Us Against Them

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RaspberrySwirl wrote:
This is a place to share alove of rabbits. A place to learn, to make friends, to do some sillythings that a lot of "serious" rabbit people would probably find quitedegrading. The formula seems to be working. It's a good group ofpeople. I was sincere when I welcomed you to our forum. I hope themisunderstanding was an honest one. Consider the olive branchextended.

This is exactly WHY I joined this Forum... on many of the others, youcan't just be goofy/fun about rabbits... there are many out there whodo take their hobby veryseriously, where sometimes goofy/funis not always tolerated.

It was an honest misunderstanding, one that I hope is now clarified anddone/been over theant hill on to green pastures. :D

I thinkalot ofus have readthe real post(meaning on the board it was posted). And most my responceis to the whole thing in general not any one personand toother postslike it that pop up time and time again. i havefriends on both sides and everywhere else and often times I'd like tograb them all by the hair of their head and clunk their heads together.

However i think most of us know who's name has been edited out and I think it's more than just privacy.

SunnieBunnie Rabbitry wrote:
I would like to give RaspberrySwirl and theothers (you know who you are) my deepest gratitude for not namingnames... and openly posting your opinions and point of views.I deeply respect you and your opinions.

Please bare with me... this one's going to be long :?...

I am aware of the thread that was mentioned inthe opening post. One thing I would like to point out firstoff is I do belong to a WIDE variety of Rabbit forums, mainly for thepurpose of self education... I love and enjoy each and every one ofthem. Granted, each is driven to a particular genre, be itmore oriented to Pets, Breeding, Showing, Rescue, and other "versatile"uses. Thethings I have learnedin each ofthese forums I consider invaluable - priceless.

I was not the one who started the thread, andnever will I ever "take sides as breeder vs. pet owner" as I amBOTH. Aside from my breeding / show stock ofMini Rex, I have aMixed breed pet rabbit named Panda - she'sa Dutch Lop... and gets the extra special attention - she has a Hutchoutside as well as being the ONLY ONE who gets to come inside and justchill / be a rabbit / get free roam of the house. We wouldn'ttrade her for the world (and sorry bunny she'sMINE!)

However I was the one who posted that I do notsell rabbits as pets ---- BEFORE anyone starts jumping all over me onthis,please give me a chance to explain... Firstoff,I'll copy the postfor everyone else toread,I would like everyone to notice that I HAVE DONE MYRESEARCH... there is an over population ofrabbits in my area,the shelters here are overcrowded with them and the pet stores areoverflowing with even more.... on average you'll find 20 rabbits perpet store waiting for homes. Yes, I breedrabbitsfor showing purposes, however not all rabbits producedare show quality, or evenbreedingquality within myherd. I post rabbits that I don't "need" for sale on mywebsite... I give the opportunity for whoever may need that rabbit intheir breeding / show program to purchase those rabbits before theyhead out. I personally feel that I won't be helping the petstores and shelters if I send the rabbits there... so instead, I donatethem to my local Wildlife rehab centers. In my post, when Imention Wildlife or Raptor Rehab and Research... it's not Research likewhat's done in labs and such... OH NO, Never!!!... it's therehab and research of endangered species... conservationresearch. It is a well known fact that these conservationprograms and rehab centers are severely under funded and are barelyable to make ends meet... they rely on every donation they can possiblyget.

I'm deeply sorry if my opinions differ greatlythan yours, but in my situation and in my honest opinion, I personallyfeel like I'm helping out the best way I know how in two worlds -Wildlife rehabilitation as well as not increasing the over abundanceofrabbits in my local pet stores and shelters.

With that said, this was my response to someoneelse's post - again, I deeply apologize if it offendsanyone.

There are other outlets for rabbits besides Pet Homes.... Even for the smallest ND.

Pretty much everyone knows where I stand on this, but for those thatdon't - I refuse to sell any rabbits from my barn as "pets". Why?Because in my general area, there are at least 4 other breeders thatI'm aware of who are selling to Pet Stores and I've been noticing (overthe last 10 yrs especially) an increase in Rabbits at the 2 Localshelters. (I frequent the shelters just to take a look - I had lost adog a few years back, though I don't want her there, sometimes I hopeto find her.) So, the main reason I don't sell pet rabbits is in casefor some unforeseen reason the rabbit ends up in the shelter -Ultimately I'm responsible because I bred and sold the rabbit as a pet.

