bowed in prayer, Thumper decided to to a binky, no problem except that at the same time he decided to pee while he was doing it. Little stinker!:X

He could not have aimed better for my head if he had tried. I thought I hope this doesn't set the tone for the day!

It still took forever, but the rest of the day went well.

November 15th there is a rabbit show in GoshenIndianaabout 20 minutes away. I have already forwarned Wabbitmom12 that if there is a Steel or Light gray flemish buck or doe thereone or both will be coming home!

Just gotta love them flemmies!:inlove:

I would like to introduce new members of the herd (I promise to have better pictures next week):

Tiny, he is a Netherland Dwarf. My daughter wanted to win the one that was up as a door prize. She didn't and was disappointed and sad, she told me about another Netherland Dwarf that was for sale. I went and looked at it with her, she held it and looked at me with her big brown eyes and said "Can I get him daddy?, please?" Being that she is my princess and has had me wrapped around herlittle fingersince day one, I opened up my wallet and wewalked away with Tiny.


The next new member of the herd is Carmel a Lionhead buck, he's got a nice bloodline and is soooo cute, I couldn't resist. I asked the breeder why he was giving him away he said he just had too many bucks.


The last new member of the herd is unamed at the moment. He is a black Flemish buck and we are going to breed him with our black doe Sweetie. He is a very good bun and I have really taken to him.


Actually, all of the new buns (Tiny, Caramel, and the black buck, probably called Titan) are between 5 and 6 months old. So is Pudge the mini lop.

Velvet is 3 yrs old next month.

Nibbles, Baby, and Dutchess will be 3 in the spring.

Rudy, Oreo, Blueberry, and the MUffin Man are just turning 2.

Sweetie and Moo Moo (we think) are 1 1/2 yrs.

Skippery is the eldest, probably about 5 yrs. old.

Pretty soon it's going to get hard to remember all of these ages! I think I have most of them written down in my rabbit record binder.

Titan, Carmel and Tiny are adjusting well.

Titan came out of his cage the other day and had to binky and spray at the same time, unfortunately I was in the path. He was checking out Sweetie my black flemish doe and they seem to like each other. They will be getting together this weekend. Hopefully, I get some cute black flemish kits!

Carmel is a hyper little guy and its going to be fun getting him litter box trained. Right after I had cleaned myself up from the incident with Titan I was putting Carmels new litterbox in his cage and HE decided to let loose on me. This was just after I walked out into the hallway and discovered my dog Charlie had an "accident" in the hallway.

Tiny is doing well, he has a nice roomy cage and a box he can hide in. He loves to cuddle and like all nethies is very curious of his surroundings.

I will posting some good quality pictures this weekend of the new buns.
As promised here are some pictures of the new additions to the herd, including a couple of Nibbles and Oreo.

Carmel didn't like what I had on tv so he decided to change the channel.


Who couldn't love this furry face.


Thumper and Carmel checking each other out.


Here is Tiny checking out the bunny room.


Everyone wants to meet Thumper.


Who can resist a bunny butt photo?


Here are some pictures of my black Flemish buck Titan.




Here are a couple of Nibbles, she didn't look happy when I took this one.


Checking out the camera.


Here are some of Oreo.



:woohooProgress is being made! Carmel has started to use his litter box finally! For a while he was pooping and peeing in the opposite corner I would put it. If he was using one corner I would put it there and he would start using the other corner, the little fart! ;)

This morning I went in to tend to the herd. I was in my pj's and had let Titan out, while I took care of his step brothers and sisters. He immediately hopped out did a binky and soaked my leg from knee to ankle. Titan then proceeded to go to Thumpers cage and still had some left to mark a spot to drive Thumper crazy.

Thumper not wanting to be out down by Titan proceeded cautiously out of his cage hopped over in front of Titans cage, got Titans attention then left a well saturated area.

Tiny has also settled in nicely to his new surroundings and I think Oreo is liking the new cage she is in now. She now has a room with a view and is soaking up the rays when the sun is out.

I got Titan and Sweetie together last weekend and I hope it took. Both have great coats and he is one large bun, a quality I haven't seen too often in black flemmies.

Well its time to go to bed now and sleep in. This being a lean year in my household Wabbitmom and I will not be going out at 4 am to get any bargains.
:cameraThere was a Kodak momentthis afternoonand I didn't have a camera. I was cleaning cages and making some modifications to Titans. Titans cage has an opening on the side for a gravity feeder, so you can fill it from the outside. I hadn't put one in because I wanted Titan to get comfortable in his new surroundings.

While cleaning cages I had Tiny out. He had been checking out the entire room and had made his way over to Titan's cage. I had turned around to get some litter, I turned back around and found Tiny had stuck his head into the opening for the gravity feeder. I saw Titan was right there and as I looked closer Titan was grooming Tiny.:adorable:When Tiny pulled his head out it was all wet. It was quite a site to see, this big black bunny grooming a tiny white bunny.

In other news wabbitmom bought a dog run that will become a bunny run in the spring, unless we get some really warm days. Its 8 ft x 8 ft square, with enough room for a nice chair with an umbrella and a cooler of Mountain Dew to watch the buns enjoy the outside.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Its 8 ft x 8 ft square, with enough room for a nice chair with an umbrella and a cooler of DIET COKE to watch the buns enjoy the outside.
Sounds like a great idea - just changed it to fit my tastes...

Thumper and Rudy are making it quite apparent that they are not pleased with the new arrivals.

Thumper bit me tonight and Rudy started batting at Titan as he was checking out Rudy's cage. Rudy has also been turning his back on me quite a bit lately.

Well here are some pictures of the herd taken this past weekend.









Miss Pudge


Mr. Muffin


Mr. Muffin and Charlie


Ms. Skippery


