very cold babies!!

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bunnylover78642 wrote:
Good luck to you!! I love the pics! I forgot these were lops! Ilove lops, they are so cute!! Has their eyes opened yet?

No not yet, they should be open by this saturday, if they open on the10th day. Trust me you will know when their eyes are open....LOTSAPICTURES!!!!!!!!!!:D

More baby Pictures! Today they are 8 days old! :D

This is a picture of the baby we are keeping, we named him Brogan :D



awww they are soooo sweet. Mine all came out thesame colour - white, then they started showing a few differences at afew weeks old! Mine never had that much fur at 8 days lol!

Hope everything goes well for them,

OK here is picture of the babies...I amjust guessing on their color because I have NOOOOO idea what color theycould be...I am not very good at guessing and since this is my firstlitter I am not really sure what baby holland's colors are :D





Let me know what you think the colors could be :D
Hello every one! The Brogan's foot has FINALLY fallen off!!! YAY!! Here are some pics of the babies!

Takin a nap!

This is baby Brogan with out his foot

Here is a close up of his foot

This is the baby we call Dumbo, he has HUGE ears!


ayglnu13 wrote:
Right now we are looking into getting a rabbit wheel chair:D from We areonly gonna buy it if he isnt able to walk properly on his leg.Hopefully he will be able to because they cost over $200 and that wouldbe really hard to come by!

WHOA!!that is WEIRD!! :DBut he should be alright and i think thewheelchair would bug him so much! he couldnt lick himself well, thatsort of thing! hope the little guy will be ok!
Well he wouldnt be wearing it like ALLday. He would only wear it if he was running around outside orsomething. We will only get this for him if he isnt able to walk (sofar he cant). When he goes in his cage we wouldnt make him wear it, butit would be easier for him to get around if he doesnt have to drag hisbutt every where. Also the Vet suggested it because if he is outsideand scraping his foot on the ground it could get infected. :D

ayglnu13 wrote:
Hello every one! The Brogan's foot has FINALLY fallen off!!!

This is baby Brogan with out his foot

Here is a close up of his foot

So, he'll still have most of his hock, but no foot? Is that right?


Gypsy had this wicked great idea! Ok wellright now we wont be able to fit him for a prosthetic or buy him awheel chair until he is full grown. Sooo we figured I could post thispicture and see what people thought would be a good idea to put on hisfoot, so that he doesn’t scratch it, then get it infected. She wasright in thinking that the sooner we get something on his foot thebetter he will be about not trying to take it off :D (THANKS GYPSY!!)


Any Ideas would be GREAT!!!

Your WelcomeAmy: I just love thediary you started ITSAWSOME!!!!!

My thought for being so littleis a Premi sock with a gauze pad inthe bottom . I cant waitto see what Everyoneelse comes up with ! .