So instead - I sell to other breeders, and the one's that don't getbought (and that I don't need to keep) get donated to my local NatureCenter, Raptor Rescue & Research, Zoo, Wild Animal Park, andWildlife Rehab centers. I feel that my unneeded rabbits can at leastcontribute to a good cause. When I weigh the factors of what's a goodcause, contributing to Wildlife rehab and research out weighs a pethome.

I'm with*Name edited for privacy*and many others on this one.
Sunshine S. Patron
SunnieBunnie Rabbitry
Mini Rex rabbits in Lynx, Chocolate, REW, and Lilac.
No portion of this post is to be quoted or copied with out my expressed written consent.
Wow, they put so much stuff on its head and hedoes not mind it. Well, he is a japanese bunny, he is used to differentculture.:)
SunnieBunnie Rabbitry wrote:
I would like to give RaspberrySwirl andthe others (you know who you are) my deepest gratitude for not namingnames... and openly posting your opinions and point of views.I deeply respect you and your opinions.

Please bare with me... this one's going to be long :?...

I am aware of the thread that was mentioned inthe opening post. One thing I would like to point out firstoff is I do belong to a WIDE variety of Rabbit forums, mainly for thepurpose of self education... I love and enjoy each and every one ofthem. Granted, each is driven to a particular genre, be itmore oriented to Pets, Breeding, Showing, Rescue, and other "versatile"uses. Thethings I have learnedin each ofthese forums I consider invaluable - priceless.

I was not the one who started the thread, andnever will I ever "take sides as breeder vs. pet owner" as I amBOTH. Aside from my breeding / show stock ofMini Rex, I have aMixed breed pet rabbit named Panda - she'sa Dutch Lop... and gets the extra special attention - she has a Hutchoutside as well as being the ONLY ONE who gets to come inside and justchill / be a rabbit / get free roam of the house. We wouldn'ttrade her for the world (and sorry bunny she'sMINE!)

However I was the one who posted that I do notsell rabbits as pets ---- BEFORE anyone starts jumping all over me onthis,please give me a chance to explain... Firstoff,I'll copy the postfor everyone else toread,I would like everyone to notice that I HAVE DONE MYRESEARCH... there is an over population ofrabbits in my area,the shelters here are overcrowded with them and the pet stores areoverflowing with even more.... on average you'll find 20 rabbits perpet store waiting for homes. Yes, I breedrabbitsfor showing purposes, however not all rabbits producedare show quality, or evenbreedingquality within myherd. I post rabbits that I don't "need" for sale on mywebsite... I give the opportunity for whoever may need that rabbit intheir breeding / show program to purchase those rabbits before theyhead out. I personally feel that I won't be helping the petstores and shelters if I send the rabbits there... so instead, I donatethem to my local Wildlife rehab centers. In my post, when Imention Wildlife or Raptor Rehab and Research... it's not Research likewhat's done in labs and such... OH NO, Never!!!... it's therehab and research of endangered species... conservationresearch. It is a well known fact that these conservationprograms and rehab centers are severely under funded and are barelyable to make ends meet... they rely on every donation they can possiblyget.

I'm deeply sorry if my opinions differ greatlythan yours, but in my situation and in my honest opinion, I personallyfeel like I'm helping out the best way I know how in two worlds -Wildlife rehabilitation as well as not increasing the over abundanceofrabbits in my local pet stores and shelters.

With that said, this was my response to someoneelse's post - again, I deeply apologize if it offendsanyone.

There are other outlets for rabbits besides Pet Homes.... Even for the smallest ND.

Pretty much everyone knows where I stand on this, but for those thatdon't - I refuse to sell any rabbits from my barn as "pets". Why?Because in my general area, there are at least 4 other breeders thatI'm aware of who are selling to Pet Stores and I've been noticing (overthe last 10 yrs especially) an increase in Rabbits at the 2 Localshelters. (I frequent the shelters just to take a look - I had lost adog a few years back, though I don't want her there, sometimes I hopeto find her.) So, the main reason I don't sell pet rabbits is in casefor some unforeseen reason the rabbit ends up in the shelter -Ultimately I'm responsible because I bred and sold the rabbit as a pet.

