Us Against Them

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BunnyMommy wrote:
Now, on to the issue at hand ...SunnieBunnie, you were challenged because you indeed lookedfoul. While we welcome and "tolerate", as Pam put it, allmanner of philosophies and viewpoints here, what we don'ttolerate is Trojan horse occupants. I've seen theoriginal post in its original context and to be quite frank I was takenaback and a little shocked that one that we accepted with open armsappeared to be "going behind our backs" and mocking us in asense.

I'm sorry if it came across that way in my post, it wasnot intended or directed as such. When I noted that I agreedwith another poster, I was agreeing that there were some of thoseForums out therethat I have run across. Oneofwhich I was removed/banned because of one of my responsesto a member who's bunny had diarreah after them giving it a bowl ofmostly oats, some Broccoli, lettuceand a handfull ofcarrots. I was in no way at all referring to this forum, orothers similar that I belong to... Just referring and agreeing thatyes, thoseother forumsdo exist where breedersadvice is not appreciated. Like I've said in another thread -I have never been nor will I ever become a two-face.

Hi, again SunnieBunnie. Yes, weunderstand now. As I've indicated, all is forgiven on thisside. I hope that it is on your side also. :)

Thank you once again for the wonderful spirit that you've shown in getting all of this straightened out.
BunnyMommy wrote:
P.S. I too am sorry for anyoffense.
Huggs right on back ((((((BunnyMommy))))))

No offense taken, just a misunderstanding that hopefully is now under the bridge and miles down stream.


Itseems to be a never ending battle, but hopefully we canlearn and accept that at least in here, we can agree that we are BOTHBreeders AND Pet Owners with one thing in common ----




There has only been two people banned from this board. Both becausethey were insulting and disrespectful. One recently and yes heconsiders himself to be a breeder, although I beg to differ with thatas I've been to his establishment and it was a far cry from the adviceand what he says he does in the rabbit forums.

He was banned from this forum strictly because he was verbally abusiveto so many members. The information he gave also had much to be desiredand when questioned or another side was pointed out, he got very nasty.I had warned him numerous times to stop his bad behavior, but ratherthan stop, he got worse, started breaking 'the guidelines of the forum'such as insulting, swearing, etc. We had 35 requests from our membersto get rid of him. He was a member here for at least 6 months or sobefore he was banned. He had plenty of opportunity to correct hismouth. I'm sure today he feels very sorry for himself and as he saidback in the archives of this forum, we just didn't want to hear what hehad to say because he's a breeder. Nothing could be further from thetruth.

The pet owners of this forum have always welcomed breeders with openarms and have complimented and respected them Over and Over again.Quite honestly, it was refreshing to read in your post that youappreciate responsible pet owners as well because I don't see that alot.

In this board, we do care for each other - no matter what ourbackground and try to help each other out as much as we can. Even thelikes of Pamnock has learned some things in this forum.
My point is that we accept and appreciate all aspects of rabbitfancying and anyone that is willing to take the time to help and have afew laughs along the way.

We've had some fights here. Myself included has had some knock-downdrag-outs at a time or two, but I can assure you, we get past it and itdoes wash away.

Everyone should feel proud of what they do for their rabbit(s) nomatter what they are doing in the rabbit world. This is a peacefulenvironment where both worlds can coexist and have a good time andlearn together if one takes the time to read a few posts here andparticipate.

Thank you for all you have done to help our members, and I hope youwill continue to give your advice and thoughts. We may not alwaysagree, as stated above, but we do owe it to each other to berespectful. Those that aren't, don't get far here.

I hope you enjoy the forum from here on in.


Sounds like thatsums it up pretty well to me. All's well that ends well and that sortof thing...I won't try to further expound on this subject because Ithink it's been thoroughly gone through now and everyone knows howeveryone feels.

Maybe now we can get back to somebunnynapping plots, rabbit Halloween costume ideas,and know, normal stuff!

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Maybe now we can get back to somebunnynapping plots, rabbit Halloween costume ideas,and know, normal stuff!

Raspberry, how's Sebastian?... ....*cough, cough*... ...I mean...

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