So instead - I sell to other breeders, and the one's that don't getbought (and that I don't need to keep) get donated to my local NatureCenter, Raptor Rescue & Research, Zoo, Wild Animal Park, andWildlife Rehab centers. I feel that my unneeded rabbits can at leastcontribute to a good cause. When I weigh the factors of what's a goodcause, contributing to Wildlife rehab and research out weighs a pethome.

I'm with*Name edited for privacy*and many others on this one.
Sunshine S. Patron
SunnieBunnie Rabbitry
Mini Rex rabbits in Lynx, Chocolate, REW, and Lilac.
No portion of this post is to be quoted or copied with out my expressed written consent.
Of all times, I've been struck with one of my migraines and can barely see the computer screen ... :X.

SunnieBunnie, I'll respond to this post a little later.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
SunnieBunnie, I respect thatyou came forward and replied to this thread. I for one was insulted andangry at what I had read into your post on the other site about petowners. I should clarify that. Not just what you said but that youseemed to be in agreement with so many ***** that were along for theride on that particular thread. Understanding of course that you cannot be held responsible for what other people say. I took it to meanthat you felt that "pet owners" weren't responsible/capable of caringfor a rabbit and therefore you would refuse to sell them to anyoneother than a breeder. I would like to say that I do understand andhappen to agree with your opinion of pet stores. I used to breed dogsand I refused to sell any of my puppies to pet stores. Perhaps it isbecause I have been an animal breeder that this entire "us againstthem" thing makes me so mad. I saw first hand that breeders are notGods. I also saw that there were plenty of pet owners that were goodpeople.

This is a place to share a love ofrabbits. A place to learn, to make friends, to do some silly thingsthat a lot of "serious" rabbit people would probably find quitedegrading. The formula seems to be working. It's a good group ofpeople. I was sincere when I welcomed you to our forum. I hope themisunderstanding was an honest one. Consider the olive branchextended.


Well said Raspberry!!! I commend SunnieBunnie on the maturityand restraint exhibited in the face of attack. A lesserperson would have defensively lashed out --but SunnieBunnieis experienced and strong in her convictions because much considerationhas gone into the responsibility of being a breeder.

Put yourself in the shoes of a breeder and walk a few miles with me . . .

You are faced with this decision: Should this bunny be soldto a family with good intentions that may later have a lack ofcommitment to their pet which may suffer neglect, or should we respectthis life and treat it with dignity, even if that means making thedecision to euthanize this animal? It is a very personaldecision and I don't think any responsible breeder should be lynchedfor making it.

This board has always shown *tolerance* toward all interests, and I hope it continues to do so.


pamnock wrote:
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
SunnieBunnie, I respect thatyou came forward and replied to this thread. I for one was insulted andangry at what I had read into your post on the other site about petowners. I should clarify that. Not just what you said but that youseemed to be in agreement with so many ***** that were along for theride on that particular thread. Understanding of course that you cannot be held responsible for what other people say. I took it to meanthat you felt that "pet owners" weren't responsible/capable of caringfor a rabbit and therefore you would refuse to sell them to anyoneother than a breeder. I would like to say that I do understand andhappen to agree with your opinion of pet stores. I used to breed dogsand I refused to sell any of my puppies to pet stores. Perhaps it isbecause I have been an animal breeder that this entire "us againstthem" thing makes me so mad. I saw first hand that breeders are notGods. I also saw that there were plenty of pet owners that were goodpeople.

This is a place to share a love ofrabbits. A place to learn, to make friends, to do some silly thingsthat a lot of "serious" rabbit people would probably find quitedegrading. The formula seems to be working. It's a good group ofpeople. I was sincere when I welcomed you to our forum. I hope themisunderstanding was an honest one. Consider the olive branchextended.


Well said Raspberry!!! I commend SunnieBunnie on the maturityand restraint exhibited in the face of attack. A lesserperson would have defensively lashed out --but SunnieBunnieis experienced and strong in her convictions because much considerationhas gone into the responsibility of being a breeder.

Put yourself in the shoes of a breeder and walk a few miles with me . . .

You are faced with this decision: Should this bunny be soldto a family with good intentions that may later have a lack ofcommitment to their pet which may suffer neglect, or should we respectthis life and treat it with dignity, even if that means making thedecision to euthanize this animal? It is a very personaldecision and I don't think any responsible breeder should be lynchedfor making it.

This board has always shown *tolerance* toward all interests, and I hope it continues to do so.



It's hard to type with teary

Atrue to the heart, Thank you Pam.

I have put a lot of thought into it and in my mind, I hold apictureof whatisexpected of an honest,respectable, and responsible breeder. It is expected of me and myresponsibilitytolive up to that. Thereare a lot of really hard decisions to make. Although I'm nothappy with the decisions Ihave to make...they dohave to be made. I take a lot of pride in how I raise myrabbits - in an unbiased, loving, caring, devoted home -Ihave a lot of love and respect for them. It is because ofthis that I choose the decisions that have been made.


SunnieBunnie and Pam,

It certainly does help to understand the logic behind S.B.'s reason notto sell to pet owners. I also completely understand why the folks heregot angry and decided to address it. Being a pet owner, I doubt you'dappreciate the attitude and things that were said. I think BuckJonesdid an EXCELLENT job of nailing the sides of both parties down in hisreply to that post. Once Again, Buck Jones comes through. (Thanks Buckfor speaking up for the other side when no one else was.)

Actually, I think we're all the wiser for it and I'm very glad it all came out. Now we can move on.

Let's not just walk in breeders shoes here either. As there are a lotof pet owners that aren't responsible, so goes the breeders as well.

I believe that SunnieBunnie is a responsible breeder


boy...I guess I can walk in both shoes....:p

I'm a "sometime" breeder (Hols and Pals!!)and pet owner. Itry to be responsible in both, like all of us. I remember making a lotof stupid mistakes in thebeginning, though.

BunnyMommy wrote:
SunnieBunnie Rabbitry wrote:
I would like to give RaspberrySwirl andthe others (you know who you are) my deepest gratitude for not namingnames... and openly posting your opinions and point of views.I deeply respect you and your opinions.

Please bare with me... this one's going to be long :?...

I am aware of the thread that was mentioned inthe opening post. One thing I would like to point out firstoff is I do belong to a WIDE variety of Rabbit forums, mainly for thepurpose of self education... I love and enjoy each and every one ofthem. Granted, each is driven to a particular genre, be itmore oriented to Pets, Breeding, Showing, Rescue, and other "versatile"uses. Thethings I have learnedin each ofthese forums I consider invaluable - priceless.

I was not the one who started the thread, andnever will I ever "take sides as breeder vs. pet owner" as I amBOTH. Aside from my breeding / show stock ofMini Rex, I have aMixed breed pet rabbit named Panda - she'sa Dutch Lop... and gets the extra special attention - she has a Hutchoutside as well as being the ONLY ONE who gets to come inside and justchill / be a rabbit / get free roam of the house. We wouldn'ttrade her for the world (and sorry bunny she'sMINE!)

However I was the one who posted that I do notsell rabbits as pets ---- BEFORE anyone starts jumping all over me onthis,please give me a chance to explain... Firstoff,I'll copy the postfor everyone else toread,I would like everyone to notice that I HAVE DONE MYRESEARCH... there is an over population ofrabbits in my area,the shelters here are overcrowded with them and the pet stores areoverflowing with even more.... on average you'll find 20 rabbits perpet store waiting for homes. Yes, I breedrabbitsfor showing purposes, however not all rabbits producedare show quality, or evenbreedingquality within myherd. I post rabbits that I don't "need" for sale on mywebsite... I give the opportunity for whoever may need that rabbit intheir breeding / show program to purchase those rabbits before theyhead out. I personally feel that I won't be helping the petstores and shelters if I send the rabbits there... so instead, I donatethem to my local Wildlife rehab centers. In my post, when Imention Wildlife or Raptor Rehab and Research... it's not Research likewhat's done in labs and such... OH NO, Never!!!... it's therehab and research of endangered species... conservationresearch. It is a well known fact that these conservationprograms and rehab centers are severely under funded and are barelyable to make ends meet... they rely on every donation they can possiblyget.

I'm deeply sorry if my opinions differ greatlythan yours, but in my situation and in my honest opinion, I personallyfeel like I'm helping out the best way I know how in two worlds -Wildlife rehabilitation as well as not increasing the over abundanceofrabbits in my local pet stores and shelters.

With that said, this was my response to someoneelse's post - again, I deeply apologize if it offendsanyone.

There are other outlets for rabbits besides Pet Homes.... Even for the smallest ND.

Pretty much everyone knows where I stand on this, but for those thatdon't - I refuse to sell any rabbits from my barn as "pets". Why?Because in my general area, there are at least 4 other breeders thatI'm aware of who are selling to Pet Stores and I've been noticing (overthe last 10 yrs especially) an increase in Rabbits at the 2 Localshelters. (I frequent the shelters just to take a look - I had lost adog a few years back, though I don't want her there, sometimes I hopeto find her.) So, the main reason I don't sell pet rabbits is in casefor some unforeseen reason the rabbit ends up in the shelter -Ultimately I'm responsible because I bred and sold the rabbit as a pet.

So instead - I sell to other breeders, and the one's that don't getbought (and that I don't need to keep) get donated to my local NatureCenter, Raptor Rescue & Research, Zoo, Wild Animal Park, andWildlife Rehab centers. I feel that my unneeded rabbits can at leastcontribute to a good cause. When I weigh the factors of what's a goodcause, contributing to Wildlife rehab and research out weighs a pethome.

I'm with*Name edited for privacy*and many others on this one.
Sunshine S. Patron
SunnieBunnie Rabbitry
Mini Rex rabbits in Lynx, Chocolate, REW, and Lilac.
I STILL can'tsee!!!!!!! ...
...I can't wait any longer though and will try to do the best I can underthe circumstances.

First, Raspberry, let me thank you for that most gracious and eloquentextension of the olive leaf. As always, very well written andvery well said.

Pam, thank you for that sincere and most succinct clarification of thestance of a responsible breeder (can't remember whether it was on thisthread or another).

Now, on to the issue at hand ... SunnieBunnie, you were challengedbecause you indeed looked foul. While we welcome and"tolerate", as Pam put it, all manner of philosophies and viewpointshere, what we don't tolerate is Trojan horseoccupants. I've seen the original post in its originalcontext and to be quite frank I was taken aback and a little shockedthat one that we accepted with open arms appeared to be "going behindour backs" and mocking us in a sense.

THAT BEING SAID ... Let me state for the record that I appreciate thematurity, thoughtfulness, and directness with which you replied to ourchallenge. A person whom I respect very much has always said,"I don't hear what you say; I hear what you do."The nature and spirit of your response, I believe, speaks volumes andearns you credibility in my eyes. The clarification of yourstance along with Pam's expansive exposition maximized in my mind theunderstanding of your personal philosophy as a breeder.

Most, if indeed any,here don't subscribe to the Breeder vs.Pet Owner conflict. You will find that we're VERY toleranthere of both viewpoints and in fact actively work to achieve a happymedium between the two perspectives to achieve an overall balance thatworks in the best interest of bunnies everywhere.

I look forward to more of your input to the board and to learning fromyour wisdom and knowledge as a breederof all thingsbunny. I won't promise that I'll always agree, but there'scertainly room for lively and respectful debate.

Now back to my ice pack, a darkened room, and hopefully a little sleepbefore my shift begins...
pamnock wrote:
Well said Raspberry!!! I commend SunnieBunnie on the maturityand restraint exhibited in the face of attack.
Pam, for the sake of clarification (and trust me, no rancor isintended), SunnieBunnie wasn't "attacked"; she was"challenged" to explain herself in the face of a somewhat contextuallyquestionable post ... which she has done ... to my satisfaction atleast ... :).
Carolyn wrote:
SunnieBunnie and Pam,

It certainly does help to understand the logic behind S.B.'s reason notto sell to pet owners. I also completely understand why the folks heregot angry and decided to address it. Being a pet owner, I doubt you'dappreciate the attitude and things that were said. I think BuckJonesdid an EXCELLENT job of nailing the sides of both parties down in hisreply to that post. Once Again, Buck Jones comes through. (Thanks Buckfor speaking up for the other side when no one else was.)

Actually, I think we're all the wiser for it and I'm very glad it all came out. Now we can move on.

Let's not just walk in breeders shoes here either. As there are a lotof pet owners that aren't responsible, so goes the breeders as well.

I believe that SunnieBunnie is a responsible breeder


Having owned a *pet* housebunny, *pet* chinchilla, *pet* hamster, *pet*mouse, *pet* fish, a number of *pet* dogs, *pet* chicken, a couple*pet* ponies, *pet* turtle, many *pet* cats, numerous*pet*birdsand even a *pet* monkey at one time . . .

Ido believe I *have* walked in a pet owner's shoes as well! LOL :cool:
pamnock wrote:
Well said Raspberry!!! I commend SunnieBunnie on the maturityand restraint exhibited in the face of attack. A lesserperson would have defensively lashed out --but SunnieBunnieis experienced and strong in her convictions because much considerationhas gone into the responsibility of being a breeder.

Put yourself in the shoes of a breeder and walk a few miles with me . . .

You are faced with this decision: Should this bunny be soldto a family with good intentions that may later have a lack ofcommitment to their pet which may suffer neglect, or should we respectthis life and treat it with dignity, even if that means making thedecision to euthanize this animal? It is a very personaldecision and I don't think any responsible breeder should be lynchedfor making it.

This board has always shown *tolerance* toward all interests, and I hope it continues to do so.


Along with this, if you'll be so kind as to bear with me (and forgiveme if I've misinterpreted), this was not an attack on the personaldecisions of responsible breeders at large; however, it WASan attack on any who disrespect and disregard the personal decisions ofpet owners.

I think that you know, Pam, that we ALL here hold you in the highestrespect and regard and at NO TIME have any of us challenged or held yoususpect in any regard (CAPS simply for emphasis ...:)).

No offense intended at all to breeders in general.

(Oh, dear ... am I rambling again? My head really hurts and Ireally can't see... ...I hope that I'm making myself clear and not making aclearmiscommunication worse.)
rabbitgirl wrote:
boy...I guess I can walk in both shoes....:p

I'm a "sometime" breeder (Hols and Pals!!)and pet owner. Itry to be responsible in both, like all of us. I remember making a lotof stupid mistakes in thebeginning, though.

Rose, you do a good job in walking in both shoes too!!! :D

Yes you are, Pam.

I would say many responsible breeders did have a pet at some point intheir lives, which is why for the life of me I can't figure out whysome 'breeder boards' bash the pet owners.

I completely agree with BunnyMommy about this being an attack as opposed to a challenge.

I also feel that it's tolerated and welcomed to express both sides ofthe coin in the rabbit fancying world on this forum unlike so manyothers that seem to be heavy right- or left-winged.

As proven in this thread, the people here have an open mind. I do feelit's good that our members have the same right that they do elsewhereby expressing their concerns and thoughts on the matter. In keepingtheir minds open and being able to have this discussion, perhaps we'veall learned something. I do believe that the reason why our numbers arehigher than any other rabbit forum I've to date come across is becauseour open minds and our tolerance of all aspects of rabbits. That said,when things are stated not to help pet owners, not to sell to petowners, etc., please don't expect pet owners to keep quiet and notfight back. I'm sure you'd find that none of us would appreciatebreeder bashing as well. As stated many times in this forum, whenpeople are looking for rabbits, we direct them to shelters orresponsible breeders. I think we're very fair.

Dearest BunnyMommy,

Turn off the computer, and lay down. I hope your migraine is alreadysubsiding. I'm so sorry if this upset you so much to give you aheadache.

Feel Better.

Much Love,
Irresponsible *individuals* -- be they pet owners*or*breeders. There are a few bad applesin every barrel :(


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